Spanish Sentences using mal
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Dragons have very bad breath due to their obsession with spitting fire.
Since we didn't like those girls over there, we didn't used to invite them to our parties.
Those buildings look bad built, which worries me.
I have a stomach ache and I think it is due to eating some food in bad condition.
The little girl was cryiing as if the fruit hadn't agreed with her.
Donkey: It wouldn't hurt him to pass up a beer every now and then.
Central American women have been treated poorly by civil society.
There's nothing like a long walk to beat a bad mood.
You are so dirty minded that you never believe anyone.
With no doubt those are words that would never come out of my mouth, I would never speak badly of Marcelo.
He always hits his wife when he is in a bad mood.
The teacher was mad. He was in a very bad mood.
Esta biblioteca tiene libros en muy mal estado, ya va siendo hora que proceda a renovar ciertos ejemplares.

This library has books in very bad condition, and it is already time to renew some of them
Today the weather is not good, that is why we're going to stay home.
It didn't seem right to me that you made the doctor wait.
As long as he is in a bad mood, it is better to leave him alone.
Cantar mal
to sing out of tune
Soy pésima cantando, mi voz suena muy mal.
I'm a lousy singer, my voice sounds really bad.
Muchos adolescentes se alimentan muy mal.
Many teenagers eat very poorly.
Tener mal aspecto / Tener mala cara
to look ill
Yo cocino muy mal.
My cooking is very bad.
Con mal tiempo
In bad weather
Oler mal
to smell bad
Tengo mal genio, al igual que mi padre.
I'm short tempered just like my dad.
Nos sentíamos mal después de comer allí.
We felt sick after eating there.
El mal tiempo impedirá que comamos en el jardín como queríamos.
The bad weather will keep us from eating in the garden as we planned.
La sociedad civil ha tratado muy mal a las mujeres centroamericanas.
Civil society has treated Central American women poorly.
Comprender mal.
To misunderstand
Te has pasado, es una broma de muy mal gusto.
You passed, it's a joke in bad taste.
Me siento mal / Estoy mal
I am not doing well
En realidad no suena tan mal.
In reality, it doesn't sound so bad.
El gobierno corrupto hace un mal uso de los ingresos nacionales.
The corrupt government misuses the national income.
Menos mal que no tengo que llevar corbata en la oficina.
Thank god I don't have to wear a tie at the office.
Hace mal tiempo.
The weather is bad.
Usted será transferido a una prisión de máxima seguridad por su mal comportamiento.
You will be transfered to a maximum security prison for your misconduct.
¿El correr se te hace mal a las rodillas?
Does running hurt your knees?
Esto está mal.
This is wrong.
A el le fue mal en química.
He failed in chemistry.
Los puertos cierran por mal clima.
The ports close due to bad weather.
¿Por qué me lo debo tomar a mal?
Why should I get offended by it?
(Él) tiene aspecto de estar enfermo / parece estar enfermo / tiene mal aspecto
he appears to be ill
He estado sintiéndome mal, y con náuseas.
I feel bad, and nauseous.
Pedro se porta mal en la escuela.
Pedro misbehaves in school.
No está mal.
It's not bad.
No te lo tomes a mal.
Don't get offended by it.
No está mal. ¿A ti qué te parece?
It's not bad. What do you think?
¿Por qué seré tan mal pensada?
Why do I think such bad thoughts?
Se siente mal, creo que tiene gripe.
She feels sick, I think she has a cold.
Se tomó muy mal el comentario.
She was offended by the comment.
El cigarro huele mal.
The cigarette smells bad.
¡Cómo es posible que la carretera esté cerrada por el mal tiempo!
How can the freeway be closed due to bad weather!
Tengo mal genio, igual que mi padre.
I'm short tempered just like my dad.
Ahora parece que el coronavirus puede ingresar al cuerpo humano de varias maneras.
Now it seems that the coronavirus can enter the human body in various ways.
¡Menos mal!
And just as well, in my view.
No me interpreten mal.
Do not get me wrong.
Me huelen mal.
It smells a bit to me.
No me entiendan mal.
Please do not misunderstand me.
Me expresé mal.
I did not make myself clear.
Esto está mal y mal fundamentado.
It is wrong and ill-informed.
Todo esto acabará mal.
It will all end in tears.
No está nada mal.
That is not a bad result.
El mal está hecho.
What is done is done.
Es un mal comienzo.
This is a bad start.
Seguro que sale mal.
That is bound to go wrong.
Siempre encajará mal a todos.
It will always be a poor fit for everyone.
A mí no me parece mal.
I have no problem with this.
¡No está nada mal!
That is nice for him!
Está mal que no asistan.
It is wrong for them not to be here.
Está mal dotado.
It is not properly funded.
Tal me haya expresado mal.
Perhaps I did not explain myself very well.
Sería un mal cálculo.
That would be a bad calculation.
Es un mal comienzo.
It is a bad start.
Es un mal resultado.
It is a bad outcome.
Esto empieza mal.
That is a bad start.
Y todavía va mal.
But we knew what we meant.
Si Europa va mal, la ASEAN va muy mal.
If Europe is doing badly, then ASEAN is doing very badly.
No estamos gestionando mal nosotros tampoco.
We are not doing a bad job of management.
Esto constituye un mal precedente.
This is a bad precedent.
Nuestra Unión no va demasiado mal.
Of course, unemployment is still too high, but 2.5 million new jobs have been created.
¿Significa que nada anda mal?
Does this mean that everything is smelling of roses, or that nothing is going wrong?
Ambas propuestas van mal encaminadas.
Both proposals are along the wrong lines.
La economía mundial va mal.
The world economy is in bad shape.
Realmente esto no está nada mal.
It is not really a bad result.
Nuestro trabajo está mal organizado.
Our work is badly organised.
¡Tampoco nos fue tan mal!
Oh, it was not as bad as all that!
Lo cual no está nada mal.
Which is not a bad thing at all.
Evidentemente, todo esto está mal.
This is, of course, wrong.
Vamos de mal en peor.
We are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
No vamos mal, pero no es suficiente.
We are fairly good, but not good enough.
Esperamos que hayamos entendido mal.
Let us hope that we have misunderstood it.
Está mal y debemos decirlo.
It is wrong and we should say so.
Ha sido un mal entendido.
There has been a misunderstanding.
Este proyecto está mal preparado.
This project has been ill prepared.
Les ruego que no me interpreten mal.
I do not want to be misunderstood.
He entendido mal su última observación.
I misunderstood your last point.
Es una transparencia mal entendida.
It is a travesty of transparency.
Pradier dijo: un mal nécessaire .
Mr Pradier speaks of a necessary evil.
Los socialistas tienen mal perder.
The Socialists are bad losers.
Siete directivas, no está nada mal.
Seven directives, that is no mean achievement.
¿Qué mal hay en ello?
What is the harm in that?
Incluso esto, conseguimos hacerlo mal.
Even there we manage to get it wrong.
Como saben ustedes, los responsables políticos mal informados juzgan mal y deciden mal.
As you know, political decision-makers who are badly informed make bad judgments and take bad decisions.
La intervención de la OTAN no es un remedio peor que el mal. Es un mal mucho peor que el mal.
NATO intervention is not a cure that is worse than the disease, it is a disease that is much worse than the disease.
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