Spanish Sentences using esos
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Those customers were waited on by Miss Galindo.
Those buildings look bad built, which worries me.
They're giving you a good price for those products.
These are the gifts which I bought in El Salvador.
Those musicians are the ones who sing in the restaurant.
Those camels are the ones who crossed the desert.
Those are the passengers whose passports are valid.
Will you have already read those three books by next week?
¿Todavía no han encontrado ustedes dónde guardar esos papeles?
Haven't you found a place to keep those papers yet?
Ruégale a Dios que no se le ocurra a Emilio contar esos chistes en la reunión.
Let's hope that Emilio won't tell those jokes at the party.
Quita esos juguetes the aquí.
Get those toys away from here.
¿No recuerdas hasta dónde llegan esos tranvías?
Don't you remember how far those streetcars go?
Me han advertido que esos trámites toman mucho tiempo.
They have told me that those proceedings take a lot of time.
La universidad ha admitido a esos estudiantes.
The university has granted admission to those students.
Esos refrescos son de Dulce.
Those soft drinks belong to Dulce.
Esos perros ladraron toda la noche.
Those dogs barked all night.
¿Por qué esos gritos?
Why all the shouting?
Él había predicho esos acontecimientos en sus escritos.
He had predicted these events in his writings.
¡Calla a esos niños!
Tell those children to be quiet!
Estacione allá. Ve esos carros ...
Park over there. See those cars ...
Esos boletos cuestan un ojo de la cara.
Those tickets are very expensive. (They cost an arm and a leg.)
Esos coches de fórmula 1 cuestan un dineral.
Those formula one cars cost a fortune.
Esos libros no caben en la mochila.
Those books don’t fit in the backpack.
Tienen ustedes esos documentos.
You have the documents in your possession.
Debemos resolver esos problemas.
We must solve these problems.
¿Qué tienen esos jóvenes?
So what do these young people have?
Esos problemas no han desaparecido.
These problems have not, of course, gone away.
Eliminen esos obstáculos.
These are the obstacles you have to demolish.
No renunciemos a esos ideales.
Let us not fall short of those ideals.
Esos pocos cambios no me satisfacen.
These few modifications do not satisfy me.
Condeno rotundamente esos actos.
I vehemently condemn such acts.
¿Cómo alcanzaremos esos objetivos?
How do we pursue these objectives?
Nos adherimos a esos objetivos.
We are sticking to these objectives.
Pienso cumplir esos compromisos.
I intend to live up to these commitments.
Yo digo "no" a esos fanáticos.
I say 'no' to these zealots.
¿Cuáles son esos problemas?
What legal problems are these?
Fíjese en esos rostros.
Just look at these faces.
Apoyo plenamente esos esfuerzos.
I fully support those efforts.
Todos compartimos esos principios.
We all share these principles.
Y no son sólo esos.
And that is not all.
Conocemos perfectamente esos problemas.
We know all about those problems.
Esos prisioneros, esos internados, no son distintos de otros.
These prisoners, these internees, are no different from the others.
¿Estamos dispuestos a proporcionar esos recursos?
Are we ready to pay for those resources?
Esos errores sencillamente son inaceptables.
Those lapses quite simply are not acceptable.
¿Por qué aceptamos esos riesgos?
Why are these risks accepted and not others?
Tengo en cuenta esos factores.
I take that into account.
Esos datos son extraordinariamente preocupantes.
These figures are extremely worrying.
¿De dónde saldrán esos fondos?
Where is that money going to come from?
Me gustaría ceñirme a esos comentarios introductorios.
I should like to confine myself to these introductory remarks.
¿Cuáles son esos principios generales?
What are these general principles?
¿Quién podrá ofrecer esos servicios?
Who will be able to offer these services?
¿Para qué necesitamos esos gravámenes?
Why do we need these taxes?
¿Es peligroso conducir esos vehículos?
Is it dangerous to drive these vehicles?
Seguiremos luchando por esos objetivos.
We shall continue to fight to achieve these aims.
Esta directiva logra esos objetivos.
This directive achieves these goals.
¿Qué hacemos con esos países?
What do we do with those countries?
¿A quién pretende exigir esos derechos?
From whom, then, do you intend demanding it?
Debemos prepararnos para esos cambios.
We must prepare for those changes.
Pero ¿quiénes serán esos agentes?
Yet who will those observers be?
¿Cómo habían obtenido esos nombres?
How did they get those names?
Esos son los retos fundamentales.
These are the most important challenges.
No todos esos países producen azúcar.
Not all of those countries produce sugar.
Si mantenemos esos principios, progresaremos.
If we stick with these principles, we will make progress.
Examinemos rápidamente esos tres puntos.
Let us quickly consider these three points.
¿Cuáles son entonces esos acontecimientos?
So, then, what are these events?
En esos momentos, no les veo.
At these times I do not see you.
Mencionaré algunos de esos proyectos.
I will mention some of these projects.
Esos comentarios no merecen una respuesta.
These remarks are not worthy of a reply.
¿Qué vemos en esos productos?
Where are we seeing these products?
¿Han contraído también esos compromisos?
Have they also made the same commitment?
¿Cómo debemos tratar a esos líderes?
How should we treat such leaders?
Esos argumentos suenan realmente hipócritas.
These arguments sound really hypocritical.
Estoy preocupado por esos comentarios.
I am concerned by those comments.
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