Spanish Sentences using esposo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Marta thinks about seeing her husband in the city. Marta thinks about seeing him in the city.
How long have you had problems with your husband?
Your husband. Do you get any money? Do you receive any money monthly?
She found out that her husband was cheating on her.
It is a disease that is cured in most cases.
Mi esposo me premió con un carro nuevo.
My husband rewarded me with a new car.
Mi esposo opina que debemos vender la casa.
My husband thinks we must sell the house.
Mi esposo quiere que me dedique a la familia.
My husband wants me to dedicate myself to the family.
Sr. González, hablaba para decirle que mi esposo está enfermo y no puede ir a trabajar hoy.
Mr. Gonzáles, I'm calling to tell you that my husband is sick and can't go to work today.
Las primas de mi esposo estaban en el aeropuerto cuando fui a recogerlo.
My husband's cousins were in the airport when I went to pick him up.
No, no trabajo. Solamente, mi esposo.
No, I don’t work, only my husband works.
Más o menos. ¿Podríamos llamar a su esposo y preguntarle para tener ese dato correcto?
More or less. Can we contact your husband and ask him, so we can have the exact amount?
A tu esposo le molestaba que siguieras trabajando, ¿verdad?
Your husband was annoyed by your going on working, wasn't her?
Desde la muerte de su esposo, se ha dejado mucho.
Since the death of her husband, she has neglected herself.
El esposo de Susana está trabajando como operador en el aeropuerto.
Susan's husband is working as an operator in the airport.
A esto se añade que muchas mujeres dependían de su esposo desde el punto de vista financiero.
Moreover, many women were financially dependent on their husbands.
La cónyuge colaboradora merece más que el reconocimiento de su esposo y su familia.
The assisting spouse deserves more than just recognition from her husband and family.
Anteriormente, debían demostrar su identidad mediante un documento de identidad familiar que incluía una fotografía de su esposo o padre.
Before that they would prove their identity using a family identity document bearing a photograph of their husband or father.
La señora Litvinenko desea que el asesinato de su esposo sea resuelto y que los culpables sean juzgados.
Mrs Litvinenko wants the murder of her husband to be solved and those concerned brought to justice.
Su Señoría se refiere a un incidente racista padecido por una ciudadana de su circunscripción y su esposo tunecino.
The honourable Member refers to a racist incident experienced by one of his constituents and her Tunisian husband.
Por regla general, para ese grupo de mujeres suponía un enorme alivio poder dejar de trabajar cuando su esposo ganaba suficiente dinero.
That group of women experienced it, in many cases, as liberating if the income of their husbands obviated the need for them to work.
Señor Presidente, desearía plantear una cuestión en nombre de la señora Marina Litvinenko, cuyo esposo, Alexander Litvinenko, fue asesinado en Londres en diciembre de 2006.
Mr President, I raise an issue on behalf of Mrs Marina Litvinenko, whose husband, Alexander Litvinenko, was murdered in London in December 2006.
(FR) Señor Presidente, sé que estoy llegando al final, pero por favor, concédame "soixante petites secondes pour ma dernière minute" con el esposo de Carla Bruni.
(FR) Mr President, I know I am coming to the end, but please give me 'soixante petites secondes pour ma dernière minute' with Carla Bruni's husband.
Desafortunadamente, al horror que vive la población se ha sumado la triste noticia del fallecimiento del Dr. Michael Aris, esposo de la Sra. Aung San Suu Kyi.
Regrettably, an already grim situation has been made even worse by the sad news of the death of Dr Michael Aris, the husband of Aung San Suu Kyi.
El pasado domingo, 6 de octubre de 2002, su Alteza Real el Príncipe Claus von Amsburg, esposo de la Reina Beatriz de los Países Bajos, falleció en Amsterdam tras una larga enfermedad.
Last Sunday, 6 October 2002, his Royal Highness Prince Claus von Amsburg, husband of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, died in Amsterdam after a long illness.
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