Spanish Sentences using caro
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Don't buy anything at the airport's coffe shop because it's very expensive.
Despite the high price of the tickets many people are going to the concert.
That hotel whose building is big, is very expensive.
This flat is more expensive because it is close to a metro station
It's true that it's expensive, but it's not worth a fortune.
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
Es demasiado caro.
That's too expensive.
Sale muy caro, ¿no podría hacerme una rebaja?.
That is very expensive, couldn't you lower it for me?
Es demasiado caro.
It's too expensive.
Es muy caro.
That’s too expensive.
Este equipo es muy caro y frágil.
This equipment is very expensive and fragile.
¡Todo está tan caro!
Things are so expensive!
Es demasiado caro
that's too expensive
¡Qué caro!
How expensive!
El seguro del carro nuevo es muy caro.
Insurance for a new car is very expensive.
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
Lo barato sale caro.
You get what you pay for.
La langosta es el marisco más caro que venden aquí.
Lobster is the most expensive shellfish they sell here.
Esto costará caro, muy caro.
That will cost money, a lot of money.
Será caro, pero no hacer nada sería aún más caro.
It will be expensive, but not to take action would be still more expensive.
"El país de estas queridas almas, este caro, caro país [...]
'This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land [...]
Este éxito se pagó caro.
The success was paid for dearly.
Ahora es lo más caro.
Today, fish is the most expensive.
Es también un sistema muy caro.
This is also a very expensive system.
Es demasiado a largo plazo y demasiado caro.
It is too long-term and too expensive.
No obstante, ignorar a América Latina podría salirnos caro.
Nevertheless, to neglect Latin America would be at our peril.
El EPLA tampoco es más caro.
Nor is the EPLA more expensive.
Se trata de algo inútil y caro.
It really is a massive white elephant.
Será más caro y más complicado.
It will be more expensive and more complicated.
Tomar las huellas dactilares también sale caro.
Taking fingerprints also comes at a price.
Enhorabuena Comisario, enhorabuena querido compañero caro Monti.
Congratulations Commissioner Monti, my dear colleague.
Se me dijo que esto es caro.
I was told it would be too expensive.
Desde esta perspectiva resulta caro para esas personas.
From that point of view it is expensive for those people.
Hemos pagado caro ese error y ahora debemos adoptar medidas.
It has come back to haunt us and now requires action.
No ha podido pagar un precio más caro por su valentía.
He has paid the ultimate price for his bravery.
La solicitud y obtención de patentes es un proceso caro.
Applying for, and obtaining, patents is an expensive business.
Puede resultar caro, pero merece la pena pagar el precio.
This will be expensive, but it is well worth paying that price.
Sin embargo, es un gesto simbólico muy caro.
It is nevertheless a very expensive symbolic gesture.
Sin duda, muy pronto pagaremos caro ese error.
This will no doubt come back to haunt us before too long.
Esto sale caro y propicia la distorsión del comercio internacional.
This is expensive, and it leads to a distortion of international trade.
Pagamos un precio demasiado caro y no estamos dispuestos a volver a pagarlo.
It was too expensive a price to pay and we are not willing to pay it again.
El tratamiento inmunomodulador es caro, lo mismo que la fisioterapia.
Immunomodulating treatment is expensive, as is physiotherapy.
Es un error que ya estamos pagando muy caro.
I think that is a mistake that is already costing us dear.
Si aplazamos nuestras ambiciones, nos saldrá aún más caro.
If we delay our ambitions, it will cost us far more.
Realizar ensayos aleatorios desde luego es posible, pero caro.
Random tests are, of course, possible, but expensive.
No tener hijos resulta más caro para la comunidad a largo plazo.
Not having children is more expensive for the community in the long run.
Y se está convirtiendo en un club bastante caro.
And what an expensive club it is becoming.
Solo un transporte respetuoso del medio ambiente resulta caro.
Only environmentally friendly transport is too expensive.
Un sector que me es caro es el del turismo.
An area close to my heart is that of tourism.
El mármol no es lo suficientemente caro para ello.
Marble will be too cheap for them.
Nada resulta tan caro como la falta de política.
Nothing is more costly than lack of policy.
¿Es que esto resulta tan caro en realidad?
Does that cost too much as well?
El método más caro e improductivo es almacenar la carne.
The most expensive and most unproductive method is to store beef.
El problema no es sólo que sea un seguro caro.
The problem is not just that it is expensive insurance.
Sigue siendo un asunto caro y hay que conseguir fondos.
It is a difficult job, and funding needs to be made available for it.
Allí, el precio de toda la energía eléctrica queda fijado por el coste de producción más caro del producto más caro.
There the price of all electric power is determined by the most expensive production cost of the most expensive product.
Esto resulta muy caro y también origina problemas sociales muy graves.
This is very costly and it also causes very great social problems.
Esto no es ecológico y encima es caro. Tampoco sirve a los intereses del consumidor.
This is environmentally unfriendly but also expensive and does not benefit the consumer either.
Es erróneo considerar la diversidad de lenguas como algo caro e ineficaz.
It is wrong to think that a multilingual environment is costly and ineffective.
La consecuencia es que el tráfico internacional resulta más caro y más complicado que el nacional.
This makes international transport both more expensive and more complicated than domestic transport.
Lo mismo ocurre con el combustible diesel: es tres veces más caro en el Reino Unido.
The same applies to diesel fuel: it is three times more expensive in the UK.
Aquí se ha hablado de Internet El acceso a la red sigue siendo demasiado caro en Europa.
Access to the Internet in Europe is still too expensive.
Las personas que deban huir pagarán caro esta propuesta que ahora debatimos.
People who have to become refugees will pay dearly for the proposal we are discussing now.
Las bolsas mundiales pagan actualmente muy caro el cumplimiento de las reglas económicas elementales.
The world' s stock markets are currently paying dearly for the lack of respect shown to elementary economic rules.
En conclusión, el de lanzar satélites es un asunto muy caro.
In conclusion, launching satellites is a very expensive business.
Después será para todos demasiado caro y cuesta de nuevo vidas humanas.
Afterwards, it all becomes far too expensive for everyone, and the costs again include human lives.
Creo que esto es demasiado caro en esta fase en el momento actual.
I think that is much too expensive for the present time and at this stage!
En el caso de los mismos productos, los Estados Unidos eran incluso el mercado más caro.
For some products, the United States was even the most expensive market.
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