Spanish Sentences using con
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I talked to María or Irene --I'm not sure which one.
I don't want to speak with the judge but with the senator.
Amanecí con fiebre.
I woke up with a fever.
No sufriré del coronavirus.
I will not suffer from the coronavirus.
Señores, pensemos con la cabeza no con el hígado.
Gentlemen, let's think with our heads not with our livers.
Ella juega con la muñeca.
She plays with the doll
Nosotros jugamos con muñecas.
We play with dolls.
Me gustaría con...
I’d like it with...
Hablar con fluidez
to speak fluently
Tener amistad con
to make friends with
Me asqueo con facilidad.
I'm easily grossed out.
Choqué con el camión.
I crashed into the truck.
Con agua fría
with cold water
con lágrimas en los ojos
with tears in one's eyes
Firmar con su nombre
to sign one's name
Comemos con Ana mañana.
We will eat with Marta tomorrow.
Con mal tiempo
In bad weather
Ser severo con
to be strict about
Con gran esfuerzo
with great difficulty
Con razón
justly / with good reason / rightly
Acertaste con su regalo.
You chose the perfect present for him.
Cabía esperar el brote de otra epidemia en China.
One could expect the outbreak of another epidemic in China.
El avión con destino a Mallorca viene con retraso.
The flight to Majorca is delayed.
hablar con fluidez
to speak fluently
¡Vaya con Dios!
Go with God!
No con palabras, sino con hechos.
Not so much with words as with deeds.
No con palabras, sino con hechos.
Not in words but in deeds.
¡Con todo y con eso!
It is still not bad though!
Lo hemos hecho con Libia, con Irán, con Corea.
We have done so in relation to Libya, in relation to Iran, in relation to Korea.
Espero con ilusión trabajar con usted y con su Gobierno.
I look forward to working with you and with your Government.
Esperamos leerlo con interés, incluso con impaciencia.
We look forward to reading the report with interest, not to say impatience.
Llegáis con retraso, con mucho retraso."
You are late, very late!"
No con quince voces, sino con una sola.
Not with fifteen, with one.
Codo con codo, hombro con hombro.
Side by side, hand in hand.
¿Con más flexibilidad o con más rigor?
With more flexibility or more rigour?
Con respecto a Irán, estamos con usted.
Where Iran is concerned, we are right there by your side.
¿Qué ocurre con nuestras relaciones con China?
What are our relations with China?
He hablado tanto con investigadores como con pescadores.
I have spoken with both research workers and fishermen.
Funciona con una persona, pero no con otra.
It works on one person, but does not work on another.
Con los Estados Unidos y con China.
With the United States and with China.
Debemos actuar con rapidez, pero con eficacia.
We must act quickly, but also effectively.
Con mucho gusto colaboraría con usted.
I would be happy to work together with you on this.
No podemos tratar con terroristas ni con dictadores.
We cannot deal with either terrorists or dictators.
¡Procédase con calma y con orden!
Let us proceed calmly and with due order!
¿Con una recomendación o con una directiva?
With a recommendation or a directive?
Firmamos acuerdos con Canadá y con Rusia.
We have an agreement with Canada and Russia.
Así sucede con Lituania y con Bulgaria.
This is true of Lithuania and Bulgaria.
Termina justamente con glasnost y con Gorbachov.
One sign of glasnost is that nothing happens.
Termino con esto.
I would like to end on the following point.
Perseveraremos con medidas semejantes.
We will persevere with such measures.
Me solidarizo con esa observación.
I have some sympathy with that remark.
Con unanimidad no resultan operativos.
None of them is currently operative.
¿Qué ocurre con eso?
What is the progress here?
Lo digo con pesar.
I say this with regret.
Lo manifiestan con regularidad.
They make this quite clear on a regular basis.
Con esas dos características.
I wanted to highlight these two aspects.
Siempre con nuevas excusas.
She gives one excuse after another.
Pero no basta con eso.
But that is not enough.
Coincido mucho con ella.
It really struck a chord with me.
Estamos dialogando con China.
Right now, we are engaged in a dialogue with China.
Lo esperamos con impaciencia.
This is something we are impatiently awaiting.
No lo digo con ligereza.
I do not make that point lightly.
Con esto tenemos bastante.
We have more than enough to deal with.
Me quedo con la sugerencia.
Your suggestion has my support.
Debemos aprobarlas con urgencia.
We must adopt them as a matter of urgency.
Podemos reunirnos con ellas.
We can get them round the table.
Coincido plenamente con ello.
I fully agree with this.
Sí, también con él.
Yes, it was actually him!
Necesitamos colaborar con Rusia.
We need to cooperate with Russia.
Coincido plenamente con usted.
I could not agree with you more about that.
¡Y con urgencia!
This is a matter of great urgency.
Seguiremos con la votación.
We will continue with the vote.
No avanzamos con ello.
Where, though, does it get us?
Proseguimos con la votación.
We now continue with the vote.
¡Estamos actuando con personas!
These are people we are dealing with!
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- Spanish sentences using tener
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