Spanish Sentences using personas
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Due to the fire, several people got first-degree burns.
Due to the fire, several people were intoxicated by inhaling smoke
I arrived an hour ago, but other people continued arriving later.
At leat 18 people were injured in the accident.
In Guatemala many people have filled out a lot of applications to go work in Canada.
The emergency exits are open because there are many people in the aisles.
Despite the high price of the tickets many people are going to the concert.
According to Buddhist tradicion, everyone passes through eight sufferings.
Everybody would like that their favorite items were on sale.
We have several people referred from the employment agency.
The storekeepers are the ones who sell souvenirs to the people.
This is the reason why a lot of people go to the city.
The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math.
Monitor the entrance and exit of people from this point.
About 3 million people participated in the show.
¿Entre qué dos personas estarás sentado?
Between which two people will you be seated?
Algunas personas tienen miedo de lo que no entienden.
Some people are afraid of what they do not understand.
Algunas personas no saben en que emplear su tiempo libre.
Some people don't know how to spend their free time.
Yo les digo a mis hijos que no se confíen de personas extrañas.
I tell my children not to trust strangers.
Les piden muchos documentos a las personas que quieren obtener el pasaporte.
People that want to obtain a passport are asked for many documents.
A algunas personas no les gusta abrazar ni ser abrazadas.
Some people don't like to hug or to be hugged.
No me gustan las personas mentirosas.
I don't like people who lie.
Son personas mayores, trátalas con un poquito de respeto.
They are adults, treat them with a little respect.
Conozco a menos personas aquí que usted.
I know fewer people here than you do.
Las personas que abusan de narcóticos necesitan ayuda.
People who abuse narcotics need help.
Conozco a menos personas aquí que ninguno de Uds.
I know fewer people here than any of you.
Muchas personas no están contentas con la situación de actualidad en el mundo.
Many people are unhappy with the current situation in the world.
Muchas personas murieron en la Guerra de la Independencia Mexicana.
Many people died in the Mexican War of Independence.
Ella siempre disculpa los errores de otras personas.
She always excuses other people’s mistakes. She always excuses other people’s mistakes. She always excuses other people’s mistakes. She always excuses other people’s mistakes. She always excuses other people’s mistakes. She always excuses other people’s mistakes.
Muchas personas han perdido su empleo por la crisis financiera.
Many people have lost their jobs due to the financial crisis.
Muchas personas ricas no han heredado sus fortunas.
Many rich people did not inherit their fortunes.
Miles de personas
thousands of people
Muchas personas vienen a venderlos aquí al concierto.
Many people come here to the concert to sell them.
Nos van a sobrar dos dólares porque tenemos que dividir doce dólares por igual entre cinco personas.
We are going to have two dollars extra because we have to divide twelve dollars equally among five people.
¿Se expresaría así ante otras personas?
Would she express herself like that before other people?
Generalmente, los españoles son personas muy abiertas.
Generally, Spanish people are very outgoing.
Mi carro puede acomodar hasta siete personas.
My car can accommodate up to 7 people.
Caben noventa personas en esta sala
the hall holds ninety people
No juzgar a las personas por su aspecto (exterior).
Never judge people by appearances / a book by its cover.
Algunas personas seguirán el camino a dinero y otras seguirán el camino a verdadera felicidad.
Some people will follow the path to money and others will follow the path to true happiness.
Monitoree la entrada y salida de personas a este punto.
Monitor the entrance and departure of people at this point.
Quieren que las personas dejen de fumar para evitar enfermedades pulmonares.
They want people to stop smoking in order to avoid lung diseases.
Confío en el juicio de las personas.
I trust people's judgement.
¿Cuántas personas asistirán? Creo que asistirán 20 personas.
How many people will attend? I believe 20 will attend the party.
Quieren que las personas dejen de fumar para evitar enfermedades pulmonares.
They want people to stop smoking in order to avoid lung diseases.
¿Sabe usted cuántas personas se han inscrito en el concurso?
Do you know how many people have signed up for the contest?
Una en dos mil millones de personas llegará a tener ciento dieciséis años o más.
One in two billion people will live to be 116 or older.
Muchas personas han preferido alquilar el videocasete que ir al cine.
Many people have prefered renting the video to going to the theater.
La periodista ha entrevistado a personas muy famosas.
The journalist has interviewed very famous people.
250 personas se han caido de la torre de Pisa.
250 people have fallen off the Leaning Tower of Pisa
¿Tienes una mesa para seis personas?
Do you have a table for six?
Dos personas han fallecido este sábado mientras trabajaban en la extinción de incendios.
Two people have died this Saturday while working in the extintion of the fire.
Las personas mayores / Los ancianos
old people
Algunas personas han solicitado la doble nacionalidad.
Some people have applied for double nationality.
Mañana debutaré ante miles de personas.
Tomorrow I will debut in front of thousands of people.
Entonces ¿cuántas personas son?
Then, how many people are there?
Cada día las personas tienen menos tiempo de ir a las tiendas.
Every day people have less time to go to the shops.
Ocho, ocho personas. ¿Cuántos años fue a la escuela Ud.?
Eight, eight people. How many years did you go to school?
¿Tiene una mesa para dos personas?
Do you have a table for 2?
Me gustaría reservar una habitación para dos personas.
I’d like a room for 2.
Hay 25 personas en el auditorio.
There are 25 people in the auditorium.
¿Cuántas personas podrían caber aquí?
How many people can fit in here?
¿Cuántas personas van a contratar para este trabajo?
How many people will you hire for this job?
Premiaremos a las tres personas más hábiles.
We'll reward the three most capable people.
Caben noventa personas en esta sala
the hall holds ninety people
Me acuerdo de las personas y las cosas que usted ha mencionado.
I remember the people and things that you mentioned.
En la sección de sociedad hay noticias sobre las personas famosas.
In the society section there is news about famous people.
Miles de personas
thousands of people
¡Compadézcase de las personas sin hogar!
Sympathize with the people without a home!
Algunas personas firman con una firma especial y otras solo firman sus nombres.
Some people sign with a special signature and others just sign their names.
Son las "personas transparentes" .
They have become the first "transparent people" .
Unimos personas y no Estados.
We unite people, not states.
¡Estamos actuando con personas!
These are people we are dealing with!
Escuché a las personas.
I listened to the people.
Pero, amigos, nacieron personas.
They were born people, however, my friends.
Son demasiadas personas.
That is simply too many people.
Personas desaparecidas en Chipre (
Missing persons in Cyprus - Follow-up (
Somos personas formadas.
We are all educated people.
¿Consideramos inferiores a otras personas?
Do we consider others inferior?
Eran personas muy humildes.
They were very humble people.
¡Cientos de personas diariamente!
It is a matter of hundreds of people a day!
No son personas mejores.
They are not better people, after all.
Desprecia a las personas.
He has no respect for mankind!
Han muerto decenas de personas; muchas personas han resultado heridas.
Tens of people have been murdered; scores of people have been injured.
¿Cómo se seleccionarán estas personas?
How will these people be selected?
Once personas murieron en una avalancha.
Eleven people were killed in an avalanche and that is not the final death toll.
Esas personas pueden ser ajusticiadas.
These individuals' lives are now at risk.
Tampoco debemos olvidar a estas personas.
Let us not forget those people either.
Los chinos son personas pacientes.
The Chinese are a patient people.
¿Acaso no nos importan esas personas?
Do these people not matter to us?
Muchas personas no pueden aportar esto.
A great many people find it very hard to provide such proof.
Muchas personas siguen todavía desaparecidas.
Many people are still missing.
Miles de personas murieron asesinadas.
Thousands of its people have been killed.
Me refiero, concretamente, a las personas discapacitadas.
I am thinking specifically of disabled people here.
información adecuada a las personas afectadas;
adequate information to the people in question;
... y no se aplica a las personas.
... is not applied to people.
Por tanto, beneficiará a algunas personas.
Therefore, it will provide benefits for some people.
No quiero hablar de personas individuales.
I do not want to discuss individual persons.
Felicito a todas las personas implicadas.
My compliments to all those involved.
Son muchas las personas detenidas.
Many people have been arrested.
Varias personas han sido asesinadas.
Several people have been killed.
Sin personas no tenemos mucho más.
Without people, we have very little else.
¿Qué hacer con estas personas?
What should happen to those people?
Además resultaron heridas varias personas.
In addition, several people were injured.
Estas personas enriquecen nuestras comunidades.
These are people who enrich our communities.
Personas desaparecidas en Chipre (debate)
Missing persons in Cyprus (debate)
Personas desaparecidas en Chipre (votación)
Missing persons in Cyprus (vote)
Esas personas oyen, pero no escuchan.
They listen, but they do not hear.
¡Y son 11 000 personas!
That is 11 000 people!
El mundo y las personas ...
The world and the people who are looked after ...
Debemos empezar a escuchar a las personas.
The listening to the people should begin.
Algunas personas han mencionado Cuba.
Some people have mentioned Cuba.
¿Aplican esta doctrina a las personas?
Do they apply it to all people?
El tráfico de personas continúa.
The trafficking of human beings continues.
Se les llama personas no ciudadanas.
These people are called non-citizens.
¿Adónde van a ir estas personas?
Where are these people going to go?
Hay once personas en la lista.
There are 11 people on the list.
Este acuerdo no protege a estas personas.
They are not covered by this agreement.
Hoy, estas personas están felices.
Today, these people are happy.
Muchas personas se sienten vigiladas.
Many people even feel that they are being watched.
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