Spanish Sentences using cuenta
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The He/she had stolen my change purse without me having realized it.
The professor realized that I was the only one who studied hard.
It's necessary to open an account to make a transfer.
The money will be in the account in thirty minutes.
From the 1st of January, he started in business on his own account.
He realizes that he has understood all the lessons.
The money will be in the account in thirty minutes.
Would you want to open a housing savings account with tax benefits?
I'm going to check my account's last movements.
You need a minimum of $25 to open a savings account.
The savings account pays 2 % interest per year.
The bank will cover your account overdrafts for up to $200.
You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
The minimum amount to open a checking account is $25.
You need $100 to open a checking account.
I would like to open a checking account for non-residents.
Your checking account balance is $325.
In the United States it's common to leave a 15 to 20 percent tip.
Teresa kept smiling at me until her aunt noticed it.
I would balance my checking account now but I do not have a calculator.
Por favor traíganos la cuenta.
Please bring the bill.
No me di cuenta que tenía una llamada perdida.
I didn't realize I had a missed call.
El pide la cuenta.
He asks for the check.
Necesito crear una nueva cuenta para acceder este sitio web.
I need to create a new account to access to this website.
¿Me puede preparar la cuenta, por favor?
an you prepare my bill, please?
Por la presente les adjuntamos la cuenta.
Please find enclosed our invoice.
Carmela se porta como si no se hubiera dado cuenta de la situación.
Carmela acts as though she hadn't realized what the situation is.
Quiero abrir una cuenta de ahorros.
I want to open a savings account.
No, yo pago la cuenta de los dos.
No, I will pay the bill for both of us.
Para que se dé cuenta de la verdad, díselo.
Tell him, so that he realizes the truth.
Tú te estás divirtiendo con la historia que cuenta el enfermero.
You are having fun with the story that the male nurse is telling you.
¿Nos puede traer la cuenta?
Can you bring us the bill?
No nos dimos cuenta (de) que ya no habia cervezas en el refrigerador.
We didn't realize the beer in the refrigerator was all gone.
Me di cuenta de que había que esforzarse mucho para tener éxito el primer año.
I realized that one had to make a lot of effort to succeed in the first year.
Margarita ahorra su dinero en una cuenta de ahorros.
Margarita saves her money in a savings account.
El edificio cuenta con medidas de seguridad contra terremotos.
The building relies on security precautions against earthquakes.
Pagué la cuenta con un billete de cien pesos.
I paid the bill with a hundred pesos bill.
¿Les has llevado la cuenta a los clientes?
Have you brought the customers their bill?
Tráigame la cuenta, por favor.
Bring me the bill please.
¡Paga (tú) la cuenta!
Pay the bill!
¡No pagues (tú) la cuenta! ¡Que la pague Pedro!
Do not pay the bill! Let Pedro pay it!
¿No te habías dado cuenta que ya era muy tarde?
Hadn't you realized it was very late?
Puede darme la cuenta, por favor.
Could I have the bill, please.
Creo que hay un error en la cuenta.
I think there is a mistake in the bill.
Qué tanto por ciento de interés nos produciría la cuenta de ahorros?
How much interest would we get from the savings account?
¿Todavía no te has hecho una cuenta?
You still haven't made an account?
El mesero siempre cuenta sus propinas.
The waiter always counts his money.
Es normal teniendo en cuenta lo que has dicho.
That's normal keeping in mind what you said.
Por la presente les adjuntamos la cuenta.
Please find enclosed our invoice.
¿Cuál es la regla más importante a tener en cuenta?
What is the most important rule to keep in mind?
Traigame la cuenta, por favor.
Bring me the bill (check), please.
Se dio cuenta de que la estafaba.
He realized that she was embezzling from her.
¿Me puede preparar la cuenta, por favor?
Can you prepare my bill, please?
No habéis tenido en cuenta mi opinión.
You all didn't take my opinion into account.
El cajero pagó la cuenta.
The cashier paid the bill.
Ésto no cuenta
that does not count
Ésto no cuenta
that does not count
Debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
We have to be aware of this.
¿Las tiene en cuenta?
Do they take it on board?
Únicamente cuenta la rentabilidad.
Returns are all that counts.
Tengamos eso en cuenta.
Let us therefore take this on board.
Debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
We need to bear that in mind.
¿Cuenta con medios suficientes?
Do you have sufficient resources?
Un salario normal no cuenta.
A normal salary does not count.
Debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
We must keep this fact in mind.
Debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
That is something we must remember.
Lo tendré en cuenta.
I will take it into account.
Lo tendré en cuenta.
I will take it into account.
¿La tendrá en cuenta?
Will you take it into consideration?
Cuenta con nuestro apoyo.
He can count on our support in that.
La tendremos en cuenta.
We will take account of it.
Tuvimos eso en cuenta.
We did take account of them.
Tengámoslo en cuenta.
Let us take it to heart.
Todos pudieron darse cuenta.
Everyone is fully aware of that.
Deberían tenerlo en cuenta.
Please take that into consideration.
Económicamente también trae cuenta.
It can also make sense economically.
Las tendremos en cuenta.
We shall take it into account.
Lo tenemos en cuenta y daremos cuenta de ello.
We are bearing this in mind and we will take account of it.
Deberíamos tener esto en cuenta.
We should get it into perspective.
Debemos tener esto en cuenta.
That must be taken into consideration.
Es necesario tenerlo en cuenta.
The following concept must be taken into account.
Deben tener esto en cuenta.
Please take this into account.
"Pero ¿cómo te has dado cuenta?"
'How have you come to understand that?'
Tengo en cuenta esos factores.
I take that into account.
Algún día nos daremos cuenta.
Some day we will realise this.
Hemos de tenerlo en cuenta.
We have to take that into account.
Lo tendré totalmente en cuenta.
I will take that fully into account.
Es preciso tenerlos en cuenta.
It has to be taken into account.
Tendré en cuenta su solicitud.
I shall take account of your request.
Es preciso tenerlo en cuenta.
That has to be taken into account, nevertheless.
Ténganlo en cuenta cuando voten.
Please, take that into consideration when voting.
Debemos tener esto en cuenta.
We need to bear that in mind.
También debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
We should also bear this in mind.
Se dará cuenta de que
He will find that this
Es importante tenerlo en cuenta.
It is always important to bear that in mind.
Pero la cuenta atrás continúa.
But the clock is ticking.
Hay que tenerlo en cuenta.
This needs to be taken into account.
También debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
That must also be taken into account.
Cuenta usted con nuestro respaldo.
You can count on our support.
No podemos actuar por nuestra cuenta.
We cannot act on our own.
Lo hizo por cuenta propia.
You did it off your own bat.
Debemos tener esto en cuenta.
We need to bear that in mind.
Tenemos que tenerlo en cuenta.
We have to be aware of this.
Debemos tener esto en cuenta.
We must take that into account.
Es importante tenerlo en cuenta.
It is important to bear this in mind.
Cuenta con todo nuestro apoyo.
You have our full support.
Señorías, deben tenerlo en cuenta.
You must be aware of that.
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