Spanish Sentences using sobre
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There was a book here that had some data on the life of Rubén Darío.
Did you give the boss all the information on the matter?
Please, could you inform me about the guided visits to the museum?
He works harder than you and, most important, he is not as arrogant as soon.
To solve the dispute about the property, we needed the property value documents.
The museum shop has many interesting books about their own collections
I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.
I have spoken with my lawyer about the problem in the customs.
I need an envelope before I can send this letter.
When you all have seen the movie, we will talk about it.
You are lying to the dentist about your toothache.
I would like to have some information about package tours in the north of Spain.
They are flying over the area where the accident occurred.
She finished telling about her vacation but she did not finish telling us about her accident.
We can ask for information at the tourist office about hotel availability in this city
The luggage which is over the bench is María's.
She always ends up getting her own way with her friends.
Do you want to attend a little course on computer language?
We would have spoken with the principal about your situation, if you would have told us about it.
The more one thinks about it, the hardest it gets.
We had spoken with the receptionist about the reservation.
I brought you a special book about Mexico to read. Did you bring me one too?
Teresa is talking to her friend about the excursion.
First of all, do you know anything about our company?
Please, could you inform me about investment funds?
Good morning, I would like to discuss the possibility of obtaining a mortgage.
The wine bottles that I saw on the table, have you bought them?
When you sell the house, you may have to pay capital gains tax.
The German poets who I wrote an essay about are all dead.
Good morning, I would like to know about the photography courses given in this school.
You may leave the luggage in the compartiments located above the seats
At the florist's you can be informed about when to transplant certain plants
¿Tienes preguntas sobre lo que digo?
Do you have any questions about what I'm saying?
Creo que sé bastante sobre este tema.
I think I know enough about this subject.
Sobre gustos no hay disputa.
There is no arguing over tastes. (Everyone to his own taste).
Me gusta nadar, sobre todo en una piscina.
I like to swim, especially in a swimming pool.
Habra una investigación sobre el accidente.
There'll be an investigation into the accident.
Nosotros estamos preguntando al doctor sobre el estado del paciente.
We are asking the doctor about the patient's condition.
Los enfermeros están preguntando al recepcionista sobre los expedientes médicos.
The male nurses are asking the clerk about the medical records.
La doctora está preguntando al enfermo sobre lo que siente en la espalda.
The doctor is asking the patient about what he feels in his back.
Siempre quise saber más sobre la apicultura.
I always wanted to know more about beekeeping.
Julia está preguntando al doctor sobre su próxima cita a la clínica.
Julia is asking the doctor about her next appointment at the clinic.
Yo estoy preguntando al urólogo sobre el problema de la próstata.
I am asking the urologist about my prostate problem.
Sobre el astillero se colocan las lanzas.
Upon the rack the lances are placed.
Nosotros entendemos todo sobre la enfermedad causada por el coronavirus.
We understand everything about the illness caused by coronavirus.
No pongas la toalla mojada sobre la cama.
Don't put the wet towel on the bed.
Los escolares han escrito un texto sobre sus vacaciones.
The pupils have written a text about their holidays.
Las cajas estan sobre las plataformas.
The boxes are on pallets.
Una telefonista dará los informes sobre el concurso.
A switchboard operator will give the information about the contest.
Dar un discurso sobre
to give a speech on
Allí se darán los informes sobre el concurso.
The information about the contest will be given there.
Allí darán los informes sobre el concurso.
They will give the information about the contest there.
La película es sobre dos hermanos que persiguen a un ratón.
The movie is about two brothers that pursue a mouse.
¿Has leído el último artículo sobre economía mundial?
Have you read the last article about the global economy?
La imagen se encuentra sobre el Pilar.
The image is found on top of the pillar.
Llamar la atención sobre
to call attention to
Los boletos están en el sobre que está abierto.
The tickets are in the envelope that is open.
Los libros estaban sobre la mesa.
The books were on the table.
Los libros los dejé sobre la mesa de la cocina.
I left the books on the kitchen table.
Muchas criticas sobre el mundo perfecto del Gobierno son verdaderas.
The many criticisims of the perfect world of the government are true.
¿Sobre qué tratará la charla del profesor?
What will the professor's lecture be about?
Juan, ¿usted fue a la clase sobre seguridad?
Juan, did you attend the safety class?
Ellos están mintiendo al doctor sobre los síntomas que tienen.
They are lying to the doctor about their symptoms.
Oscar y yo estudiamos un libro sobre medicina.
Oscar and I study a book about medicine
No comparten la misma opinión sobre ese asunto.
They don't share the same opinion on this matter.
Sobre cero
Above zero.
El visitante está siguiendo a la enfermera para preguntar sobre el paciente.
The visitor is following the nurse to ask her about the patient.
Debatamos sobre hechos, no sobre mitos.
So let us have a debate based on the facts, not on the myths.
¿Hay que etiquetar sobre grasas, sobre azúcares, sobre grasas trans?
Is labelling on fat, sugar and transfats necessary?
"¡No," gritó, "sobre el gato no, sobre los animales no!"
'No!' she shrieked, 'not on my pussy cat, not on animals!'
Yo preguntaba sobre programación y sobre fechas.
I asked for plans and dates.
Información sobre medicamentos (código comunitario sobre medicamentos) (
Information on medicinal products (Community code relating to medicinal products) (
No existen controversias sobre valores o sobre objetivos.
There is no dispute over values or objectives.
Sobre la enmienda 31
Relating to Amendment No 31
Sobre la enmienda 6
Relating to Amendment No 6
No discutiré sobre ello.
I am not going to debate it.
No me pronuncio sobre su contenido.
I am not expressing an opinion on their content.
Consideremos esto sobre todo.
He - more than anyone - should be in our thoughts when dealing with this subject matter.
Volveré sobre ello.
I shall come back to this point.
Deseábamos hablar sobre Guatemala.
We were going to discuss Guatemala.
Sobre el apartado 38:
With regard to paragraph 38:
Sobre Estrasburgo no dice nada.
It says nothing about Strasbourg.
Sobre la enmienda 14
Relating to Amendment No 14
¿Sobre qué vamos a hablar?
What do we want to talk about?
Sobre el apartado 39
With regard to Paragraph 39
Decisión sobre la urgencia
Vote on requests for urgent procedure
Volveré brevemente sobre ello.
I will return to that in a moment.
sobre ayuda humanitaria a Goma.
on humanitarian aid for Goma.
Una palabra sobre Symmetry.
I should like to say a few words on Symmetry.
Sobre las enmiendas individuales.
Now to the individual proposed amendments.
Intervenciones sobre temas judiciales
Speeches on points of order
Volveré sobre este asunto.
I will come back to this.
Decisión sobre la urgencia
Vote on request for urgent procedure
Volveremos sobre esta cuestión.
We will bring this issue up again.
Sobre el objetivo.
I will comment on the objective.
Enseguida volveré sobre ellas.
I will come back to them shortly.
Ahora sobre el Iraq.
Let me now turn to Iraq.
Hemos votado sobre ellas.
We have voted on these.
He preguntado específicamente sobre eso.
I specifically asked for that.
Podríamos reflexionar sobre ello.
That should give us some food for thought.
Volveré sobre este asunto.
I will come back to this.
Responderé sobre el particular.
I will respond to that.
Detengámonos a reflexionar sobre ello.
Let us pause and reflect upon this.
Hemos votado sobre 36.
We have voted on 36.
¿Sobre qué nos preguntan?
What do they ask us about?
Volvamos sobre esta iniciativa.
Let us return to the initiative.
Volveré sobre este punto.
I shall return to this point.
Eso sobre la forma.
That is what I have to say with regard to procedure.
No nos equivoquemos sobre eso.
Let us make no mistake about that.
Sobre estas premisas me he abstenido.
On this basis I abstained.
¿Qué opina sobre ello?
What is his position on this?
Trabajaremos sobre esas cuestiones.
We will be working on those issues.
No volveré sobre ellos.
I shall not go back over it.
¿Hay noticias sobre ellos?
Is there any news on these?
Votaremos sobre ella mañana.
We will vote on it tomorrow.
Trabajaremos sobre esto.
We will work on this.
Volveré sobre este punto.
I shall come back to this.
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