Spanish Sentences using alegro
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The I'm extremely happy that the baby was born. Congratulations!
Me alegro (de) que digan la verdad.
I am glad that you tell the truth.
Me alegro de que ella haya llegado.
I'm glad she (has) arrived.
Me alegro que el juez le haya creído.
I am glad the judge believed her.
Nos alegro de verte.
I am glad to see you.
Me alegro.
I am delighted by this.
Me alegro mucho.
I am very pleased about that!
Me alegro de ello.
This gives me great pleasure.
Y me alegro por ello.
And that is good news.
Me alegro de verlo.
It is a pleasure to see you.
Me alegro mucho de oírlo.
I am very pleased to hear it.
Me alegro de haberlo aclarado.
I am delighted that that has been cleared up.
Me alegro mucho por usted.
I am very pleased indeed.
Me alegro mucho por usted.
I am very pleased for you.
Me alegro por ellos.
I am pleased for these people.
Me alegro de ello.
I am pleased about this.
Me alegro de oír eso.
I am pleased to hear that.
Y de esto me alegro.
I am pleased about this.
Personalmente me alegro de todo esto.
Personally speaking, I welcome all of the above.
Me alegro de que así sea.
That makes me very happy.
Me alegro de verle, señor Oettinger.
Mr Oettinger, it is nice to see you.
Me alegro de que lo haya hecho.
I am glad that it has done so.
Me alegro, se lo agradezco y les felicito.
I am delighted; I thank you for this and I congratulate you.
Me alegro de que se celebre esta votación.
in writing. I welcome this vote.
Me alegro de que el BCE sea independiente.
I am glad that the ECB is independent.
Lo reconozco y me alegro por ello.
I recognise this and I am pleased about it.
Me alegro de que hayamos dado este paso.
I am pleased that we have now taken this step.
(PL) Señora Presidenta, me alegro por dos motivos.
(PL) Madam President, I am pleased by two things.
Eso es indiscutible y me alegro de eso.
That is beyond dispute and I am pleased about that.
Me alegro de que fuéramos capaces de rectificarla.
I am pleased that we were able to rectify that.
Pero me alegro de que de nuevo usted...
But I will be glad to see you at the ELDR Group again...
Señora Presidenta, me alegro de presentar esta propuesta.
Madam President, I am pleased to introduce this motion.
La felicito por ello y me alegro.
I congratulate them and I am very pleased.
Me alegro de que se haya rechazado.
I am glad it has been rejected.
Me alegro de que ese momento no haya llegado.
I am pleased that it has not come to that.
Me alegro de que se les haya derrotado.
I am glad they were defeated.
Me alegro por él personalmente, pero también me alegro por la causa que está defendiendo.
I am pleased for him personally, but I am also pleased about the case he has been making.
Por esa razón, me alegro de que celebremos la votación hoy.
I am glad for that reason that we are having the vote today.
Me alegro por la aprobación de la gestión concedida al Parlamento.
I am pleased to see that discharge has been granted to Parliament.
Por lo tanto me alegro de que se apruebe esta enmienda.
I therefore welcome the fact that this amendment has been adopted.
Me alegro de que el Parlamento estudie esta cuestión a fondo.
I am delighted with Parliament' s thorough investigation into this matter.
Me alegro de que haya estado usted ayer en Polonia.
I am pleased that you were in Poland yesterday.
Me alegro de que Europol disponga de equipos de investigación comunitarios.
I am glad that Europol will have joint investigative teams.
Es una solución que les satisface y me alegro por ello.
It is a solution that you are pleased with and I welcome this.
Me alegro mucho por estos aplausos para el Sr. Mingasson.
I am delighted by this burst of applause for Mr Mingasson.
Me alegro de que lo haya tenido en cuenta.
I am delighted that she has taken this on board.
Me alegro de poder estar presente en este momento histórico.
I rejoice to be able to be present at this historic moment.
Me alegro, porque mandaría una señal muy peligrosa en estos momentos.
I am glad, because it would send a very dangerous signal at this time.
Me alegro de que los representantes del Consejo estén aquí.
I am very glad that representatives of the Council are here.
Me alegro de que proceda usted de un Estado miembro pequeño.
I am pleased that you come from a small Member State.
– Señor Presidente, me alegro de que concluyamos este debate.
Mr President, I am keen that we finish this debate.
Me alegro que el ponente haya prestado atención a esta cuestión.
I am pleased that the rapporteur has devoted his attention to this issue.
Me alegro de que algunos Primeros Ministros sigan siendo europeos.
I am glad that some prime ministers are still European.
Me alegro de que luzca una salud estupenda y envidiable.
I am delighted he is in such wonderful and enviable health.
Resumiendo, me alegro de los cambios que se han introducido.
To sum up, I am pleased with the way in which adjustments have been made.
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