Spanish Sentences using sumamente
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The Eso me parece sumamente grave.
I find that cause for extremely serious concern.
Es sumamente grave.
This is an extremely serious matter.
Estamos sumamente preocupados.
We are out of our minds with worry.
Esto es sumamente importante.
This is of the utmost importance.
Esto me parece sumamente importante.
This too is very important to my mind.
Me ha parecido sumamente interesante.
I think that was very interesting.
Eso sería sumamente peligroso.
That would be extremely dangerous.
Personalmente me siento sumamente alarmado.
I myself am terribly alarmed.
Es sumamente interesante.
It is really very interesting.
Y fue sumamente útil.
And it was extremely useful.
Esto es sumamente preocupante.
That is a cause for concern.
Por dos razones sumamente importantes.
For two quite crucial reasons.
Resulta sumamente difícil de comprender.
This is amazingly difficult to understand.
Tal cosa me parece sumamente lamentable.
I find that deeply regrettable.
Es una situación sumamente difícil.
This is an extremely demanding situation.
Esto nos parece sumamente improbable.
This strikes us as highly improbable.
Es un tema sumamente importante.
It is an extremely important matter.
Este tema es sumamente actual.
This subject is exceptionally topical.
Estas reformas son sumamente importantes.
These reforms really are important.
Ambas cuestiones son sumamente importantes.
Both issues are of major importance.
Esta cuestión es sumamente compleja.
This issue is one of extreme complexity.
Es un equilibrio sumamente difícil.
It is an extremely difficult balance.
Es un periodo sumamente excesivo.
This is much too long a period.
Esta política es sumamente hipócrita.
It really is hypocritical in the extreme to carry on such a policy.
Las culturas son sumamente diversas.
The cultures are too diverse.
Ese diálogo es sumamente importante.
That dialogue is tremendously important.
Todo esto es sumamente deplorable.
That is a matter of the deepest regret.
Pienso que es sumamente importante.
I think this was an extremely important ruling.
Señor Presidente, seré sumamente breve.
Mr President, I will be extremely brief.
Por tanto, es sumamente importante.
So that is terribly important.
El resultado es sumamente satisfactorio.
The result is nevertheless a very important one.
Su argumento me parece sumamente inconsistente.
I find that a particularly feeble argument.
Ésta es una estrategia sumamente arriesgada.
This is an extremely risky strategy.
Es sumamente inquietante y debe vigilarse.
It is very worrying and must be followed up.
Considero que esto es sumamente problemático.
I feel this is especially problematic.
Es sumamente importante garantizar la competitividad.
It will be very important to guarantee competition.
Señora Comisaria, estamos sumamente descontentos con ello.
Commissioner, we are extremely dissatisfied with this state of affairs.
La cuestión es sumamente delicada, muy controvertida.
It is a very delicate question, and a very controversial one.
Un caso sumamente difícil, en suma.
In short, it is a rather difficult case.
Si esto es verdad, me parece sumamente grave.
If that is true, it is an incredibly serious matter.
Nos encontramos ante una situación sumamente difícil.
This is a very, very difficult situation to deal with.
Es sumamente importante que estas reformas funcionen.
It is hugely important that these reforms should work.
Para la Comisión, esto es sumamente importante.
For the Commission, this is of the utmost importance.
Nuestros puntos de vista están sumamente alejados.
Our points of view are oceans apart.
La situación sigue siendo sumamente preocupante.
The situation remains extremely worrying.
Dos consideraciones son sumamente significativas, a mi parecer.
I think two of these are extremely relevant.
La primera decisión ha sido sumamente deplorable.
The first decision was utterly deplorable.
También es sumamente importante para la producción.
It is also of the greatest importance for production.
Y podemos verlo de forma sumamente práctica.
We can visualise this in very practical terms.
Sería totalmente injusto y sumamente imprudente.
That would be quite wrong and extremely foolish.
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