Spanish Sentences using rey
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The palace was built by the king in the 16th century.
The palaces were built by the king in the 16th century.
The chapel was built by the king in the 16th century.
King Mohamed VI promised he was going to help the war victims.
The chapels were built by the king in the 16th century.
I only need the king of diamonds to come out in order to win.
The tourists are going to see the king's palace tomorrow.
The reforms of the last king created a critical atmosphere.
The king lives in a chalet in the outskirts of the capital.
El navegante portugués propone al Rey de Portugal hacer una expedición a las islas de las Especias.
The Portuguese sailor proposes to the king of Portugal to make an expedition to the Spice Islands.
Se coronó al rey en la catedral.
The king was crowned in the cathedral.
Se dice que el rey se casó con la reina en esta capilla.
It is said that the king married the queen in this chapel.
El chambelán del rey era considerado uno de los servidores más cercanos.
The king's chamberlain was considered one of the closest servants.
El rey de España es Juan Carlos I.
The king of Spain is Juan Carlos I.
El pueblo se alegró de que el príncipe se casase con Doña Ximena, hija del rey de Godolandia.
The people were happy that the Prince was marrying Doña Ximena, the daughter of King of Godoland.
Su fuerte carácter le hizo entrar en conflicto con el Rey.
His strong character caused him to enter into conflict with the king.
Verás allí al Rey y al Presidente.
There you'll see the king and the presdident.
El Rey Gyanendra merece nuestro total apoyo.
King Gyanendra deserves our full support.
El rey Abdullah lo ha asegurado así.
King Abdullah assured him of this.
Hace falta decir el rey está desnudo.
We have to say that the emperor is naked!
El nuevo rey del terrorismo debería trabajar conjuntamente con un rey de la privacidad.
The new terrorism tsar should work in tandem with a privacy tsar.
Se negaron a marcharse y permanecieron leales al rey.
They refused to go and were loyal to the king.
En diciembre el Rey le cederá su palacio.
In December, you have the king' s permission to use his palace.
No podemos ser como las ranas que reclamaban un rey.
We cannot be like the frogs who demanded a king.
El consumidor debe ser el rey de la casa.
The consumer must be king.
No lo recuperó, así que apeló al Gran Rey.
He did not get it back so he appealed to the High King.
El mercado debía ser Dios; la competencia el rey.
The market was to be God; competition was to be king.
También lamento la ausencia del Rey de Marruecos.
I also regret that the King of Morocco was not present.
El rey Hussein se ha ganado justamente mucho crédito.
King Hussein has quite rightly earned a great deal of respect.
Este verano, durante las celebraciones del 750º Aniversario de nuestro Estado, descubrimos un monumento al primer y único rey de Lituania, el rey Mindaugas.
This summer, during the celebrations for our state's 750th anniversary, we unveiled a monument to the first and only king of Lithuania, King Mindaugas.
(FR) Señor Presidente, Señorías, el final del mandato de cada presidencia me hace pensar cada vez en el grito "¡El Rey ha muerto, viva el Rey!".
(FR) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, whenever a presidency's term of office ends, it makes me think of the cry 'the King is dead; long live the King'.
Muy bien, que cada uno sea el rey de su tableta de chocolate en su país.
That is fine, let everyone have their own chocolate bar in their own home.
El consumidor es el rey del comercio electrónico; en caso contrario, este comercio no crecerá.
The consumer has to be king when it comes to electronic commerce. Otherwise, it will not properly take off.
El éxito del mercado norteamericano se debe esencialmente al "rey dólar".
The success of the American market is basically due to 'king dollar' .
Ahora debe ser ratificada por el Consejo Constitucional y por Rey Norodom Sihanouk.
It is now due to be ratified by the Constitutional Council and King Norodom Sihanouk.
A veces me siento como la niña del cuento "El Rey va desnudo".
Sometimes, I feel like the little girl in the story "The Emperor' s New Clothes" .
Pedí una cita y, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, me reuní con el ex Rey de Afganistán.
I made an appointment and, on behalf of the European Parliament, I went to meet the former king of Afghanistan.
La Constitución de Afganistán de 1963, promulgada por el Rey Zahir Shah, es un documento ejemplar.
In Afghanistan, the 1963 Constitution as promulgated by King Zahir Shah is an exemplary document.
Animo a esta Asamblea a que apoye la misión del Rey en este difícil ámbito.
I urge this House to support the King's mission in this tricky area.
La visita del Rey Mohammed VI al Sahara Occidental ha modificado ligeramente el enfoque expuesto anteriormente.
The visit by King Mohammed VI to the Western Sahara has not impacted on the above-mentioned approach in any way.
Los acontecimientos se han precipitado después de la visita del rey Mohammed VI.
Following the visit of King Mohammed VI, events have followed in rapid succession.
Le recuerdo que el loco del rey cumplía una función indispensable.
I would remind you that the role of court jester is an essential one!
Colegas, quisiera hacer honor a mis deberes protocolarios con el Rey de Jordania.
Colleagues, I should like to take up my protocol duties with the King of Jordan.
El Rey actual está concentrando todo el poder en sus propias manos.
The current ruler is concentrating all power in his own hands.
¿Cómo podemos encontrar una respuesta razonable a la amenaza real de este tiránico Rey Sol?
How do we find a sensible answer to the real threat from this tyrannical Sun King?
El Gobierno carece de legitimidad democrática, el poder recae en el Rey y el ejército.
The government lacks any democratic legitimacy; power rests with the King and the army.
Espero que no cometan el mismo error fatídico que el Rey de Prusia cometió en 1848.
I hope that they will not make the same fateful error that the King of Prussia committed in 1848.
Es el Rey de toda la Tierra y reinará por los siglos de los siglos.
He is the King of the whole Earth and he shall reign and rule forever more.
Sobre este trasfondo, las razones dadas por el rey parecen poco convincentes.
Against this background, the reasons given by the King appear somewhat unconvincing.
Los proveedores de armas belgas protegen al rey contra los insurgentes.
It is Belgian weapons suppliers that protect the King against the insurgents.
En la comunidad internacional tenemos que alentar al Rey para que anule sus recientes decisiones.
We in the international community must encourage the King to undo his recent actions.
El Rey ha infringido la constitución y todas las normas democráticas.
The king has breached the constitution and all the rules of democracy.
La intervención del Rey Gyanendra el 1 de febrero no ha servido para aliviar la pobreza.
King Gyanendra’s intervention on 1 February has done little to alleviate poverty.
Así se presiona al Rey y al Gobierno para que restauren la democracia en Nepal.
This really is to put pressure on the King and the government to restore democracy in Nepal.
Ha llamado al Rey de España para que actúe de mediador.
He called in the King of Spain to arbitrate.
En noviembre de 2004, el Rey visitó la Conferencia de Presidentes en Bruselas.
In November 2004 the King visited the Conference of Presidents in Brussels.
Encomiendo al Rey Canuto a esta Cámara y espero que se acepte su informe.
I commend King Canute to the House and hope that his report is accepted.
"Vuelan mis palabras hacia el cielo, que no mis pensamientos", dice el rey en Hamlet.
'My words fly up, my thoughts remain below', says the king in Hamlet.
(IT) Señor Presidente, señor Trichet, señor Comisario, Señorías, ¡el rey va desnudo!
(IT) Mr President, Mr Trichet, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, the king has no clothes!
De hecho, incluso se ha cuestionado la sucesión del rey, que ha mantenido un inusitado silencio.
In fact, it is the matter of the succession of the king that is being called into question.
Critica con razón a Ali Abdullah Saleh y Bashar al-Assad, pero no al rey de Bahréin.
It rightly criticises Ali Abdullah Saleh and Bashar al-Assad, but not the King of Bahrain.
Pero el rey había hablado, y el traslado tenía que producirse.
But as the king had spoken, the move had to take place.
No hacemos un consumidor rey, sino, una vez más, un consumidor engañado.
The consumer is not being made king, but once again taken for a fool.
Muestro mis respetos al Rey Hussein, muestro mis respetos al presidente Mubarak de Egipto.
I salute King Hussein, I salute President Mubarak of Egypt.
En una época en la que, además, el dinero es rey.
And in an age when money is king?
Ille faciet, dijo el rey Carlos IX sobre su hijo Gustavo Adolfo, él lo hará.
"Ille faciet ' said King Karl IX of his son Gustavus Adolphus: ' he shall do it.'
Tal como el rey Sihanuk me dijo: mon peuple est toujours très malade .
As King Sihanouk told me, 'mon peuple est toujours très malade '.
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