Spanish Sentences using conveniente
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The It is convenient to use mercurochrome so that the wound will heal sooner.
It's convenient to take warm clothes because in the countryside it can be quite cold
Sería conveniente seguir las instrucciones al pie de la letra.
It would be a good idea to follow the instructions exactly.
No creo que sea conveniente.
This is not wise, in my view.
Esto sería muy conveniente.
That would be an enormous boost.
No es conveniente ser espectador.
It is no good being in the audience.
Creo que es muy conveniente.
I think it is very important.
Eso no es aceptable ni conveniente.
That is not acceptable nor is it wise.
La marca IET es conveniente.
The EIT title must be desired.
Esta enmienda es muy conveniente.
This amendment makes very good sense.
Creo que eso sería conveniente.
I think that would be appropriate.
¿Es conveniente que se hagan apreciaciones diferentes?
Is it laudable that different assessments have been made?
Es conveniente que apoyemos las redes transeuropeas.
There are advantages to backing trans-European networks.
Sería bueno y conveniente que lo hiciera.
It would be right and proper that they should do that.
Sería conveniente que procediéramos de este modo.
It would be appropriate if we were to do this.
No obstante, sería conveniente recordar que no estamos solos.
However, we would do well to remember that we are not alone.
Es demasiado como para que resulte conveniente.
That is too much of a good thing.
Creo que es conveniente para ambas partes.
In my opinion, it is in the interest of both partners.
Sería conveniente evaluar este inicio concreto.
It would be useful to look at this particular outbreak.
¿Pero sería conveniente aumentar su volumen?
But is more trade better?
Esto es muy acertado y conveniente.
That is quite right and proper.
Sin embargo, este proceder no es conveniente.
However, this approach is not appropriate.
Es conveniente ejercer presiones sobre Rusia.
There are grounds for putting pressure on Russia.
Creo que esto no resulta demasiado conveniente.
I do not think this is the right approach.
Y será conveniente que todos seamos conscientes de ello.
That is something we would do well to recognise.
Sería conveniente conceder más créditos a proyectos de pequeña cuantía.
More credit should be provided for smaller-scale projects.
Por fin, una medida conveniente, realmente oportuna a nivel comunitario.
At long last, a constructive, truly expedient measure at Community level.
Convendría preguntarse ante todo si no sería conveniente completar nuestro Reglamento.
There would therefore be grounds for wondering whether there is a need to amend Parliament's Rules of Procedure.
Sería conveniente que nos fijásemos en nuestra propia historia.
It would also be a good idea if we were to give a little consideration to our own history.
Como dijo el Sr. Napolitano, es conveniente que actuemos.
Just as Mr Napolitano said, it is important that we also act.
He creído conveniente referirme a esto habida cuenta del debate de hoy.
This can be seen in the context of the debate held earlier today.
Sería conveniente que el Sr. Lamy nos aclare este tema.
It would be good if Mr Lamy could clarify this for us.
A la siguiente pregunta la Sra. Presidenta no considera conveniente contestar.
The President-in-Office of the Council does not consider it appropriate to reply to the following question.
Este argumento se repite, pero me parece conveniente mencionarlo.
It is a familiar argument, but one worth mentioning.
Sería conveniente que todo el Parlamento apoyase esta idea.
It would be good if the whole Parliament could support this.
Sería conveniente desarrollar este debate en el futuro.
There is good reason for returning to them and developing this debate.
Sería conveniente que se informara sobre las normas en uso.
It would be illuminating to be told what really applies.
Quizás sería conveniente volver sobre este tema más adelante.
Perhaps we can return to that subject at a later stage.
Sería muy conveniente que llegásemos a algún acuerdo en julio.
It would be excellent if we could find a solution to this issue in July.
Además, creo conveniente que nosotros mismos cumplamos esas exigencias.
I also believe that it is important for us to meet these demands ourselves.
Al mismo tiempo, es conveniente mejorar los procedimientos.
At the same time, procedures must be improved.
Creo conveniente que otras personas sepan quiénes son.
I think it is appropriate that other people should know who they are.
Es muy conveniente que esta situación se regule.
It is a good thing that this will be regulated.
En este momento, esto no sería conveniente ni realista.
At the present time, this would not appear to be either proper or realistic.
Sería conveniente volver a examinar la eficacia de todos los métodos.
The effectiveness of all methods should be looked at again.
Sería más conveniente hablar de «normas y estatuto».
It should be ‘Standards and Status’.
Por tanto, es conveniente acogerlos como es debido.
We must therefore give them the welcome that is their due.
Sería en efecto bastante conveniente saber qué se ha decidido.
It would indeed be helpful to learn what has been decided.
Me parece conveniente analizar cómo se presentan algunas patentes.
I believe that it is desirable to analyse how certain patents are presented.
Sería conveniente enviar allí a representantes oficiales del Parlamento.
It would be helpful if official representatives from Parliament were sent there.
Es conveniente que el programa se divida en cinco partes.
It is right and proper for the programme to be divided into five parts.
Por consiguiente, sería conveniente que pudiéramos lograr una resolución conjunta.
It would therefore be a good thing if we were able to attain a joint resolution.
Por tanto, es conveniente que las normativas actuales se liberalicen.
It is therefore only right that the existing rules be liberalised.
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