Spanish Sentences using espera
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The It is hoped that the bridge can be used by the tourists.
John is hoping that Yolanda can go to the party with him.
We expect a cloudy day, with no chance of storm.
It is hoped that the palace will be restored by the government.
It is hoped that the chapel will be open before spring.
It is hoped that the victims will be rescued by the firemen.
John says that he hopes that I can go to the library with him.
Good manners would expect you to say 'de nada' when someone tells you "gracias".
The waiting time is shorter during lower volume of incoming calls.
We expect a cloudy day, with no chance of storm.
Wait until we unpack so you can see your presents.
I apologize if the queue to speak to someone was long.
The driver expects all passengers to be on time.
El profesor espera que nosotros aprendamos las palabras.
The teacher hopes that we learn the words.
María dice que ella espera que nosotros la podamos ayudar.
Mary says that she hopes that we can help her.
Se espera que el gobierno restaure el palacio.
It is hoped that the government will restore the palace.
Estaban en la sala de espera cuando llegaron las azafatas.
They were at the waiting room when the flight attendants arrived.
Juan dice que él espera que nosotros lo podamos ayudar.
John says that he hopes that we can help him.
Se espera que los bomberos puedan rescatar a las víctimas.
It is hoped that the firemen can rescue the victims.
Se espera que se rescate a las víctimas.
It is hoped that the victims will be rescued.
Juan dice que él espera que a nosotros nos guste el regalo.
John says that he hopes that we like the gift.
Se espera que se les rescate.
It is hoped that they will be rescued.
El profesor espera que nosotros estudiemos en la biblioteca.
The teacher hopes that we are studying in the library.
El profesor espera que tú estudies en la biblioteca.
The teacher hopes that you are studying in the library.
El profesor espera que los muchachos estudien en la biblioteca.
The teacher hopes that the boys are studying in the library.
El espera comprar la casa.
He hopes to buy the house.
María dice que ella espera que tú puedas ayudar.
Mary says that she hopes that you can help.
María dice que ella espera que nosotros podamos ayudar.
Mary says that she hopes that we can help.
María dice que ella espera que los muchachos puedan ayudar.
Mary says that she hopes that the boys can help.
Juan dice que él espera que tú puedas ir a la biblioteca con él.
John says that he hopes that you can go to the library with him.
Juan dice que él espera que los muchachos puedan ir al cine con él esta tarde.
John says that he is hoping that the boys can go to the movies with him this afternoon.
Juan dice que él espera que nosotros podamos ir a la biblioteca con él.
John says that he hopes that we can go to the library with him.
Juan dice que él espera que los muchachos puedan ir a la biblioteca con él.
John says that he hopes that the boys can go to the library with him.
María dice que ella espera que yo la pueda ayudar.
Mary says that she hopes that I can help her.
El profesor espera que nosotros estudiemos.
The teacher hopes that we are studying.
No vayas a colgar que me tienen en espera.
Don't hang up because they have me on hold.
Ana espera que tú la puedas visitar este año.
Ana hopes you can visit her this year.
Con la esperanza de / En espera de
¿Cuándo espera firmarlo?
When do you expect to conclude it?
Es una espera muy larga.
That is a very long wait.
Se espera que sean fiables.
One such expectation is that the environmental statement should be reliable.
No le espera un recorrido fácil.
The road ahead of you is not an easy one.
La espera es mala consejera.
It is no good waiting.
Pues le espera una sorpresa.
Well, you are in for a surprise!
El Parlamento espera una propuesta.
Parliament is awaiting a proposal.
Nos espera una tarea ingente.
A huge task therefore awaits us.
No espera que vayan a mantenerse firmes.
It does not expect them to stand firm.
No tienen que quedar a la espera.
They do not have to wait for it.
El mundo no espera por nosotros.
The world is not waiting for us.
He aquí lo que nos espera.
So much for what is to come.
Concentrémonos en lo que nos espera.
Let us focus on the task in hand.
La Comisión espera a la votación de mañana.
The Commission awaits the vote tomorrow.
Pero ¿qué espera exactamente la sociedad?
But just what does society expect?
La Comisión lo espera con ansia.
The Commission is looking forward to this.
¿Qué nos espera en las semanas venideras ?
What lies ahead of us in the coming weeks?
La Comisión espera que esto suceda pronto.
The Commission hopes that this will soon be the case.
Estamos a la espera de una respuesta.
We are waiting for the reply.
Estamos a la espera de poder hacerlo.
We look forward to doing this.
Quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
El público espera una respuesta europea rotunda.
The public expects a powerful European response.
¿Debemos suspenderlo en espera de tiempos mejores?
Should we suspend it and wait for better days?
Quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
Estamos a la espera de algunos resultados reales.
We wait for some real results.
Quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
Nos espera un enorme volumen de trabajo.
We have a huge amount of work facing us.
Nos espera otro año de este barullo.
We have another year of this din in store for us.
Quedo a la espera de sus comentarios.
I look forward to hearing your comments.
¿A qué espera la Comisión para actuar?
Why can the Commission not act straight away?
por escrito. - (ET) El tiempo no espera a nadie.
in writing. - (ET) Time waits for no man.
Estamos a la espera de recibir más información.
We are waiting for further information.
Quiero agradecer a la Comisaria Kuneva la espera.
I should like to thank Commissioner Kuneva for waiting.
Quedamos a la espera de ese futuro informe.
We will await this future report.
Sigo a la espera y con esperanzas.
I am waiting and hoping.
El mundo espera resultados por nuestra parte.
The world is expecting results from us.
Si no es así, ¿qué conclusiones espera obtener?
If not, what conclusions does she expect to draw?
Toda Europa así lo espera de nosotros.
The whole of Europe expects this of us.
Quedo a la espera de nuestro debate.
I am looking forward to our debate.
Estamos a la espera de una directiva marco.
We are waiting for a framework directive.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta.
I look forward to your response.
Nos espera un año sumamente difícil.
The year ahead of us is a very challenging one.
Eso es lo que este Parlamento espera.
That is what this Parliament expects.
Quedo a la espera de sus observaciones.
I look forward to hearing your views.
La sociedad no espera pacientemente a que nos despertemos.
Society will not wait patiently for us to wake up.
Quedamos a la espera de sus futuros trabajos.
We look forward to further developments.
¿Qué resultados se espera obtener con ello?
What are the expected results of such action?
Espera que su consejo será seguido.
It hopes that its recommendation will be taken up.
La actualidad internacional no espera a nuestras vacilaciones procedimentales.
International events will not await our procedural hesitations.
A la oposición le espera una difícil tarea.
A difficult task awaits the opposition.
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