Spanish Sentences using domingo
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The We're sure we saw Guillermo at Mass on Sunday.
They have agreed to celebrate the wedding on a Sunday.
We were going to go to the football game on Sunday, but we didn't go because we couldn't get tickets.
Did all of you get tickets for the football game on Sunday?
Sunday, we will know if she knows more than a elementary school child.
Plácido Domingo es considerado uno de los mejores tenores del mundo.
Plácido Domingo is considered one of the top tenors in the world.
Me gustaría ir a las carreras el domingo.
I'd like to go to the races on Sunday.
Nosotros nadamos muy poco el domingo pasado.
We didn't swim very much last Sunday.
El domingo habrá una corrida de toros en mi pueblo.
There will be a bullfight in my hometown next Sunday.
¿Qué te gustaría hacer el domingo?
What would you like to do on Sunday?
Es domingo, día de oración universal.
We were there on Sunday, the day of universal prayer.
La participación del domingo no superó este umbral.
The turnout on Sunday did not exceed this threshold.
Este domingo hubo elecciones locales en Albania.
This Sunday, there were local elections in Albania.
Las familias no pueden estar juntas en domingo.
Families are unable to be together on a Sunday.
No he hablado de los aspectos religiosos del domingo.
I have not spoken about the religious aspects of Sunday.
Pasé la noche del domingo en Donegal.
I spent Sunday evening in Donegal.
Como es sabido, señor Presidente, el domingo pasado hubo elecciones.
As you will be aware, elections were held in Mexico last Sunday.
El domingo pasado llegaron a Grecia 447 refugiados kurdos.
Just last Sunday, 447 Kurdish refugees landed in Greece.
El domingo se cuece una trampa en una conversación telefónica.
On Sunday, a trick was played in the course of a telephone conversation.
Los últimos soldados de la AMIB llegaron este domingo a Burundi.
The last of the AMIB soldiers arrived in Burundi last Sunday.
El domingo van a celebrarse elecciones generales en España.
A general election is to take place in Spain on Sunday.
El domingo pasado se produjeron 600 ataques de este tipo.
Last Sunday, 600 attacks of this type occurred.
El domingo tenemos otro cónclave ministerial, al que asistiré personalmente.
On Sunday we have another ministerial conclave, in which I will be taking part.
por escrito. - (HU) El domingo estuve en Priština.
in writing. - (HU) I was in Priština myself on Sunday.
La segunda vuelta está prevista para el próximo domingo.
The second round is scheduled for next Sunday.
Fue detenido el domingo y no hay perspectivas de liberación.
He was arrested on Sunday and there is no prospect of his release.
El domingo constituye una de los manantiales principales de Europa.
Sunday is one of the wellsprings of Europe.
Es completamente incierto que esas elecciones se celebren el domingo.
It is quite wrong that the elections are to be held on Sunday.
Para los cristianos el domingo tiene un significado especial. Este día, que se remonta al domingo de resurrección de Jesucristo, es el día de asueto establecido por Dios.
To Christians, Sunday has the specific significance of a day of rest designated by God, which goes back to the day of Christ' s resurrection.
Señor Presidente, en virtud de la Directiva 2000/84/EC, la hora de verano empieza el último domingo de marzo y acaba el último domingo de octubre.
Mr President, under Directive 2000/84/EC, summer time begins on the final Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October.
No se suprime la jornada de descanso en domingo como tal, sino el descanso en domingo como parte de la protección de la seguridad y salud de los trabajadores.
It is not Sunday as a day of rest as such which is being abandoned, but Sunday rest as an element of worker health and safety protection.
Quiero citar un artículo que apareció en el Sunday Telegraph del Reino Unido el pasado domingo.
I want to quote from an article in the United Kingdom Sunday Telegraph this last Sunday.
Otro envío de más de 16.000 toneladas a través de EuronAid deberá llegar el domingo.
A further shipment of over 16 000 tonnes through EuronAid is due to arrive on Sunday.
El domingo 14 de enero se detectó en Austria el primer presunto caso de EEB.
On Sunday, 14 January Austria had its first suspected case of BSE.
El domingo pasado regresé de la región palestina con la delegación del Parlamento.
I returned from the Palestinian territories last Sunday together with a delegation from Parliament.
Hasta ahora, en Europa era el domingo el día sagrado de descanso y no el viernes.
It always used to be the case in Europe that Sunday and not Friday was a day of rest.
El pasado domingo, conduje desde mi granja en North Yorkshire hasta Estrasburgo.
Last Sunday I drove from my farm in North Yorkshire to Strasbourg.
No se trata de un discurso de domingo, sino de la realidad sobre el terreno.
These are not fine words. It is what is actually happening in the field.
– Señor Presidente, hace 200 años hubo una revuelta de esclavos en San Domingo.
Mr President, 200 years ago, there was a slave revolt in San Domingo.
. – Señor Presidente, la cita electoral de este domingo es crucial para el futuro de Ucrania.
. Mr President, the election schedule for this Sunday is critical for the future of Ukraine.
– Señor Presidente, el domingo Irán admitió que domina todas las operaciones destinadas a enriquecer uranio.
Mr President, on Sunday, Iran admitted that it had achieved proficiency in the full range of activities for enriching uranium.
Mencionaré igualmente que el domingo celebramos otra cumbre, en esta ocasión con Canadá.
I would also mention that on Sunday we had another summit – this time with Canada.
– El domingo fueron arrestados en Minsk dos jóvenes estonios, observadores no oficiales de las elecciones.
On Sunday two young Estonians, unofficial election observers, were arrested in Minsk.
– El domingo pasado el Parlamento Europeo esperaba las elecciones presidenciales belarusas que estaban previstas.
– Last Sunday, the European Parliament awaited the Belarusian presidential elections which were due to take place.
El domingo por la mañana, 12 soldados turcos y 32 kurdos murieron en una emboscada kurda.
On Sunday morning, 12 Turkish soldiers and 32 Kurds were killed in a Kurdish ambush.
(RO) El pasado domingo, los rumanos eligieron a sus representantes en el Parlamento Europeo por vez primera.
(RO) Last Sunday, Romanians elected their representatives in the European Parliament for the first time.
Dos trágicos acontecimientos ocurridos el pasado domingo ponen esto de manifiesto.
Two tragic events last Sunday illustrate this.
El domingo pasado, la Asamblea de Kosovo declaró la independencia en un clima solemne.
Kosovo's Assembly declared independence last Sunday in a climate of dignity.
El domingo observaba, entre sonrisas y lágrimas, el desarrollo de los acontecimientos de Pristina.
On Sunday I watched - half joyful, half tearful - as events unfolded in Priština.
El domingo tuve el honor de estar allí con el Presidente del Parlamento.
I, together with the President of Parliament, had the privilege to be there that Sunday.
El domingo pasado, los generales constituyeron su propio Gobierno que, en mi opinión, debe considerarse ilegítimo.
Last Sunday, the generals constituted their own government which, in my view, must be regarded as illegitimate.
Usted se presenta a las elecciones parlamentarias del Estado federado de Baviera el domingo.
You are standing for election to the Bavarian State Parliament on Sunday.
En la Edad Media, sin embargo, se respetaba el domingo como día de descanso.
In the Middle Ages, however, they respected Sunday as a day off.
Señor Presidente, el domingo pasado llegó a nuestras costas una embarcación con 260 inmigrantes.
Mr President, last Sunday, a boat carrying 260 immigrants landed on our shores.
Como ustedes sabrán, el domingo se celebró una segunda ronda de elecciones presidenciales en Ucrania.
As you will be aware, a second round of presidential elections took place on Sunday in Ukraine.
La declaración que formuló el domingo la Alta Representante expresaba este sentimiento.
The statement issued by the High Representative on Monday expressed this sentiment.
Señora Presidenta, el domingo, tuve la oportunidad de estar en Kiev como observador del Grupo ECR.
Madam President, on Sunday, I had the privilege to be present in Kiev as an observer for the ECR Group.
Me complace que las elecciones de Ucrania del pasado domingo tuvieran lugar sin incidentes.
I am pleased that the Ukrainian elections last Sunday passed off well.
Ese órgano celebró una reunión, y discutimos la situación con él, el domingo.
That body held a meeting, and we held discussions with it, on Sunday.
Este domingo, 9 mayo, es el 60º aniversario de la Declaración Schuman.
This Sunday, 9 May, is the 60th anniversary of the Schumann Declaration.
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