Spanish Sentences using tan
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I thought that John would bring us the tickets as soon as he bought them.
He was so nice that we ended up being very good friends.
Juan, buy the tickets as soon as the park opens.
Traffic is as bad a problem as pollution.
When I was a child I used to adore rain, but that afternoon was not so nice.
You would have bought the chalet if it weren’t for the high price.
I was reading all night; it was impossible to abandon such a fascinating novel.
Mom says that I must do homework as soon as I get home.
If I exercised a little every morning, I wouldn't be so fat.
Mary will be able to go to bed as soon as she does the homework.
Despite the high price of the tickets many people are going to the concert.
Do I look to you as pot-bellied as Don Quixote's sidekick? (m)
As soon as they have looked over your baggage, go to the immigration office.
I had already forgotten how strong these cigarettes are.
They told me that you had arrived as late as Mr. Aguilar.
I would have gone to the immigration office as soon as they had inspected my baggage.
If I weren't so tired, I would play a little more.
Aren't you glad that Elisa and David are so happy?
The wind blew so hard that it knocked our tent over.
Spain is known for its very interesting history.
¿Por qué tan poco tan tarde?
Why so little so late?
Tan cerca y, sin embargo, tan lejos.
So near, yet so far.
Pero no es tan sencillo.
This is not the case.
No sería tan grande.
That would not be so great.
Tan repugnante como eso.
That is how repugnant it is.
Yo no soy tan pesimista.
I am not so pessimistic.
No vale ser tan aprovechado.
You cannot make things so easy for yourself.
No soy tan ingenuo.
I am not that naive.
No debemos abandonar tan fácilmente.
We must not give up so easily.
Parecía todo tan maravilloso.
It all sounded so wonderful.
Pero no es tan sencillo.
However, this is not so simple.
¿Son realmente tan buenas?
Are they really all that great?
Tan sólo quería...
I only wanted to ...
Tan sólo quería asegurarme.
I only wanted to be sure.
Todo ello suena tan lógico y tan moderno, tan socialista, tan igualitario...
It all sounds so logical and modern, socialist, even.
No es algo tan difícil.
It is not rocket science.
No sería tan difícil.
It would not be so difficult.
Tan sencillo como eso.
It is as simple as that.
¡Es tan manifiestamente improbable!
It is just so blatantly unlikely.
Tan modestos no somos.
We are not quite so moderate.
No aplaudan tan pronto.
Please do not clap too soon.
No nos tranquilicemos tan fácilmente.
We should not be so easily reassured.
Esto no es tan difícil.
That is not even a difficult task.
¡Qué situación tan escandalosa!
This is a scandalous state of affairs.
¡Qué situación tan incongruente!
This is an absolutely inconceivable situation!
Es tan sencillo y tan complicado como eso.
It is both as simple and as complicated as that.
La situación nunca había sido tan mala ni tan peligrosa.
The situation has never been so bad and never been so dangerous.
¿Podremos enmendar esta directiva tan mediocre, tan mal preparada?
This directive is so mediocre and so badly prepared that the question arises, can we amend it?
Es tan sencillo como eso y tan difícil como eso.
It is as simple as that and as difficult as that.
No son unos costes tan elevados.
These costs are not very high.
¡No sean tan temerosos y negativos!
Avoid being so fearful and negative.
Por eso son tan populares.
This is why it is so popular.
¿Por qué es tan necesario?
Why is this so necessary?
No ha sido tan difícil, ¿verdad?
Well that did not hurt, did it?
No estoy tan segura de eso.
I am not so sure.
Es tan sólo una posibilidad.
It is merely a possibility.
¿Porqué es esto tan importante?
Why is this so important?
La realidad no es tan fácil.
The reality is not so easy.
Por ello estamos tan escépticos.
That is why we are so sceptical.
La pregunta no es tan peregrina.
This is a very pertinent question.
¡Seamos tan eficaces como ellas!
We need to be as efficient as they are.
Dejemos de ser tan hipócritas.
Let us stop being so hypocritical!
Tan ilegalmente como de Gaulle.
As unlawfully as de Gaulle.
... ¡No es tan malo como parece !
... it is not as bad as it sounds!
Entonces ya no sería tan eficaz.
It would then be nothing like so effective.
¿Por qué es tan importante?
Why is it so important?
¿Por qué es tan importante?
Why is that so important?
Pero no suelen ser tan inmediatas.
The reaction is not usually quite so immediate.
¿Por qué hacemos tan poco?
Why do we do so little?
Pero no todo es tan sombrío.
But not all is bleak.
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