Spanish Sentences using clave
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The The text is written in code so as not to be discovered.
This is the key which I can solve the problem with.
Don't forget the code to turn off the alarm, please!
Por favor léame su clave de la licencia.
Will you please read me your license key?
Ellos saben que significa esa clave.
They know what the clue means.
Si confiara en ella, le daría mi clave.
If I trusted her, I would give her my password.
Me refiero a dos cuestiones clave.
I shall refer to two key issues.
Esta será la clave.
This will be the key issue.
Hay tres ideas clave.
There are three key ideas.
Tres palabras clave.
There are three key words.
Transposición, una palabra clave.
Transposal is a very important catchword.
Les doy cuatro palabras clave.
Let me sum them up in four key phrases.
La palabra clave es Internet.
The key word is the Internet.
Me gustaría subrayar algunos puntos clave.
I should like to single out a few key points.
Deseo subrayar algunos puntos clave.
There are some key points I would like to underline.
Me gustaría tratar varias cuestiones clave.
I should like to outline a number of key areas.
Este es un momento clave.
This is a key moment.
Me limitaré a mencionar algunos puntos clave.
I will confine myself to mentioning a few key points.
Permítanme reiterar una cuestión clave.
Let me reiterate one key point.
Esta es la pregunta clave.
That is the key issue.
Esa es la cuestión clave.
That is the key issue.
Pasaré a comentar algunos puntos clave.
I should like to outline a few key points.
Ese será el punto clave.
That will be the key issue.
Creo que plantea cuestiones clave.
I think it raises key issues.
Me gustaría subrayar algunos puntos clave.
I should like to single out a few key points.
Ésas son nuestras enmiendas clave.
Those are our principal amendments.
Actividad clave 2: lenguas extranjeras.
Key activity 2: foreign languages.
Ésta es la tarea clave.
That is the key task.
Ése es el punto clave.
That is the key point.
La clave es la aplicación.
So it is about implementation.
Esa es una cuestión clave.
That is a key issue.
Esta es una cuestión clave.
This is a key issue.
Quisiera mencionar tres factores clave.
I would like to mention three key factors.
Excelencia es una palabra clave.
Excellence is the key word.
Este es un tema clave.
This is a key issue.
Estamos debatiendo en clave binacional.
We are debating a key bi-national question.
Éste es un principio clave.
That is a key question.
Este es el punto clave.
That is the starting point.
Ahí está el problema clave.
That is really the central problem for us.
Seguramente, esta es la clave.
That surely is the key point.
Yo creo que esta es la clave: la pregunta clave y la cuestión clave.
I believe that this is the key: the key question and the key issue.
Sólo voy a enumerar algunos temas clave.
Just a few main points.
A este respecto, coordinación es la palabra clave.
Coordination is the key word here.
La palabra clave es pensiones "complementarias" .
The key word is "supplementary" pensions.
Basta con mencionar la palabra clave "Internet".
I would just mention the buzz word 'Internet' at this point.
En realidad, colegas, ¿cuál es la clave?
What is this really about?
Se tratará de una reunión clave.
This meeting will prove to be of overriding importance.
Precisamente aquí se encuentra el punto clave.
That is the very heart of the matter.
Esta es una iniciativa pionera y clave.
This is a key pioneering initiative.
También aquí la palabra clave es integración.
Here, too, the watchword is integration.
El concepto clave es responsabilidad propia.
Well-organised, sole responsibility is the key word.
La clave es la simplificación: no la complicación.
Simplification is the key: not complication.
El protagonismo afgano es otra clave.
Afghan ownership is another code word.
Esta es la clave del desarrollo.
That is the key to development.
Esta es la clave del comercio.
That is the key to trade.
Por lo tanto, es un elemento clave.
We are particularly concerned about intentional discharge. As I stated in our text, intentional discharge accounts for over 50% of the pollution of European Union waters.
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