Spanish Sentences using tampoco
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Has she been to Madrid? No, she doesn't know any Spanish either; but she knows how to dance.
He tried to open the door but he couldn't. So, he decided to wait for me. But I couldn't either.
Since she doesn't want to do it, she won't be able to do it.
I don't feel like slogging my guts out either!, since tomorrow is Monday and we have to go to work.
Mary didn't read the lesson. John didn't read it either.
Ella tampoco lo sabe.
She doesn't know either.
Tampoco te vayas a pasar, exagerada.
You shouldn't push it, drama queen.
¿Tampoco puedes quedar hoy?
You can't stay today, either?
Yo tampoco
neither do I
Como Tere no se subió al autobús, yo tampoco me subí.
Since Tere didn't get on the bus, I didn't get on either.
Si tú no quieres ir, yo tampoco quiero.
Neither do I, if you don't.
Tampoco me ha nombrado usted.
You did not call me either.
Pero tampoco podemos satanizarla.
But nor can we demonise it.
Tampoco necesitamos nuevos procesos.
Nor do we need any new processes.
Tampoco es eso posible.
That too proves to be impossible.
Espero que usted tampoco.
Neither have you, I hope.
Esto tampoco es deseable.
That is not want we want either.
Tampoco esto queda claro.
Even that is not clear.
Esto tampoco es nuevo.
So there is nothing new.
Tampoco pude responder a eso.
I could not answer that either.
Ni tampoco quejarnos.
It is not our job to complain.
No obstante, tampoco es suficiente.
Yet this is still not enough.
Tampoco bastará una convención.
A convention will not be enough either.
Esto tampoco puede ser.
This is not acceptable either.
Tampoco ha sucedido.
This has not happened either.
Quizá tampoco la haya.
Perhaps there is no epidemic either.
Este año, desgraciadamente, tampoco.
Unfortunately this year has been no exception.
Tampoco tenemos perspectivas financieras.
We do not have a financial perspective, either.
Eso tampoco funcionará.
That will not do either.
Tampoco sería realista.
Nor would it be realistic.
Pero tampoco hemos retrocedido.
However, neither have we gone back.
Tampoco hubiera sido posible.
Nor would this be possible.
Italia tampoco lo conseguirá.
Italy will not succeed either.
Eso tampoco está sucediendo.
That is not happening either.
Tampoco comeríamos más fresas.
There would be no more strawberries.
Nosotros tampoco queremos eso.
We do not want that either.
Tampoco se ha consensuado.
Nor is it a consensus.
Tampoco debemos olvidar eso.
Let us not forget that either.
Y tampoco pretendo hacerlo.
Nor do I want it to deliver it.
Esto tampoco es igualdad.
That is not equality, either.
Eso tampoco es correcto.
That is not right, either.
Tampoco hay referencias a Colombia.
There is no mention of Colombia either.
Tampoco hay protección alguna.
There is still no source protection.
Tampoco a mí me han parado.
They did not stop me either.
Tampoco existen trampas selectivas.
Nor is there such a thing as a selective trap.
No existe tampoco ninguna justificación.
There are no grounds for this.
Tampoco nos debe extrañar.
This too should not be off-putting.
Tampoco queremos complicaciones políticas.
We want no political complications there.
No, eso tampoco es suficiente.
We have to work actively for that.
Sinceramente, yo tampoco.
Neither did I, to be honest!
Esto tampoco debe suceder.
That too must not happen.
Tampoco eso es cierto.
That is not correct either.
Tampoco hay que exagerar.
There should not be too much rigidity either.
Esto tampoco es nuevo.
This too is nothing new.
Tampoco los parlamentos -ni tampoco pueden comprarse con dinero.
Nor is Parliament - and nor can they be bought with money.
No estamos gestionando mal nosotros tampoco.
We are not doing a bad job of management.
Tampoco está del todo resuelto.
This too has not been solved.
Tampoco gusta en el Parlamento.
Parliament does not like it either.
Nosotros prácticamente tampoco lo utilizamos.
We make virtually no use of it at all.
Tampoco debemos olvidar a estas personas.
Let us not forget those people either.
Pero esto tampoco es suficiente.
But that is still not enough.
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