Online Spanish / English Dictionary  

Translation type:

Word to be translated:
Some Spanish -> English Translations
  figurado - figurative
  cimientos - grounding
  cobayo - guinea pig
  sátira - satire
  sarpullido - rash
  filología - philology
  las natillas - custard
  pertinente - apropos, pertinent
  sugerible - suggestible
  equívoco - equivocal, equivocation
  vocación - vocation
  abominación - abomination
  marcapasos - pacemaker
  arcada - archway
  dentadura postiza - denture
  virginia - virginia
  savia - sap
  con interrupciones - brokenly
  racionamiento - rationing
  intermediario - intermediary, middleman
  criadero - breeding place
  espina - thorn
  celebridad - celebrity
  cogote - bob
  vacunación - vaccination
  megáfono - megaphone
  acetileno - acetylene
  hedonismo - hedonism
  reabsorción - reabsorption
  radiactivo - radioactive
  abnegado - unselfish
  antiguo - former, old, ancient, antique
  completamente nuevo - brand-new
  motín - mutiny
  la lenteja - lentil
  costroso - scabby
  pollo - chicken
  matrimonial - marital, matrimonial
  súplica - entreaty, plea, supplication
  compañía - company; =---- por acciones=, stock
Some English -> Spanish Translations
  Spanish Word for bull
  Spanish Word for empire
  Spanish Word for card (playing)
  Spanish Word for Argentina
  Spanish Word for directly
  Spanish Word for central heating
  Spanish Word for Canada
  Spanish Word for conductor
  Spanish Word for door
  Spanish Word for awesome
  Spanish Word for bathing suit
  Spanish Word for confirm
  Spanish Word for afford
  Spanish Word for aerial
  Spanish Word for electricity
  Spanish Word for dresser
  Spanish Word for allergy
  Spanish Word for careful
  Spanish Word for develop
  Spanish Word for channel
  Spanish Word for any
  Spanish Word for acid
  Spanish Word for bookcase
  Spanish Word for correct (v)
  Spanish Word for breakdown
  Spanish Word for corner
  Spanish Word for beaver
  Spanish Word for doll
  Spanish Word for employee
  Spanish Word for camel

Popular Phrase: verbos y su clasificacion | Spanish Future Tense | Conjugated Verb: haber - there to be (impersonal) [ click for full conjugation ]