Spanish Sentences using irritado
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The ¿Qué le pones para calmar lo que tiene irritado?
What can you put on him to make him less irritated?
Déjenme que lo explique. Incluso me siento levemente irritado.
Allow me to explain as follows - it will also speak of a certain amount of exasperation.
Señor Presidente, parece que mi mención a las dictaduras comunistas ha irritado considerablemente a un colega de la extrema izquierda.
Mr President, my reference to Communist dictatorships has clearly triggered feelings of great agitation in an MEP from the extreme left.
Señor Presidente, me encuentro especialmente irritado por los apartados referentes a Kosovo en el sólido informe del Sr. Lagendijk.
Mr President, I find myself particularly irritated by the sections about Kosovo in Mr Lagendijk's substantial report.
Ayer mismo me sentí considerablemente irritado al escuchar a los homólogos ruso y ucraniano declarar aquí que realmente no tuvieron ninguna culpa.
Even yesterday, I found myself considerably irritated when I listened to Russian and Ukrainian counterparts declaring here that they were certainly not at fault.
El Sr. Presidente Santer reaccionó ayer irritado ante una pregunta mía felicitándose entre otras cosas por no haber descendido a mi nivel.
President Santer reacted irritably to my question yesterday and accordingly congratulated himself on the fact that he was not descending to my level.
Primero, como ponente para la revisión de las perspectivas financieras, estoy consternado e irritado por la polémica, demagógicamente suscitada, en torno al programa de Irlanda del Norte.
First of all, as draftsman for the revision of financial perspectives I am worried and irritated by the demagogically motivated polemic about the Northern Ireland programme.
A todos nos ha irritado la ausencia inicial del Comisario si bien, de la misma manera, todos hemos acogido con satisfacción el hecho de que haya venido directamente de la reunión de la Comisión.
We were all irritated that the Commissioner was not here but, by the same token, we all welcome the fact that he has come straight from the Commission meeting.
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