Spanish Sentences using la
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The grandma knitted a jacket. The grandma knitted it.
The young woman who carries the folder is the secretary.
¿Tomaste la medicina?
Did you take the medicine?
La abrazaré cuando la vea.
I will give her a hug when I see her.
Yo llevé la carta a la oficina.
I took (llevar) the letter to the office.
¿Llevaste la carta a la oficina?
Did you take the letter to the office?
Juan llevó la carta a la oficina.
John took the letter to the office.
Nosotros llevamos la carta a la oficina.
We took the letter to the office.
Juan la invitó a ir a la fiesta.
John invited her to go to the party.
¿Lavaste la ropa?
Did you wash the clothing?
¿Fuiste a la fiesta la semana pasada?
Did you go to the party last week?
¡La bala ha atravesado la pared!
The bullet has pierced the wall!
Nosotros entendemos la actitud de la paciente
We understand the attitude of the patient
La policía continuará mañana la búsqueda de la niña.
The police will continue the search of the girl tomorrow.
Ella la rompe
She breaks it
¡No tires la basura en la calle!
Don’t throw the trash on the street! .
No la he visto; no la he oído.
I have not seen it; I have not heard it.
La Comisión la rechazó.
This was rejected by the Commission.
La primera es la de la indemnización.
The first question relates to compensation.
La clave es la simplificación: no la complicación.
Simplification is the key: not complication.
La llamó la brecha de la ambición.
He called this the gap of ambition.
(La Presidenta retira la palabra a la oradora).
(The President cut off the speaker)
(La Presidenta retira la palabra a la oradora)
(The President cut off the speaker)
La competencia es la enfermedad, no la cura.
Competition is the disease, not the cure.
La remití a la competencia de la Comisión.
I have referred the matter back to the competency of the Commission.
¿La UCLAF, la OLAF o la Comisión?
Will it involve UCLAF, OLAF or the Commission?
La primera es la de la definición.
The initial problem is that of definition.
La verificaremos.
We shall look into this.
No la subestimemos.
Let us not underestimate it.
La necesitamos.
We need this strong signal.
La felicito.
I would offer her my congratulations.
No la desperdiciemos.
Let us not throw it away.
La aceptamos.
We can all live with it.
No la desaprovechemos.
Let us not miss our chance.
¡No la regalen!
Do not give it away!
No la acepto.
I do not accept his reply.
¡No la queremos!
We want nothing to do with it.
¡La revolución!
It would cause a revolution!
La prevención.
This brings me on to prevention.
No la encontraron.
It could not be found.
No la discutiremos.
We are not discussing it.
La decisión la tomaremos nosotros.
The decision will be taken for us.
La Comisión la respalda incondicionalmente.
The Commission wholeheartedly endorses that.
La discriminación sucede a la exclusión.
Discrimination is a natural corollary of exclusion.
La población es la víctima.
It is the people who are paying the price.
La razón es la siguiente.
The reason for this is as follows.
La declaración es la siguiente:
My statement is as follows:
(La Presidenta interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
La sangre llama a la sangre.
Bloodshed leads to further bloodshed.
La razón fue la siguiente:
The reason was as follows:
La esclavitud no pertenece a la historia.
Slavery is not a thing of the past.
(La Asamblea aprueba la propuesta)
(The House accepted this proposal)
No echo la culpa a la Comisión.
I lay no blame on the Commission.
(La Presidenta interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut the speaker off)
La reforma no es la solución.
Reform is not the solution.
(La Presidenta interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut off the speaker)
La base es la voluntariedad.
This is based on voluntariness.
La esencia es la misma.
The substance is the same.
La situación no es la misma.
The situation is not entirely comparable.
¡La realidad supera a la ficción!
You could not make this up!
La próxima generación la utilizará.
The next generation will deal with it.
La ley es la ley.
The law is the law.
Recomiendo la resolución a la Cámara.
I commend the resolution to the House.
Doy la palabra a la Comisión.
The Commission has the floor.
La enmienda es la siguiente:
The amendment would read as follows:
(La Presidenta interrumpe a la oradora)
(The President cut off the speaker)
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