Spanish Sentences using problemas
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The school has organized extra support classes for children with learning problems
Do you think the technical problems of the factory have been solved?
I will try to locate the problems of your product.
Have you had difficulty in articulating words.
While you live in Madrid, you won't have problems with accomodation.
The problems ended by buying us a sleeping bag.
How long have you had problems with your husband?
This is what I do: every day I solve social problems.
If you were to find a job, you wouldn't have problems anymore.
Philosophy is the study of problems related to questions such as existence.
We are sorry you had a problem with the product.
El aterrizaje de la nave transcurrió sin problemas.
The spaceship landing occurred without problems.
Las ramas y los problemas que componen a la filosofía han variado mucho a través de los siglos.
The range of problems that make up philosophy have varied much through the centuries.
Ella siempre ha cargado con los problemas de su familia.
She has always been burdened with her family problems.
El ginecólogo está diciendo a la señora los problemas que tiene en el útero.
The gynecologist is telling the lady about her uterus problem.
Muchos son los países con problemas de drogadicción.
Many are the countries with drug addiction problems.
Es verdad que el país tiene muchos problemas por su ubicación geográfica.
It is true that the country has a lot of problems because of its geographic location.
Pensar con anticipación soluciona problemas.
Thinking in advance will solve problems.
Ellos estaban adivinando las respuestas de los problemas de física.
They were guessing the answers to the physics problems.
Carlos tiene algunos problemas con su coche. El necesita uno nuevo.
Charles has some problems with his car. He needs a new one.
Los pacientes con problemas cardiacos necesitan ir al hospital con frecuencia.
Patients with heart problems need to go to the hospital frequently.
¿Resolviste los problemas de algebra?
Did you solve the algebra problems?
Con frecuencia el no resuelve adecuadamente los problemas.
Frequently he does not solve problems adequately.
Los Ings. Ruiz y Guzmán han resuelto problemas mucho más dificiles que ése.
Messrs. Ruiz and Guzmán have solved much harder problems than that one.
No le den (Uds.) problemas a sus maestros. (formal, plural)
Do not give your teachers problems.
¿Tiene problemas al respirar?
Do you have trouble breathing?
Habla de problemas no resueltos.
It talks about unresolved problems.
He tenido problemas con Pedro durante tres días.
I have had problems with Pedro for three days.
Tome medidas de precaución cuando realice la prueba para evitar problemas.
Take precautionary measures when you do the test to avoid problems.
Me faltó resolver los problemas de álgebra.
I did everything but my algebra problems.
Nos meteremos en problemas si hacemos eso.
We will get ourselves into trouble if we do that.
Mi hermano pasó toda la tarde resolviendo unos problemas de álgebra.
My brother spent all afternoon working on some algebra problems.
Yo voy a tratar de localizar los problemas de su producto.
I will try to troubleshoot your product for you.
Tenemos tres problemas destacados.
We have three outstanding problems.
Estos problemas siguen existiendo.
Unfortunately, these problems have not been solved.
Debemos resolver esos problemas.
We must solve these problems.
No estamos ante problemas nacionales.
These are not national problems.
Pero hay más problemas.
We also face other problems, however.
Plantea problemas de viabilidad.
The directive causes problems of enforceability.
Esos problemas no han desaparecido.
These problems have not, of course, gone away.
Problemas prácticos los hay.
There have indeed been practical problems.
Los problemas son numerosos.
There are plenty of problems.
Y hubo algunos problemas.
And there were a few problems.
Estos problemas tienen solución.
These problems are not insoluble.
Son problemas de sociedad.
These are problems for society.
No tenemos problemas, al contrario.
We do not have any problems with them; quite the opposite.
Surgirán dificultades y problemas.
Difficulties and problems will arise.
¿Solucionará todos los problemas?
Will it solve all our problems?
Incluso eso plantearía problemas.
That would also raise problems.
Existen numerosos problemas distintos.
There are a whole lot of different problems.
No tenemos problemas para viajar.
We have no problems with travel.
Pero seguimos teniendo problemas.
But we still face problems.
No obstante, plantea nuevos problemas.
It gives rise, however, to new problems.
Y esto acarrea problemas.
That is not without its problems.
No faltan los problemas.
There is no shortage of problems to deal with.
¿Qué problemas han surgido?
What problems have become apparent?
Esto no presenta demasiados problemas.
So that does not present too many problems.
Los problemas subsisten.
Those problems are still there.
Existen otros problemas.
There are a number of other problems.
Esto plantea dos problemas.
There are two problems here.
Ello resolvería muchos problemas.
That would solve many problems.
Estos problemas no han desaparecido.
These challenges have not gone away.
No son los únicos problemas.
They are not the only problems.
¿Qué problemas hay aquí?
What are the issues here?
Este informe no plantea problemas.
There are no problems with this report.
¿Cuáles son esos problemas?
What legal problems are these?
No obstante, los problemas no escasean.
However, there is no shortage of issues.
Podrían surgir problemas.
Problems might very well arise.
Recordaré los principales problemas.
Let me recall the main problems.
Esto plantea dos problemas.
This actually raises two problems.
¿Dónde hay problemas?
And where is it struggling?
No debemos infravalorar estos problemas.
We should not underestimate the problems related to this.
Naturalmente, hay problemas.
Of course, there are problems.
Conocemos perfectamente esos problemas.
We know all about those problems.
Naturalmente hay algunos problemas.
Naturally there are a few problems.
Existen problemas salariales.
There are problems with wages.
Achaquémoslo a problemas de interpretación.
Let us put it down to interpretation difficulties.
Tenemos problemas económicos y sociales y tenemos problemas medioambientales.
We have economic and social problems, and we have environmental problems.
Detrás de los problemas presupuestarios se esconden los problemas económicos.
Behind budgetary problems lie economic problems.
Existen problemas de empleo y problemas que afectan a los trabajadores.
There are employment problems, there are employees.
Generalmente no hablan sobre sus problemas diarios para evitar problemas.
They usually remain silent about their daily problems in order to avoid difficulties.
Por ello los problemas de Chernobil son también nuestros problemas.
Therefore Chernobyl's problems are our problems, too.
Debemos corregir estos problemas reales.
We must address those very real issues.
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