Spanish Sentences using cultural
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Podemos organizarle un recorrido cultural.
We can organize a cultural tour.
Comparte nuestro patrimonio cultural.
It shares our cultural heritage.
Patrimonio cultural - Programa Rafael
Cultural heritage - the Raphael programme
Primero, la óptica cultural.
First of all, the cultural one.
Patrimonio cultural - Programa Rafael
Cultural Heritage - the Raphael programme
Patrimonio mundial, cultural y natural
World cultural and natural heritage
¿Cómo defenderemos el contenido cultural?
How will we protect the cultural content?
Constituyen un espacio cultural común.
They are a shared cultural space.
Existe una excepción cultural europea.
There is a European cultural exception.
Todo esto me huele a apartheid cultural.
All of this smacks to me of cultural apartheid.
Los automóviles también integran nuestro patrimonio cultural.
I think we would all agree on that.
Cooperación cultural en la Unión Europea
Cultural cooperation in the EU
los programas trienales de cooperación cultural,
the three-year cultural cooperation plan
¿Hay alguna identidad cultural entre ellos?
Is there any cultural identity between them?
El problema es cultural y grave.
The problem is cultural and serious.
Más bien se debió a una cuestión cultural.
It was far more a matter of culture.
Trabajar en el terreno social y cultural.
Attaching priority to the social and cultural spheres.
¿No pelea Francia por la famosa excepción cultural?
Does France not fight for the famous principal of cultural exception?
Con frecuencia hablamos del patrimonio cultural europeo.
We often talk about Europe's cultural heritage.
Sería una especie de imperialismo cultural.
That would be a form of cultural imperialism.
Asimismo tiene un valor cultural y medioambiental.
It also has its own cultural and environmental value.
Hablaba de cultura, de diversidad cultural.
They were talking about culture and about cultural diversity.
Responderá a un sistema cultural de valores.
It will be responsive to a cultural system of values.
Debemos invertir en una mayor libertad cultural.
We have to invest in more cultural freedom.
Tiene importancia económica, social, cultural y ambiental.
It is of economic, social, cultural and environmental importance.
La diversidad cultural también quiere decir esto.
This is also what is meant by cultural diversity.
Era reconocido y valorado cultural y políticamente.
It was recognised and valued both culturally and politically.
Ello provocará un cambio cultural sistemático.
That will bring about a systematic change in culture.
La proximidad geográfica no equivale a cercanía cultural.
Geographic proximity does not equate to cultural closeness.
Necesitamos gobernanza democrática de la diversidad cultural.
We need democratic governance of cultural diversity.
Esto supondría un visado cultural automático.
That would mean an automatic cultural visa.
Asunto: Protección de la creación cultural europea
Subject: Protection of European creative works
Si Europa no la protege, no tendremos creación cultural.
If Europe does not protect creative works, we will not have them.
No podemos aceptar un genocidio cultural como este.
We cannot accept cultural genocide of this sort.
De lo contrario, perderán su identidad cultural.
Otherwise, they will lose their cultural identity.
No existe un único "patrimonio cultural europeo".
There is no single 'European cultural heritage'.
Dicho cambio cultural va a requerir tiempo.
That cultural shift is going to take time.
Nuestros ciudadanos tienen apetito educativo y cultural.
Our citizens have an educational and a cultural appetite.
¿Neocolonialismo o indigencia intelectual y cultural?
Neo-colonialism or cultural and intellectual poverty?
Y no hablo de la política cultural.
And I have not mentioned cultural policy!
Unas últimas palabras sobre el aspecto cultural.
A last word on the cultural aspect.
La diversidad cultural no es un lema, sino una necesidad, tanto cultural como económica.
Cultural diversity is not a slogan. It is a cultural and economic necessity.
Todo esto constituye su dieta cultural, que modela su perfil y su identidad cultural.
All this constitutes their cultural diet, thereby shaping their profile and their cultural identity.
Pero no solo es una industria comercial, es también cultural, pues se enriquece con la diversidad cultural.
However, it is not only a commercial industry, it is also a cultural industry, as it is enriched by cultural diversity.
La UE tiene un patrimonio cultural común y respeta la diversidad cultural.
The EU has a common cultural heritage and respects cultural diversity.
Para garantizar nuestra diversidad cultural y desarrollar nuestra creación cultural son necesarias medidas de protección.
Protective measures are essential to guarantee our cultural diversity and develop our cultural creative production.
Quiero, creo, sobre todo subrayar ese aspecto cultural, es decir, el valor cultural del libro.
I think that I would especially like to highlight this cultural aspect i.e. the cultural significance of books.
La diversidad cultural es importante y está amenazada.
Cultural diversity is important, and it is under threat.
Es cierto que los gustos son de orden cultural.
Tastes are certainly culturally conditioned.
El segundo ámbito es el del libro como bien cultural.
My second point concerns cultural assets.
No podemos cerrar los ojos ante esta segunda revolución cultural.
We cannot close our eyes to this second cultural revolution.
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