Spanish Sentences using precisamente
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The Debe de estar precisamente de esta manera.
It must be just like this
Es precisamente lo contrario.
Precisely the opposite is the case.
No es precisamente un lujo.
That is by no means a luxury.
Precisamente, ocurre lo contrario.
Rather, the opposite is the case.
¡Eso no se consigue precisamente!
That is just what we are not doing!
Me preocupa precisamente lo mismo.
I am concerned about precisely the same thing.
¡Propuestas no faltan precisamente!
There is no lack of proposals!
Precisamente esto no puedo entenderlo.
It is precisely this which I do not understand.
Precisamente, esto no debe ocurrir.
That should certainly not be allowed to happen.
Precisamente este es el motivo.
The reason is precisely the latter!
Debería ser precisamente al revés.
It should be exactly the other way around.
Lisboa trata precisamente de esto.
That is what Lisbon is about.
Está ocurriendo precisamente lo contrario.
The opposite is actually the case.
Este es precisamente el problema.
That is exactly the problem.
Estas tareas no serán precisamente triviales.
These tasks will be not exactly trivial.
Es precisamente la primera vez.
It is the very first time.
Mi Grupo no esperaba precisamente esto.
The expectation in my Group was different.
Señora Presidenta, me refiero a ello, precisamente.
Madam President, I shall come straight to the point.
De esto se trata precisamente.
That is now precisely the point at issue.
Estamos precisamente siguiendo esa línea.
This is the approach that we are taking.
Precisamente es necesario lo contrario.
Exactly the opposite is needed.
Este es precisamente el punto.
That is precisely the point.
Esa es precisamente la cuestión.
That is the point exactly.
Pero volvamos, precisamente, a lo esencial.
But let us get back to the essential issues.
Señor Presidente, precisamente estaba diciéndolo.
Mr President, I was just about to say the same thing.
Precisamente de esto se trata.
This is the whole point.
¿No es precisamente así, señora Ministra?
I am right, am I not, Madam?
Enseguida lo aceptaría, precisamente ahora.
He would immediately support that, particularly now.
Precisamente porque Moldavia constituía una unidad política.
It did so precisely because of Moldova' s political unity.
Precisamente por se propone esta medida.
That is precisely why we are proposing this measure.
Conque tampoco eso fue brillante precisamente.
So that again was not exactly impressive.
Precisamente aquí se encuentra el punto clave.
That is the very heart of the matter.
Esto no es precisamente política de izquierdas.
That is not much in the way of left-wing policy.
La letanía es larga y no precisamente alegre.
The litany is long and it does not paint a joyful picture.
Ése es precisamente el objetivo del ejercicio.
That is the purpose of the exercise.
Precisamente esto es lo que no queremos.
That is precisely what we do not want.
Eso es precisamente lo que debemos evitar.
That is the sort of thing we need to avoid.
Creo que ocurrirá precisamente lo contrario.
I rather think that the opposite is likely.
Los ponentes lo han mencionado precisamente.
The rapporteurs quite rightly touched upon this.
Se trata precisamente del aprendizaje informal.
Informal learning is precisely what this is all about.
Ésa es precisamente la situación actual.
This is the current situation.
Ése, precisamente, es uno de los problemas.
That, precisely, is one of the problems.
De eso se trata precisamente, Señorías.
That is what it is really about, ladies and gentlemen.
Hoy estamos donde estamos precisamente por eso.
We are where we are today because of that.
Esa es precisamente la función del Parlamento.
This is not just Parliament's role.
Precisamente porque es una zona de conservación.
That is why it is a conservation zone.
Hoy, nuestra resolución refleja precisamente esta perspectiva.
Our resolution today reflects precisely this perspective.
Mi pregunta iba precisamente dirigida a este punto.
My question addressed precisely this point.
Precisamente por este motivo no debemos recoger velas.
This is the very reason why we must not disengage ourselves.
No es precisamente amigo de las autoridades chinas.
He is no friend of the Chinese authorities.
Nuestra riqueza procede precisamente de nuestra diversidad.
It is in diversity that our wealth is to be found.
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