Spanish Sentences using fiesta
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The I am going to invite Mary to go to the party with me.
Are you going to invite Yolanda to go to the party with you?
Do you want to invite Yolanda to go to the party with you?
I was going to invite Mary to go to the party but she can't go.
I was hoping that she would go to the party with me.
I was hoping that she could go to the party with me on Friday.
Do you know if Yolanda can go to the party with Juan?.
John is hoping that Yolanda can go to the party with him.
The family attended the party at grandma's house because it was her birthday.
I was hoping that Mary could go to the party last week.
I don't know if María is going to be able to go to the party this week.
I hope that she can go to the party with me on Friday.
I invited Pedro to my party and he brought all his friends along.
Did Marta attend the party? No, she did not attend because she was sick.
Will Enrique attend the party with you? No, he will not attend with me.
The teachers knew the child wanted a celebration.
My father won't let me go to the party, he is very stubborn.
I thought you would have spoken with him to go to the party.
John would have gone to the party if Mary had invited him.
You were opposed to the boys having another party at your house.
They're going to have a big party to celebrate the event.
It was natural for you to oppose to the boys having another party at your house.
Tonight I'm going to throw a party to celebrate the engagement.
Do you suppose Antonio already knew that we were going to give him a farewell party?
We had lots to do and couldn’t go to the party.
No, he didn't know anything yet. The party was a surprise for him.
Also, we want to thank them for the invitation to their party.
They would have danced if they had gone to the party.
Nosotros podemos ir a la fiesta.
We can go to the party.
Yo espero que nosotros podamos ir a la fiesta.
I hope that we can go to the party.
Creo que se colaron en la fiesta.
I think they crashed the party.
Yo creo que Juan va a invitar a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta.
I think that John is going to invite Yolanda to go to the party.
¿Me acompañaras a la fiesta?
Will you come with me to the party?
¿Invitaste a Yolanda a ir a la fiesta?
Did you invite Yolanda to go to the party?
¿Vas a ir a la fiesta?
Are you going to go to the party?
Tengo que arreglarme para la fiesta.
I have to get ready for the party.
Juan quiere que Yolanda vaya a la fiesta con él.
John wants Yolanda to go to the party with him.
Juan la invitó a ir a la fiesta.
John invited her to go to the party.
Ellos fueron a bailar a la fiesta.
They went to dance a the party.
Juan quiere que Yolanda vaya a la fiesta con él el viernes.
John wants Yolanda to go to the party with him on Friday.
Yo fui a una fiesta la semana pasada.
I went to a party last week.
¿Fuiste a la fiesta la semana pasada?
Did you go to the party last week?
Yo creo que Juan fue a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I believe that John went to the party last week.
Yo creía que María iba a ir a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I thought that Mary was going to go to the party last week.
La fiesta es a las ocho de la noche.
The party is at eight o'clock in the evening.
El interrumpe la fiesta
He interrupts the party
Señorías, Eslovenia tiene una fiesta esta semana.
Ladies and gentlemen, Slovenia is celebrating this week.
Lo que debería haber sido una fiesta popular se convirtió en una fiesta comercial.
What ought to be a celebration for the people has, to some extent, become a completely commercialised celebration.
El peligro es que los gobiernos agüen la fiesta.
There is, therefore, the risk that the governments are going to put a spanner in the works.
– Señor Presidente, lo último que quisiera es aguar la fiesta.
Mr President, the last thing I want to do is to spoil a party.
.– Hoy, los partidarios de la Constitución están de fiesta.
. Today, the advocates of the Constitution are celebrating.
(EN) Señor Presidente, no quiero aguar la fiesta de esta noche.
Mr President, I do not want to spoil the party here tonight.
Pero, no es hoy un día de fiesta, señor Presidente.
Mr President, it is not a day for celebration.
Es decir, que hoy no se trata simplemente de una fiesta nacional, sino de una fiesta de dimensión universal.
In other words, today is not simply a national holiday but a day of celebration whose dimension is universal.
La EURO 2000 no sólo ha sido una grandiosa fiesta futbolística, ha sido también una fiesta de hermanamiento y solidaridad entre los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea.
Not only was Euro 2000 a superb festival of football, it was also a festival of solidarity among the citizens of the European Union, whom it brought closer together.
Mi propio asistente ha hecho un viaje relámpago a Estocolmo este fin de semana para una fiesta de compromiso: no una boda, solo una fiesta de compromiso.
My own assistant just popped over to Stockholm this weekend for an engagement party – not even a wedding, just an engagement party.
Sería nuestra contribución a una más grande celebración del día de la fiesta nacional pakistaní.
This would be our contribution to a great national day in Pakistan.
No pueden valer sólo para los días de fiesta, para los periodos de serenidad.
They cannot just apply on holidays and in times of peace.
Tras años de preparativos minuciosos, el 1 de mayo será un día de fiesta.
After years of meticulous preparation, 1 May 2003 will really be a day of celebration.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, hoy es un día de fiesta para esta Cámara.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, today is a red-letter day for this House.
Estos están preparando una fiesta para después de la votación del miércoles por la noche.
They are preparing a party after Wednesday night's vote.
Celebra el Día de la Declaración de la Independencia, que es una fiesta de orgullo nacional.
It is celebrating Statehood Day, which is a festival of national pride.
Los Estados miembros pierden el derecho a vetar el presupuesto: ¡otro motivo para una fiesta!
Member States losing their right to veto the budget: another reason for a party!
A aquellos que hacen las cosas mal en este país se les aguará la fiesta.
Those who do wrong things in this country will have their celebration spoiled.
Después fue la fiesta -yo sólo lo vi en la televisión- y llegó el reparto.
Then everything was suddenly very festive - I must admit that I only saw it on television myself - and it was time to hand out the gifts.
Nosotros, que somos trabajadores, trabajamos incluso el día de una fiesta universal.
We working people, we have to work even on a universal holiday!
Este debate se lleva a cabo un poco antes de la fiesta del día de la mujer.
This debate is taking place a short time before the festival for women.
En la casa europea hoy celebramos la fiesta de cubrir aguas.
It is a topping-out ceremony for the European Parliament.
Señor Presidente, usted ha declarado que será una Presidencia más de trabajo que de fiesta.
You said, Mr President-in-Office, that it will be a presidency dominated by work and not play.
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, estimados colegas, ¡esta noche parece una fiesta familiar!
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, it is rather like a family party here tonight!
No hay motivo para matar unos terneros bien cebados y celebrar una fiesta.
This is not the opportunity to slay a few fatted calves and have a feast.
Ojalá quieran los Gobiernos financiar generosamente, como el Parlamento empezó proponiendo, esa gran fiesta colectiva.
The governments are willing to come up with generous funding for this great joint festivity, as was the European Parliament's initial wish.
Está claro que sería una fiesta para las grandes multinacionales americanas.
Clearly the big American multinationals would have a field day!
Sin embargo, reconozco que la Federación francesa de fútbol organizó una maravillosa fiesta del fútbol.
Nevertheless, I agree that the French Football Federation put on a wonderful feast of football.
Como se dice en francés: no nos agüemos la fiesta y saludemos la democracia israelí.
As we say in French, let us not deny ourselves this pleasure, let us salute Israeli democracy.
Debemos celebrar una gran fiesta cuando próximamente alcancemos el 100%, tal y como se quiere con el nuevo convenio.
We ought to throw a big party when the figure reaches 100% in the near future, which is indeed what the new Convention is aiming at.
Más de 300.000 personas se reunieron en Diyarbakir para celebrar la fiesta Newros bajo el lema "Paz, fraternidad y democracia ".
More than 300 000 people gathered for the Navruz festival in Diyarbakir under the banner "Peace, Brotherliness and Democracy" .
Para ustedes y para nosotros es un día de fiesta europea, y les felicito con toda sinceridad.
It is your and our common European day of celebration, and I offer you my sincere congratulations.
No lo lograrán durante la EURO 2000, ya que se convertirá para todos en una fiesta del fútbol.
It will be different at Euro 2000, as this will be a football party for everyone.
Ojalá Belgrado también pueda iniciar las primeras conversaciones, siempre que la cuestión de Montenegro no agüe la fiesta.
Hopefully, initial talks will soon be held in Belgrade too, provided that the Montenegro issue does not put a spanner in the works.
A esta fiesta le falta un ánima, en concreto el Consejo, y el papel de la Presidencia del Consejo.
There is a ghost missing from this feast, namely the Council, and the role of the Council presidency.
Tampoco se armonizan los días festivos nacionales: pueden mantenerse todas las prohibiciones de circulación establecidas en días de fiesta nacionales.
National bank holidays will not be harmonised either. All bank holidays that are already subject to a driving ban can simply remain intact.
En Sevilla parece que los jefes de gobierno se han dejado llevar ligeramente por la fiesta flamenca.
In Seville, the Heads of Government allowed themselves to be somewhat carried away by the intoxicating spirit of flamenco.
Incluso las denominadas drogas de fiesta, es decir, las más peligrosas drogas sintéticas, cada vez están más extendidas.
Even what are termed party drugs, that is to say the most dangerous synthetic drugs of all, are becoming more widespread.
Pronto mucha gente celebrará las Navidades en Europa, pero otros muchos, incluidos los turcos, también celebrarán la Fiesta del Sacrificio.
Soon, many will celebrate Christmas in Europe, but many, including Turks, also celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice.
En mi país, Eslovenia, el 8 de febrero celebramos una festividad cultural y también es una fiesta nacional.
In my own country of Slovenia we celebrate every 8 February as a cultural holiday, and this is also a national holiday.
No obstante, me temo que la fiesta nacional de nuestro Estado pasará una vez más inadvertida, porque no es tradición mencionarla.
However, I fear that our state's national holiday will once more remain unmentioned, as it is not traditional to do so.
En los días de fiesta nacional de nuestros países, miles de banderas italianas, griegas e irlandesas ondean en esas naciones.
Thousands of Italian, Greek and Irish flags fly in those countries on the days of our national festivals.
Por último, señor Presidente, permítame saludar a los diputados al Parlamento Europeo presentes hoy aquí, fiesta nacional de mi país.
Lastly, Mr President, permit me to salute the Members of Parliament present today on this, my country's national holiday.
Existen pruebas sólidas que apuntan a un incendio intencionado, perpetrado en vísperas de la fiesta nacional del 3 de marzo.
There is serious evidence pointing to arson committed on the eve of the national day of 3 March.
(SV) Señora Presidenta, el sábado comienza el Campeonato de Europa de fútbol, y la fiesta puede empezar.
(SV) Madam President, on Saturday the European football championship kicks off and the party can begin.
Cuando se celebró nuestra fiesta nacional húngara, en Budapest los derechos políticos se infringieron hasta un extremo inaceptable.
When it was our Hungarian national holiday, political rights were infringed to an unacceptable degree in Budapest.
Con todas las felicitaciones que está recibiendo, parece que estamos celebrando hoy una fiesta para el señor Bowis.
With all the congratulations that he is receiving, it seems a little like we are celebrating Mr Bowis today!
No podemos permitir -ni siquiera con el pretexto de la próxima fiesta de Navidadque se trate esto con ligereza.
We must not allow liberties to be taken with them, even when accompanied by references to the imminence of Christmas.
No hemos organizado ninguna fiesta para celebrarlo y, como a muchos de nosotros, se le está empezando a notar la edad.
We have not had a party to celebrate it and like many of us it is beginning to show its age.
Como usted sabe, hoy es 14 de julio, fiesta nacional y día festivo para los ciudadanos franceses.
Today, as you know, is the 14th of July, a national holiday and a day celebrated by all French citizens.
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