Spanish Sentences using vivir
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The Arturo says that he loves Rosa María and that he can't live without her.
Nowadays, we live in an worldwide economic crisis.
I'd love to live in Australia and to have a kangaroo.
Juan lived in Puerto Rico before he moved to New York.
While you live in Madrid, you won't have problems with accomodation.
When I lived in Paris I used to ran into him sometimes.
Cristina has not lived in France for four weeks.
Mauricio lives in Italy, but drives a Spanish car.
In October, we will have been living here for ten years.
In October, they will have been living here for ten years.
You all used to live near the entrance to the city.
Perhaps if petroleum were not to exist we would live more in peace.
I'm from a small town, but I've always lived in the city.
Would you live a love story with a friend that lives far away from you?
You will go to live in Barcelona as soon as you find a job.
The king lives in a chalet in the outskirts of the capital.
You guys that would live near the school to save travel time...
If I lived in El Salvado, I would speak differently.
Creo que los adivinos viven del cuento.
I think fortune-tellers live off of other people.
Para vivir sacrificaría su razón de vivir.
In order to live it would be sacrificing its reason for living.
No quieren vivir apartados.
They do not want to live apart.
No podemos vivir así.
We cannot live like this.
Vivir en Europa significa tener que vivir con compromisos.
But living in Europe means living with compromises.
Ya no podemos vivir sin electricidad.
Nowadays, it is impossible to live without electricity.
Tienen que vivir con ello.
You have to live with it.
No debéis vivir en un búnker.
You do not need to live in a bunker.
Con esto no se puede vivir.
People cannot live on that.
Tenemos que vivir con ello.
We will have to learn to live with that.
Tenemos que vivir con nuestras conciencias" .
We must live with our consciences."
Es evidente que prefiere vivir al día.
It obviously prefers a hand-to-mouth existence.
Un óvulo no fecundado deja de vivir.
An ovum that is not fertilised ceases to live.
Debemos vivir en el mundo real.
We must live in the real world.
Debemos vivir en el mundo real.
We have to live in the real world.
Hemos de vivir en el mundo real.
We have to live in the real world.
Hay que vivir en términos positivos.
We must live in a positive way.
Debemos poder vivir en estas zonas.
We must be able to live in these areas.
Desean vivir según sus valores culturales fundamentales.
They wish to support their fundamental cultural values.
No podemos vivir sin sal o azúcar.
You cannot live without salt or sugar.
No podemos vivir con el Tratado de Niza.
We cannot live with the Treaty of Nice.
Es imposible vivir sin una finalidad».
It is impossible to live without purpose.'
Desea vivir, pero no ve futuro alguno.
The people want to live yet they do not see any future.
Israel: tienes derecho a vivir en paz.
Israel: you have the right to live in peace.
No podemos decidir si desean vivir en EE.
We cannot decide whether or not they want to live in the USA.
¡Es como vivir en un sueño!
It is like being in a dream!
Parece que creemos vivir en otro mundo.
We seem to think that we live in a different world.
Todos debemos aprender a vivir con nuestra historia.
Everyone must learn to live with their history.
No podemos vivir los unos sin los otros.
We can not live without one another.
Podemos y debemos vivir con presupuestos equilibrados.
We can and we must live with balanced budgets.
Procuramos vivir en el mundo real.
We try to live in the real world.
Yo deseo vivir en una democracia.
I would like to live in a democracy.
¡Los consumidores tenemos derecho a vivir sin venenos!
We consumers have the right to a life without poison!
¿Qué es lo prioritario? ¿Vender o vivir?
Is selling or living more important?
El ser humano no sólo necesita medios para vivir, sino también y sobretodo razones para vivir.
The human being not only needs to be given the means to live, but also, and above all, he needs the reasons to live.
Hoy el Comisario Verheugen ha dicho que vivir en Europa es vivir con transacciones.
Today Commissioner Verheugen said that to live in Europe is to live with compromises.
No se trata de «matar y morir» sino de «vivir y dejar vivir».
It is not ‘Kill and be killed’, but ‘Live and let live’.
Es preciso que, por fin, Europa coma para vivir y deje de vivir para comer.
Eventually, Europe must learn to eat to live and stop living to eat.
No hay nación que pueda vivir y funcionar de esta manera.
No nation can live and function like that.
Los serbios, gitanos y otras minorías tienen derecho a vivir allí.
The Serbs, Roma and other minorities have a right to live there!
Opino que trabajamos para vivir y no vivimos para trabajar.
I am of the opinion that we work to live and not the other way round.
Tenemos que vivir y ganarnos la vida en esos lugares.
We have to live and earn a living in these places.
¿Qué medios tienen para vivir o mantener a sus familias?
What means is available to them to earn a living and support their families?
Yo quisiera abogar por otro nombre: vivir aprendiendo.
I read a plea for calling it instead 'learning as you live' .
No podemos vivir sin el flujo continuo de este líquido.
Without a continuous supply of water, we would not survive.
Israelíes y palestinos deben poder vivir en paz, como vecinos.
It must be possible for Palestinians and Israelis to live in peace, side by side.
Ambos pueblos deben poder vivir en paz y seguridad.
Both peoples must be able to live in peace and security.
El sistema es inflexible y tenemos que vivir con ello.
The system is ruthless and we have to live with it.
Debería poder vivir de la venta de sus productos.
It should be able to live from the sale of its products.
Si se elige a los no reformistas, tendremos que vivir con ello.
If the non-reformers are elected, we shall have to live with that.
Los jóvenes dijeron a la policía que «no merecía vivir».
The youths told the police that 'he was unworthy of life'.
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