Spanish Sentences using voluntad
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Un monarca no puede extender su mandato a voluntad.
A monarch cannot extend his mandate at will.
Existe voluntad de reforma.
The will to reform is there.
Es una voluntad común.
It is a common desire.
Han mostrado la voluntad.
They have shown the will.
Así que pueden elegir a voluntad.
So they can choose for themselves.
Insisto, solo requiere voluntad política.
I would insist that it only requires political will.
¿Es falta de voluntad política?
Is it a lack of political will?
Pero vuelve a existir voluntad política.
There is, however, political will once again.
¿Existe voluntad para hacer eso?
Is there the will to do that?
Esta voluntad política es indispensable.
This political will is indispensible.
La voluntad política no debe decaer.
The political will must not fail us.
Desprecian la voluntad del Parlamento.
They treat the will of Parliament with contempt.
Esta es nuestra voluntad declarada.
That is our declared will.
Pero la voluntad está marcada.
The will is certainly there.
No es cierto. Hay una voluntad total.
On the contrary, there is an absolute will.
Y lo hemos hecho con buena voluntad.
We have done that with a good grace.
¿Pero qué quiere decir voluntad propia?
But what does voluntary mean?
Sin embargo, no necesitamos buena voluntad, sino resultados.
We do not need good will, however; we need results.
Algunos ya han expresado su voluntad.
Some have already expressed their will.
La buena voluntad europea ya no basta.
Good will on the part of Europe is no longer enough.
Has de decidir si existe la voluntad política.
You have to decide whether the political will is there.
Se necesita voluntad, conocimiento y cooperación.
Will, knowledge and cooperation are required.
Porque contra su voluntad no podemos hacer nada.
Because we cannot do anything against their will.
Si existe voluntad política, llegaremos a un acuerdo.
If the political will is there, we will agree.
¿Quiénes somos nosotros para oponernos a su voluntad?
Who are we then to claim the opposite?
Existe, por tanto, una voluntad de equilibrio.
There is therefore a desire for balance.
No es voluntad mía, ni mi responsabilidad.
It is not my will, nor my responsibility.
Comisario, confío en su voluntad política.
I have faith, Commissioner, in your political will.
No pretenda suicidarnos a todos contra nuestra voluntad.
Do not expect us all to commit suicide against our will.
¿Es esta la voluntad política de Europa?
Is this the political will of Europe?
Deberemos hacerlo con voluntad, energía y convicción.
This we shall do willingly, vigorously and with conviction.
Será únicamente una cuestión de voluntad política.
It will simply be a question of political will.
Mucho depende de la voluntad política.
A great deal is dependent on political will.
Solo se necesita visión y voluntad política.
It only requires vision and political will.
La voluntad del Parlamento siempre es decisiva.
Parliament's will is always decisive.
También se necesita la voluntad para actuar.
The will to take action is also needed.
Lo que hace falta es voluntad política.
What is needed is the political will.
No será fácil, requerirá de mucha voluntad política.
It will not be easy; it will require a lot of political will.
El mayor obstáculo, la voluntad política.
The greatest obstacle is political will.
La lista se podría alargar a voluntad.
This list could be extended forever.
No siento una voluntad política de cambio.
I detect no political will for change.
Demostremos que tenemos la voluntad de hacerlo.
Now let us show that we have the will as well.
No obstante, alguna buena voluntad ignora la realidad.
However, good intentions often overlook the reality of the situation.
Todo será cuestión de voluntad política.
Everything will come down to a question of political will.
Se precisará determinación y voluntad política.
We will need determination and political will.
Basta con que exista la voluntad política.
All that is needed is the political will.
Es necesario crear esa voluntad política.
There is a need to create that political will.
¡HACEN FALTA sentido común y buena voluntad!
Common sense and goodwill are VITAL!
Hay voluntad política de ampliar la UE.
There is a political will to enlarge the EU.
Pocas Presidencias han mostrado tan buena voluntad .
Few presidencies have won as much goodwill .
Lo que falta en la voluntad política.
What is lacking is the political will.
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