Spanish Sentences using dieron
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The Did you give the boss all the information on the matter?
What a homework! It's almost impossible that you did all that they gave you.
Did they give you many presents on your birthday?
Didn't they give you any instructions to fill out the application?
Some islands to which they gave the name Canary Islands.
¿Se quedó boquiabierto con la contestación que le dieron?
Did their response make his jaw drop?
Nos dieron este folleto en la oficina de informes.
They gave us this pamphlet at the information office.
Al comprar el televisor me dieron el DVD gratis.
Upon buying the television set, they gave me the DVD for free.
No, no me dieron ningunas instrucciones.
No, I wasn't given any instructions.
Los muchachos me han dicho que te lo dieron ayer.
The boys have told me that they gave it to you yesterday.
¿Sabes si los muchachos le dieron a María el dinero para comprar los boletos?
Do you know if the boys gave Mary the money to buy the tickets?
Yo creo que ellos se lo dieron.
I believe that they gave it to her.
¿ Se lo dieron?
Did you give it to her?
Yo no sé si ellos se lo dieron.
I don't know if they gave it to her.
No vomité aunque me dieron arcadas.
I didn't vomit even though it made me wretch.
Me dieron muy buenos consejos.
They gave me very good advice.
Dieron en el clavo.
You have got the right emphasis.
Ya las dieron por anticipado.
They have done them in advance.
También a ese respecto se dieron pasos adelante.
Some progress was made on this issue too.
Tres mujeres dieron a luz en esas condiciones.
Three women gave birth to children in these conditions.
Los alemanes nos dieron camiones Mercedes Benz.
The Germans gave us lorries, they gave us Mercedes Benz.
Los franceses nos dieron camiones Renault.
The French gave us lorries, they gave us Renaults.
Los italianos nos dieron camiones Fiat.
The Italians gave us lorries, they gave us Fiats.
Y los británicos nos dieron camiones Leyland.
And the British gave us lorries, they gave us Leylands.
Se dieron respuestas a las cinco preguntas formuladas.
The five questions put down were answered.
El pasado verano se dieron las condiciones adecuadas.
Last summer, the conditions were amended, with good reason.
Dejemos de lado la teoría, los modelos que no dieron resultado.
Out with theory, the models which did not produce results.
Las exitosas Presidencias francesa y portuguesa dieron impulso a numerosos asuntos.
Progress was made on a number of issues by the very successful French and Portuguese presidencies.
No se dieron explicaciones sobre los motivos de su despido.
He was given no reasons for his dismissal.
En las primeras fases las restricciones de desplazamiento no dieron resultado.
Movement restrictions were not effective in the early stages.
Dieron lugar a algunos avances, pero también a muchos pesares.
They resulted in a measure of progress, but also in many regrets.
De 114 transacciones transfronterizas, solo 75 dieron pie a una entrega.
Of 114 cross-border transactions only 75 actually resulted in a delivery.
Pero los acontecimientos dieron la razón a la ciudadanía europea.
Events, however, proved the European public right.
Nuestras discusiones me dieron una idea del ambiente de Porto Alegre.
Our discussions gave me a sense of the mood in Porto Alegre.
En todas partes les dieron la misma información.
Everywhere they were given the same information.
Me gustaría recordar que las elecciones armenias dieron lugar a protestas serias.
May I remind you that the elections in Armenia gave rise to no serious protests.
Comentaré ahora dos temas que dieron lugar a una grave confrontación.
I shall comment on just two issues which have caused serious confrontation.
A continuación, dieron a 27 personas un poder total ilimitado.
Then they gave 27 people total unlimited power.
Unas elecciones democráticas dieron el poder al Presidente Allende.
Democratic elections brought President Allende to power.
Fueron los Estados Unidos los que dieron su brazo a torcer.
It was the United States which blinked.
Dieron preferencia a sus disputas de campanario y se produjo el drama.
They put their own petty squabbles first, and the rest is history.
El nuevo compromiso contenía, no obstante, pequeños cambios que, a su vez, dieron origen a nuevas protestas.
However, the new commitment included some minor changes which, in turn, led to a further complaint.
Sabido es que los primeros pasos se dieron hace ya varios meses.
As you know, the first steps were taken some months ago.
Un señor más mayor, de 60 años, añadió: "A mí me dieron sólo 20.000 euros" .
"An older man who was about 60 added: "I only received EUR 20 000" .
En el pasado actos de este tipo dieron lugar a una acción militar.
In the past, such actions have resulted in military action.
Quisiera concluir con una pregunta al Sr. Solbes Mira: ¿Por qué no dieron más tiempo a Irlanda?
I want to conclude by asking Mr Solbes Mira why he did not give Ireland more time.
No fueron sólo los sindicatos quienes dieron la alarma, también los empresarios.
It is not just the trade union associations, but it was also the employers who sounded the alarm.
La sabiduría y el prestigio de Mandela dieron a Sudáfrica una autoridad incomparable en el mundo.
The wisdom and the prestige of Nelson Mandela gave South Africa enormous authority in the world.
La Presidencia participó activamente en las deliberaciones que dieron lugar al envío de esa carta.
The Presidency was closely involved in the deliberations which led to the letter's being sent.
Y los habitantes de Praga se dieron cuenta de que esta es la opinión general.
And people in Prague noticed that this is the general view.
El segundo aspecto al que se le dieron menos oportunidades se refiere a las sustancias peligrosas.
The second point, which was given less of a chance, relates to dangerous substances.
Recordemos que hace 12 años se dieron al Iraq 15 días para que se desarmara.
Let us remember that 12 years ago Iraq was given 15 days to disarm.
Ustedes nos dieron el mandato de aportar mejoras técnicas a la tercera. No se preocupen que lo haremos.
You are giving us a mandate to make technical improvements to the third part, and you can count on us to do that.
¡Ustedes me dieron su voto de confianza partiendo de una línea política!
You gave me your vote of confidence on the basis of a political line!
He actuado siguiendo los consejos que me dieron en este asunto, entiendo que sin malicia ni prejuicio alguno.
I have acted on the advice I took on the matter, which I believe was offered with no malice or prejudice.
Se esperó mucho tiempo y se dieron respuestas totalmente inapropiadas sobre la posible solución.
It waited a long time and gave what were in fact wholly inadequate answers as to what the solution might be.
Dicho de otro modo, todas las explicaciones que se me pidieron se dieron en el momento oportuno.
In other words, all the explanations I was asked to give were provided in good time.
Las elecciones celebradas en Bulgaria el 25 de junio dieron un resultado poco claro.
The elections in Bulgaria on 25 June produced an unclear result.
Los ciudadanos de los nuevos Estados miembros dieron y siguen dando mucha importancia a esta cuestión.
Citizens of the new Member States placed great importance on this and still do.
Resultó imposible ayudar a la víctima porque le dieron tres días para abandonar el país.
It was impossible to help the victim because she was given three days’ notice to leave the country.
En 2004, solo 37 diputados dieron cuenta de la ridícula cantidad de 234 000 euros.
In 2004, just 37 Members accounted for a ludicrous EUR 234 000.
Lo soltaron cuando se dieron cuenta de que era diputado ¡a este Parlamento!
He was released when it was realised that he was a Member of Parliament – this Parliament!
Esas enmiendas dieron lugar, anoche al término del debate, a la celebración de un acuerdo.
Last night at the end of the debate an agreement was reached in relation to these amendments.
Por eso, ofrezco las disculpas que a mí no me dieron, para abandonar la sala en estos momentos.
I would therefore like to offer my apologies for leaving the Chamber now – apologies such as I, for my part, was not given.
Fueron los neerlandeses los primeros en bordear el Cabo de Hornos y le dieron su nombre.
It was Dutch people who first sailed round Cape Horn and gave it its name.
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