Spanish Sentences using considerado
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The I would know so many things that without a doubt I would be consider a kind of wiseman.
Plácido Domingo es considerado uno de los mejores tenores del mundo.
Plácido Domingo is considered one of the top tenors in the world.
El chambelán del rey era considerado uno de los servidores más cercanos.
The king's chamberlain was considered one of the closest servants.
Está considerado un pacifista.
He is considered to be a pacifist.
Ya hemos considerado esa fórmula.
We did consider that formula.
El ministro está considerado como un deportista.
The minister is reputed to be a sportsman.
Desde un principio he considerado esto como ilusorio.
I found that illusory from the very start.
También hemos considerado la presentación de enmiendas.
We have also looked at tabling amendments.
¿Ha considerado el Consejo esta cuestión?
Has the Council considered this?
También hemos considerado el grado de culpabilidad.
We also considered the degree of guilt.
Ha sido considerado, educado y riguroso.
He was considerate, courteous and thorough.
Esto nunca se ha considerado una condición.
That has never been seen as a condition.
Siempre lo he considerado de un modo distinto.
I have always seen it differently.
Hasta ahora, no se ha considerado necesario.
So far, these have not been considered necessary.
Siempre lo he considerado más bien un hospital.
I have always considered it more like a hospital.
He considerado la excelente observación del Sr. Tillich.
I was just contemplating Mr Tillich's excellent point.
Se han considerado varias direcciones en los trabajos.
Several items were entered on the agenda.
Ciertamente, hemos considerado todas estas pistas con mucho interés.
These are all, of course, avenues which we have considered with great interest.
Mi Grupo no ha considerado nada oportuno añadir este objetivo.
My group certainly was not of the opinion that this should be added here.
Yo he considerado oportuno erigirme en portavoz de su solicitud.
I thought it only fair to be the spokesman for her request.
Se han considerado 10 de las 13 enmiendas del Parlamento.
Ten out of Parliament' s 13 amendments have been incorporated in part or in full.
¿Quién lo habría considerado posible 45 años atrás?
Who could have imagined, 45 years ago, that this would be possible?
Conque lo hemos considerado un nuevo ámbito de debate.
So we have made it a new area of discussion.
¿Se han considerado detenidamente y de manera apropiada ?
Have they really been properly thought through?
Estas son las principales cuestiones que ha considerado el Parlamento.
These are some of the major issues that Parliament has considered.
Siempre hemos considerado la Comisión como una especie de Gobierno.
We have always regarded the Commission as a sort of government.
Una vez considerado todo, he votado a favor de la propuesta.
All things considered, I voted for the proposal.
Desafortunadamente, las autoridades han considerado inadmisible esta enmienda.»
Unfortunately, this amendment was deemed inadmissible by the authorities.'
¿Hemos considerado que cada caso de exclusión genera odio?
Have we considered that every instance of exclusion engenders hatred?
Siempre hemos considerado importante el sector de la pequeña empresa.
We have always seen the small business sector as important.
¿Hemos considerado de algún modo la clase de personas implicadas?
Have we given any consideration to the kind of people that are involved?
Estos eran los puntos que he considerado necesario comentar.
These were the main points I deemed it necessary to comment on.
Ni siquiera han considerado las consecuencias financieras para la industria.
They have not even worked out the financial implications for industry.
Creo que se han considerado y evaluado todos los aspectos.
I feel that every aspect has been considered and assessed.
Muchos comentaristas la han considerado un fracaso para Europa.
Many commentators regarded the Summit as a failure for Europe.
Las preguntas siguientes no recibirán respuesta porque no se han considerado admisibles:
The following questions will not be answered because they were not deemed admissible:
Agradezco también a la ponente que haya considerado esta cuestión.
I would also like to thank the rapporteur who took this issue into account.
Asimismo, se le ha considerado como la conciencia de Europa.
It has also been called the conscience of Europe.
Por esta razón he considerado apropiado abstenerme de votar este informe.
On that basis I felt it appropriate to abstain on this report.
Por esta razón no hemos considerado otros sectores elegibles.
For this reason we have not considered other eligible areas.
Es precisamente por ello que he considerado conveniente apoyarlo íntegramente.
This is precisely why I have considered it appropriate to support it in its entirety.
¿Ha considerado la Comisión interrumpir la financiación del Fondo?
Has the Commission considered halting funding to the GFATM?
¿Hemos considerado adecuadamente qué valor añadido aportaría Islandia a Europa?
Have we considered adequately what Iceland's added value would be for Europe?
Hemos considerado importante el papel de los periodos de prácticas.
We felt that the role of traineeships was important.
Es un tema considerado hasta ahora como políticamente incorrecto.
Until now this was thought to be politically incorrect.
Originariamente hemos considerado que esta tesis era correcta.
Originally we thought this was the right approach.
Pero, ¿la hemos considerado seriamente desde el Parlamento?
But have we as a Parliament taken that seriously?
Saben ustedes que la Comisión no ha considerado esta vía.
The Commission, as you know, did not do this.
Creo que el presente será considerado un informe innovador.
I think this report will be seen as a quite ground-breaking.
No sin sacrificios, he considerado conveniente seguir la vía que hemos seguido.
I had to make a sacrifice when deciding to follow the path we have taken.
Esto es algo que hemos considerado siempre inaceptable.
That we have found unacceptable.
Muchas veces, el mundo árabe incluso ni es considerado.
The Arab world itself often stays completely out of the picture.
La retirada militar de Chechenia sería un precedente considerado peligroso.
Military withdrawal from Chechnya was seen as a dangerous precedent.
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