Spanish Sentences using resultar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Due to the fire, several people got first-degree burns.
Due to the fire, several people were intoxicated by inhaling smoke
He told us he was a millionaire but everything turned out to be a lie.
At leat 18 people were injured in the accident.
He became a teacher because he thought this was the easiest thing.
His new friends turned out to be much better friends than his former friends.
The revolution for which success he had struggled his whole life, ended up being a disaster.
The guys that I thought my friends ended up being my enemies.
Su cara me resulta muy familiar.
Her face seems very familiar.
Su cara no me resultaba familiar.
His face wasn't so familiar to me.
¿Te resulta absurdo el pensamiento filosófico de Kant?
Does Kant's philosophical thought seem absurd to you?
Si la filosofía me resultase interesante habría disfrutado más.
If I found philosophy more interesting, I would have enjoyed it more.
Georgia teme resultar aislada.
Georgia fears that it will become isolated.
Los escándalos pueden resultar purificadores.
Scandals can have a cleansing effect.
Esto no puede resultar tan difícil.
That can be easy enough.
Solo un planteamiento global puede resultar exitoso.
Only an all-embracing approach will be successful.
Son situaciones que pueden resultar aparentemente superficiales.
These things are only seemingly superficial.
Pronto comprendimos que no iba a resultar tan fácil.
It was not long before we realised that it would not be so easy.
No sabemos cómo van a resultar los próximos días.
We do not know how the next few days are going to turn out.
He visto claro que esto no va a resultar.
I realized that this would not work particularly well.
En ocasiones es buena suerte resultar vencido en las guerras.
Sometimes it is better to lose than to win a war.
¡Suerte en la labor, puesto que no va a resultar nada fácil!
Good luck - the work will not be easy!
Los partidarios de los derechos humanos pueden resultar desencantados.
Human rights supporters are becoming disillusioned.
Es aquí donde las cifras comienzan a resultar confusas.
This is where the figures start to get confusing.
No dice que pueda resultar aceptable en cualquier otra forma modificada...
He is not saying that in any modified form it could be accepted ...
Compartir información en estos ámbitos sólo puede resultar beneficioso.
Sharing information in these areas can only be beneficial.
La transposición de esta Directiva no va a resultar sencilla.
That is the question. Transposing this directive into law will not be straightforward.
Debido a ello, la tarea legislativa va a resultar debilitada.
Law making will be weakened as a result.
Solo así podremos resultar convincentes en el escenario internacional.
Only then will we be able to be convincing on the international stage.
Nos preocupa que la Agencia pueda resultar ineficaz.
We are concerned that the Agency may be ineffective.
Esto puede resultar interesante, pero no es algo nuevo.
That may be interesting, but there is nothing new about it.
Puede resultar caro, pero merece la pena pagar el precio.
This will be expensive, but it is well worth paying that price.
Incluso puede resultar útil enviar una delegación del Parlamento.
It might even be helpful to send a delegation from Parliament.
Eso es totalmente lamentable y puede resultar perjudicial a largo plazo.
This is truly regrettable and potentially damaging in the long run.
Puede resultar tranquilizador, tienen razón: también a otros les angustia esto.
Knowing that the world cannot be radically changed can be reassuring, you are right, but in other respects it can also cause anguish.
Teniendo presente la competencia, no debe resultar difícil contratar a nuevos trabajadores.
With competition in mind, it must not become difficult to recruit new workers.
Por ello, podría resultar más eficaz establecer normas concretas.
Thus, real standards could prove more effective.
Creo que va a resultar difícil de explicar a los ciudadanos europeos.
I think that is going to be hard to explain to European citizens.
La propuesta de la integración puede resultar compleja a primera vista.
The proposal for integration might seem complex at first sight.
Esto puede no resultar sencillo en estos tiempos de recesión global.
At this time of global recession, that may not be easy.
Debería resultar obvio por qué dicha analogía no es válida.
It should be obvious why this analogy is not valid.
Mi idea es que estos entorpecimientos no pueden resultar gratis.
My view is that these obstacles cannot be free of charge.
Concretamente, una financiación inicial rápida va a resultar muy importante.
In particular, fast start funding is going to be very important.
SOLVIT puede resultar decisivo para subsanar esta carencia.
SOLVIT can provide an important and key addition in this respect.
Asimismo, su interpretación tiene que resultar más sencilla.
It also needs to be easier to interpret.
Esto podría resultar contradictorio, pero en mi opinión, no lo es.
This would appear to be contradictory, but I do not think that it is.
(DE) Señor Presidente, obedecer a nuestra brújula moral puede resultar difícil.
(DE) Mr President, obeying your moral compass can be a tricky business.
¿Puede resultar una política de empleo sin finanzas?
Can an employment policy be implemented without funding?
Señor Presidente, es imposible resultar en este momento original.
Mr President, it is impossible to be original at this time.
No obstante, Señorías, es problema del Consejo el resultar creíble o no.
However, ladies and gentlemen, the Council's credibility or lack of credibility is its problem.
No debería resultar demasiado difícil llegar a un acuerdo sobre el conjunto.
It should not be too difficult to reach an overall agreement on this.
Michel Rocard ha propuesto un incentivo que puede resultar eficaz.
Michel Rocard has drawn attention to an approach on incentives that may be successful.
Puede resultar difícil aplicar prohibiciones, pero no descarto la posibilidad.
Prohibitions can be difficult to enforce but I do not want to exclude any options.
Da pie a unas interpretaciones que pueden resultar muy peligrosas.
It opens the way for misinterpretation which is very dangerous.
Ello no va a resultar tolerable para el Parlamento Europeo.
The European Parliament will not simply let this pass.
Estas perspectivas pueden resultar preocupantes para las generaciones futuras.
These perspectives could be worrying for future generations.
Eso puede resultar una dificultad para quienes los usen.
This can prove to be a difficulty for those who are using them.
En mi opinión, estas medidas pueden resultar perjudiciales.
I think that these measures will have adverse consequences.
Hacer ahora un anticipo de confianza va a resultar difícil a muchos.
Many people will find it very difficult to give a vote of confidence at this juncture.
Utilizar la expresión estafador de asilo puede resultar chocante.
You may be shocked by the use of the term asylum cheater.
También aquí, el apoyo que la Unión Europea se ha comprometido a prestar puede resultar muy útil, aunque en poco tiempo también puede resultar totalmente insuficiente.
Here too, the support the European Union has undertaken to provide may prove very useful, although within a short time it may also prove quite inadequate.
Este compromiso, por cierto, ya se ha alcanzado con los Estados miembros, por resultar más adecuado.
This compromise, of course, has already been agreed with the Member States as being more appropriate.
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