Spanish Sentences using cara
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The These chards do not look good, and spinachs look a little bit withered.
This table is too expensive and that one over there is ugly.
We should all paint the team flag on our faces to go to the game.
The problem is that the flat is in a very expensive area
We will be checking out Shakira's house. We will be checking it out.
Please put your face on the phoropter (eye examination machine).
We will be seeing Shakira's face. We will be seeing it.
They saw that he had something for them. We saw the smile on his face.
¿Puede sentir su cara cuando lo toco?
Can you feel me touch your face?
Su cara me resulta muy familiar.
Her face seems very familiar.
Su cara no me resultaba familiar.
His face wasn't so familiar to me.
Tener mal aspecto / Tener mala cara
to look ill
La madera es muy cara.
The wood is very expensive.
Los ladrones llevaban la cara tapada.
The robbers had their faces covered.
No deben verte la cara.
They shouldn't see your face.
Esta camisa es muy cara. Yo no quiero gastar tanto dinero.
This shirt is very expensive. I don't want to spend so much money.
Tienes cara de desvelada.
You look like you haven't slept.
Yo tengo cicatrices en la cara.
I have scars on my face.
¿Por qué esa cara tan pensativa?
Why such a pensive face?
Me lavo la cara.
I wash my face.
¿Cómo puedes tirarme un tomate en la cara?
How can you throw a tomato in my face?
Secarse la cara
to wipe one's face
Cúbrete bien la cara.
Cover your face well.
La cara es el espejo del alma.
The face is the mirror of the soul.
Esos boletos cuestan un ojo de la cara.
Those tickets are very expensive. (They cost an arm and a leg.)
Sofia se lava la cara.
Sofia washes her face.
No me acuerdo de su cara ni de su nombre.
I don't remember his name or his face.
El viento acariciaba mi cara cuando corría.
The wind was caressing my face when I was running.
No escondamos la cara.
We are not burying our heads in the sand.
La contaminación sale cara.
There is a price-tag on pollution.
Señorías, la incertidumbre sale cara.
Ladies and gentlemen, uncertainty is very expensive.
Cualquier institución pública sale cara.
Every public institution comes at a price.
La administración es demasiado cara.
The administration is too expensive.
Es la cara humana de Europa...
It is the humane face of Europe...
Eso es de cara al futuro.
That is for the future.
La pobreza tiene cara de mujer.
Poverty affects women more than anybody else.
Esta es la cara jocosa del asunto.
That is the funny side of it.
Pero también es cara la no ampliación.
But non-enlargement is expensive, too.
No vamos a echarnos en cara nuestras enfermedades.
We are not going to mention every illness we have ever suffered in another country.
Cada día nos muestra su cara real.
Every day it shows us its real face.
Aporta también de cara a los fondos.
This proposal also has significant implications for funding.
Es una institución ineficaz, cara e improductiva.
It is an inefficient, expensive and unproductive institution.
Es la cara execrable de la globalización.
What we are dealing with here is the ugly face of globalisation.
Esta es la cara fea del capitalismo.
This is the ugly face of capitalism.
Una patente así sería extremadamente cara.
Such a patent would be extremely expensive.
La energía cara te da una lección.
Expensive energy teaches you a lesson.
Eso es importante de cara a la transparencia.
This is important for transparency.
Pero también debemos ver la otra cara.
However, we must also see the other side.
La UE tiene que dar la cara.
The EU must bite the bullet.
Ésa es una cara de la moneda.
That is one side of the coin.
¡La UE muestra su verdadera cara!
The EU is showing its true colours!
Esa es una cara de la moneda.
That is the other side of the coin.
Esta es una cara de la moneda.
That is one side of the coin.
Habló de la cara humana del comunismo.
He spoke about the human face of Communism.
Necesitamos mirar a la realidad a la cara.
We need to see things as they really are.
La preocupación es de cara al invierno.
The concern is for next winter.
¡Atrévase a dar la cara y a decirlo!
Just come out and say it!
Cara, yo gano, cruz, tú pierdes...
Heads I win, tails you lose ...
La itinerancia de datos es extremadamente cara.
Data roaming is extremely expensive.
Ahora bien, no hay que taparse la cara.
Well, you cannot ignore the facts.
Esta transparencia es necesaria de cara a los ciudadanos y también de cara al Parlamento.
Our citizens need it and so does Parliament.
Será difícil enfrentarse cara a cara a nuestros electores en las próximas elecciones al Parlamento Europeo.
It will be difficult to face the electorate at the next parliamentary election.
La política es imprescindible para no vernos obligados a mirar la historia cara a cara.
Politics is necessary in order for us not to have to look history in the eye.
Yo decía que a través de reuniones cara a cara lograríamos aclarar malos entendidos y superar la desconfianza.
I conveyed that through face-to-face meetings we would succeed in clarifying misunderstandings and overcoming distrust.
Y eso debe incitarnos a no seguir encerrados en el cara a cara con los Estados Unidos.
This should encourage us to bring an end to the confrontation with the United States.
Quizá también a la Comisión le interesaría escuchar un relato individual, cara a cara, de la situación.
Perhaps it would not be without interest for the Commission either to hear a personal account of the situation on a one-to-one basis.
La Unión Europea es libre de mirar cara a cara a la realidad.
The European Union is free to see reality face to face.
Un Gobierno así no puede negociar con nosotros cara a cara ni como socio con igualdad de derechos.
Such a government cannot negotiate with us at eye level or as a partner having equal rights.
Me parece que la situación actual hace inevitable que los ministros se planteen cara a cara esa cuestión.
Given the current situation I think the ministers will be forced to consider it.
Esto es indigno, de cara a nosotros y, en cualquier caso, de cara al tema.
Such debates do no justice to us, let alone to the subject matter.
También de cara a EURODAC se debe considerar críticamente el convenio.
The agreement also attracts criticism with regard to EURODAC.
Parece que es la medida perversa de cara a las elecciones.
It seems to be heralding the elections in a perverse kind of way.
Considero esto injusto de cara a nuestras colegas y a nuestros colegas.
I do not think this is fair to these delegates!
La otra cara de la moneda también es cierta.
The other side of the coin is also true.
Son importantes, además, de cara a la formación de actitudes.
But it is also important in the forming of attitudes.
Conozco chicas chinas con la cara deformada por un cuchillo.
I know of Chinese girls whose faces have been slashed with knives.
Permítame hacer una sugerencia de cara al futuro.
Can I make a suggestion for the future.
No sólo el mercado interior es importante de cara a la ampliación.
It is not merely the internal market which is important for enlargement.
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