Spanish Sentences using anoche
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The teacher wanted me to do the homework last night.
Did you see someone special last night at the discotheque?
I was hoping that Mary would do the homework last night.
Last night I wanted to go to bed early but I couldn't because I had to do my homework.
They gave me the two rings that I told you about last night.
This movie is more interesting than the one we saw last night.
I called to thank you for last night; I had a great time.
Did Ana arrive home from her trip? Yes, she arrived last night but Robert did not arrive with her.
Really, last night could not have been more enjoyable!
Will you believe it if I tell you what I did last night? Yes, of course, if you tell me the truth I will believe it.
I told the teacher that I did the homework last night.
The accountants had to stay and work late last night, right?
I looked for the book last night but I didn't find it.
Yo comí con María anoche.
I ate with Mary last night.
Juan comió con María anoche.
John ate with Mary last night.
Nosotros comimos con María anoche.
We ate with Mary last night.
Las muchachas comieron con María anoche.
The girls ate with Mary last night.
Los muchachos hicieron la tarea anoche.
The boys did the homework last night.
¿Vieron ustedes el programa nueva en TV anoche? Sí, lo vimos y a nosotros nos gusta mucho.
Did you watch the new program on TV last night? Yes, we watched it and we liked it a lot.
¿ Hiciste la tarea anoche?
Did you do the homework last night?
¿Fuiste a la biblioteca anoche?
Did you go to the library last night?
Yo creía que María iba a hacer la tarea anoche.
I thought that Mary was going to do the homework last night.
Esta tarde. Anoche.
This afternoon. Yesterday evening.
Anoche fui al cine con mis amigos.
Last night I went to the movies with my friends.
María no sabía que yo había ido al cine anoche.
Mary didn't know that I had gone to the movies last night.
El faro guió al barco al puerto anoche.
The lighthouse guided the ship to the port last night.
¿ Fuiste al cine anoche?
Did you go to the movies last night?
Anoche nos faltó resolver un ejercicio. Lo hicimos hoy antes de la clase.
Last night, we didn't do one exercise. We did it today just before class.
Anoche nos faltaba resolver un ejercicio cuando tú llegaste.
Last night, we still had one exercise to do when you came.
Yo fui al cine anoche.
I went to the movies last night.
Yo fui a la farmacia anoche.
I went to the drug store last night.
Tengo sueño porque me acosté muy tarde anoche.
I'm sleepy because I went to bed very late last night.
María creía que yo iba a ir a la farmacia anoche.
Mary thought that I was going to go to the drug store last night.
Yo no fui a la farmacia anoche.
I didn't go to the drug store last night.
Nosotros fuimos al cine con nuestros amigos anoche.
We went to the movies with our friends last night?
Los muchachos fueron al cine anoche.
The boys went to the movies last night.
Anoche me fui de parranda con los amigos.
Last night I went partying with some friends.
¿Fueron ustedes al cine anoche?
Did you all go to the movies last night?
Anoche vi una película de miedo.
Last night I saw a scary movie.
¿Adónde fueron ustedes anoche?
Where did you all go last night?
Anoche soñé que ganaba la lotería.
Last night I dreamt I won the lottery.
Yo fui al cine anoche con mis amigos.
I went to the movies last night with my friends.
Apenas están desempacando porque llegaron tarde anoche.
They are just unpacking because they arrived late last night.
María dice que ella fue al cine anoche con sus amigos.
Mary says that she went to the movies last night with her friends.
Anoche entraron a robar en la casa de mi vecino.
They broke into my neighbor's house last night.
Vimos una película anoche.
We saw a movie last night.
Fuimos al cine anoche.
We wento to the movies last night.
¿Qué horas serían cuando se fueron las visitas anoche?
What time do you think it was when the guests left last night?
¿Fuiste a la biblioteca anoche?
Did you go to the library last night?.
Sí, yo fui a la biblioteca anoche.
Yes, I went to the library last night.
¿Sabes si los muchachos fueron a la biblioteca anoche?
Do you know if the boys went to the library last night?
No, yo no sé si los muchachos fueron a la biblioteca anoche.
No, I don't know if the boys went to the library last night.
Nosotros fuimos a la casa de María anoche.
We went to Mary's house last night.
Yo estudié anoche.
I studied last night.
Llovió mucho anoche.
It rained a lot last night.
Hicimos la tarea anoche en la biblioteca.
We did the homework last night in the library.
Ya se mencionó anoche.
This was already mentioned last night.
Solicité dichas enmiendas anoche.
I asked for the amendments yesterday evening.
Anoche me asombró la intervención del Sr. Fatuzzo.
Last night, I was astonished by Mr Fatuzzo's speech.
Nos referimos a esta cuestión brevemente anoche.
We touched upon this briefly last night.
El Comisario manifestó también su apoyo anoche.
The Commissioner was also supportive of this last night.
Anoche me dijo: "Quiero saber que los franceses...
Last night he told me: 'I want to know that French people...
Sir Leon Brittan estuvo aquí anoche.
Sir Leon Brittan was here last night.
Anoche estaba en Estrasburgo, pero no firmé.
I was in Strasbourg yesterday evening but I omitted to sign.
Lo de anoche fue como un diálogo de sordos.
It was like a dialogue of the deaf last night.
Señor Presidente, anoche soñé con la Sra. van den Burg.
Mr President, last night I dreamt about Mrs van den Burg.
Señor Presidente, anoche soñé también con el Sr. Napolitano.
Mr President, last night, I dreamed about Mr Napolitano too.
El Consejo nunca ha reflexionado sobre ello, como repitió anoche.
The Council has never even considered the matter, as it said again yesterday evening.
Señora Presidenta, anoche me llevó a casa un taxista de Ghana.
Madam President, last night I was driven home by a Ghanaian taxi driver.
Anoche tuvimos una conversación con los trabajadores de Renault.
Last night we had a discussion with the Renault workers.
Anoche dirigí a la Comisión una pregunta oral sobre este particular.
I last night put an oral question to the Commission on this subject.
Remito a lo que dice el Acta de anoche.
I refer to the Minutes last night.
Señor Presidente, quisiera repetir la observación que hice anoche.
Mr President, I would like to repeat the comment I made last night.
Anoche advertí que el timbre que anuncia la votación no funcionaba.
Yesterday evening, I pointed out that the bell announcing the votes was not working.
Por consiguiente, las votaciones de anoche eran válidas.
Therefore the votes last night did count.
El Presidente Prodi mencionó anoche mis palabras sobre el déficit del futuro de Europa.
Last night President Prodi reiterated my expression regarding Europe' s lack of future prospects.
Anoche el Comisario no indicó que hubiera algo que le pareciera ambiguo o difícil.
Last night the Commissioner gave no indication that he found anything ambiguous or difficult.
Como dije anoche, y voy a repetir, la salud es una cuestión que conecta con el ciudadano.
As I said last night, and I will say again, health is an issue which connects with the citizen.
Anoche visité el sitio web y descubrí que la lista abarca 7.197 puestos vacantes.
Yesterday evening, I logged on to the website and there were 7 197 vacancies listed.
Sin embargo, eso dependía de una declaración de la Comisaria anoche.
That depended, however, on a statement from the Commissioner last night.
A pesar de todo, anoche tratamos sobre este punto en comisión y reconocemos la urgencia.
Nonetheless, we discussed this in committee last night and we recognise the urgency.
Señor Presidente, si la comisaria Wallström me perdona, anoche también soñé con ella.
Mr President, if Commissioner Wallström will forgive me, last night, I dreamt of her too.
Sí, pero tras el debate de anoche he comprendido lo que quería decir y acepto el término.
Yes, but following last night's discussion I have understood what that meant and I accept the term.
He tomado nota del comentario que usted hizo anoche y que acaba de repetir ahora mismo.
I note the point you made last night and again just now.
Bien, señor Presidente, anoche dormí muy bien y, una vez más, tuve un sueño.
Well, Mr President, I slept very well last night and, once again, I had a dream.
Mientras hablábamos anoche, la Cámara se encontraba reunida debatiendo el informe Boogerd-Quaak.
As we spoke yesterday evening, the House was in session discussing the Boogerd-Quaak report.
Mi Grupo escuchó sus conclusiones en el debate de anoche con cierta preocupación.
My Group listened to your closing remarks in the debate last night with some concern.
Usted no estuvo aquí anoche para escuchar la arrolladora intervención del señor McCreevy.
You were not here last night to hear Mr McCreevy make his barnstorming speech.
De hecho, se enteró de esto anoche a las nueve y cuarto.
In fact he found out about it last night at 9.15 p.m.!
Estamos a punto de votar sobre una resolución que responde a una pregunta oral presentada al Consejo anoche.
We are about to vote on a resolution which is in response to an oral question tabled to the Council last night.
Esas enmiendas dieron lugar, anoche al término del debate, a la celebración de un acuerdo.
Last night at the end of the debate an agreement was reached in relation to these amendments.
Pero anoche algunos miles de agitadores de extrema derecha lo cambiaron todo.
But some thousand extreme right-wing rioters changed everything last night.
Anoche también formulé una pregunta a la Comisión, pero tampoco sirvió de gran cosa.
I also put a question last night to the Commission, which was not very helpful either.
El señor Pinior, del Grupo del PSE, dijo anoche que estaría a favor de esta solución.
Mr Pinior of the PSE Group said yesterday evening that he would be in favour of this arrangement.
Anoche, el Comisario Figel' nos dijo que la cultura es más importante que los negocios.
Last night, Commissioner Figeľ told us that culture is more important than business.
ponente. - Señor Presidente, anoche hice una declaración completa sobre este tema.
rapporteur. - Mr President, I made a full statement about this last night.
Señora Presidenta, como dije anoche, éste es un informe muy bueno.
Madam President, as I said last night, this is a very good report.
Tuve una reunión anoche en Suecia a última hora y acabo de llegar.
I had a meeting in Sweden late last night and have only just arrived.
Soy consciente de las dificultades, pero anoche se canceló el turno de preguntas del Consejo.
I realise that there are difficulties, but last night, Council Question Time was cancelled.
Anoche, el señor Tannock y el señor Van Orden defendieron lo contrario.
Last night, Mr Tannock and Mr Van Orden argued for the complete opposite.
Por tanto, necesitamos más hombros para repartir esa carga; esto lo decidimos anoche.
We therefore need more shoulders to bear the burden - we decided that last night.
Para concluir, aún una observación, anoche celebramos aquí un debate sobre Birmania.
One final comment. Yesterday evening there was a debate on Burma.
La Comisión consideró aceptables algunas, como se indicó anoche, y se opuso a otras.
Several were acceptable to the Commission, as indicated last night, and some were opposed by the Commission.
He examinado el intercambio de opiniones que hubo en la Asamblea anoche.
I have looked at the exchange that took place in the Chamber last night.
Anoche tuve contactos con la oposición en Belgrado a través de diferentes personas.
Yesterday evening I was in contact with the opposition in Belgrade.
El Consejo no estuvo anoche presente durante el debate sobre la pregunta oral.
Last night during the debate on the oral question the Council was absent.
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