Spanish Sentences using abogado
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The The witnesses (los testigos) spoke with the lawyer yesterday.
Mr. García had to go to the mayor's office yesterday.
I have spoken with my lawyer about the problem in the customs.
I will have to talk to the lawyer again tomorrow.
I hope that John can talk to the lawyer tomorrow.
I was hoping that John would be able to talk to the lawyer today.
Mr. García didn't understand what the lawyer said.
The gentlemen didn't understand what the lawyer said.
One day I will become a lawyer, and I will be able to legally defend you.
Mr. García explained the situation to the lawyer.
The gentlemen explained the situation to the lawyer.
The secretary wants me to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
I told the secretary that I would speak with the lawyer yesterday.
I told the secretary that I had to speak with the lawyer yesterday.
I would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if I had been able to.
I wanted my lawyer to review the contract first.
I knew that you would speak with the lawyer today if you could.
You are going to have to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
The secretary says that she wants John to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
John would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if he had been able.
John, I want you to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
I thought that John would speak with the lawyer today if he could.
The secretary wants us to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
The secretary wanted us to speak with the lawyer today.
I don't know if we are going to be able to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
The secretary said that she wanted us to speak with the lawyer today.
We would speak with the lawyer today if we could.
We would have spoken with the lawyer yesterday if we had been able.
The secretary says that the lawyer is in the office today.
The gentlemen said that they would speak with the lawyer yesterday if they could.
I hope that the gentlemen speaks with the lawyer tomorrow.
Did you know that the gentlemen had spoken with the lawyer yesterday?
Gentlemen, I want you all to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
El abogado ejecutó los deseos de los padres.
The lawyer executed the wishes of his parents.
El abogado introdujo el testigo en la corte.
The lawyer brought in the witness to the court.
El abogado les tiene que dar las cartas mañana.
The lawyer has to give them the letters tomorrow.
El abogado se las tiene que dar mañana.
The lawyer has to give them to them tomorrow.
Los permisos de importación, que el abogado esta arreglando, estarán listos mañana mismo.
The import permits, which are being taken care of by the lawyer, will be ready tomorrow.
El abogado quiere que nosotros vayamos a su oficina a las tres.
The lawyer wants us to go to his office at three o'clock.
El cauteloso abogado defenderá al sospechoso.
The cautious lawyer will defend the suspicious criminal.
Señor García, ¿Fue usted a la oficina del abogado hoy?
Mr. García, did you go to the lawyer's office yesterday?
El abogado le ha dado el cheque.
The lawyer has given the check to her.
El abogado se lo ha dado.
The lawyer has given it to her.
Yo creo que el abogado le ha llevado los documentos.
I believe that the lawyer has taken the documents to her.
Yo creo que el abogado se los ha llevado.
I believe that the lawyer has taken them to her.
Yo he hablado con el abogado.
I have talked to the lawyer.
¿Has hablado con el abogado?
Have you talked to the lawyer?
Mi hermano Juan está solicitando trabajo como abogado.
My brother Juan is applying for jobs as a lawyer.
María dice que Juan no ha hablado con el abogado todavía.
Mary says that John hasn't talked to the lawyer yet.
Quiero ser abogado
I want to be a lawyer
Juan dice que él hablará con el abogado mañana.
John says that he will talk to the lawyer tomorrow.
Yo esperaba que Juan hablara con el abogado hoy.
I was hoping that John would talk to the lawyer today.
Juan dice que él no ha podido hablar con el abogado hoy.
John says that he has not been able to talk to the lawyer today.
No puede permitirse un abogado.
He can't afford a lawyer.
Mi cuñado es abogado y mi cuñada es maestra.
My brother-in-law is a lawyer, and my sister-in-law is a teacher.
Yo hablé con el abogado ayer.
I spoke with the lawyer yesterday.
El señor García habló con el abogado ayer.
Mr. García spoke with the lawyer yesterday.
Yo llevé las cartas a la oficina del abogado.
I took the letters to the lawyer's office.
¿Llevaste las cartas a la oficina del abogado?
Did you take the letters to the lawyer's office?
Usted debe hacer una cita para hablar con un abogado.
You must make an appointment to speak to a lawyer.
El señor García llevó las cartas a la oficina del abogado.
Mr. García took the letters to the lawyer's office.
Fue abogado, trabajaba en el banco, trató de ser presidente.
He was a lawyer, used to work in the bank, try to become president.
Nosotros llevamos las cartas a la oficina del abogado.
We took the letters to the lawyer's office.
Los señores llevaron las cartas a la oficina del abogado.
The gentlemen took the letters to the lawyer's office.
Yo me encargaré de que el abogado convenza al dueño.
I'll see that the lawyer convinces the owner.
Tienen derecho a un abogado.
You have the right to an attorney.
No soy filósofo, soy abogado.
I am not a philosopher, I am a lawyer.
Usted ha abogado por eso.
This is what you advocate.
A partir de hoy decide el abogado.
Today sees the start of the Public Prosecutor's investigations.
Yo no hablo como abogado, sino como político.
I am not speaking as a lawyer, but as a politician.
Pero, en la versión española, desaparece el abogado, ya no hay abogado.
However, in the Spanish version the 'abogado' has disappeared completely.
En mi calidad de abogado me suena a una típica respuesta elegante de abogado.
As a lawyer, that sounds to me like a very nice, lawyer's answer.
Yo no me considero de ningún modo un abogado del sector librero, sino un abogado de los libros.
I do not consider myself in any way to be a champion of the book trade, but a champion of books.
Pero yo ahí cuento mi experiencia como abogado.
But here I would like to call on my experience as a lawyer.
Es un verdadero abogado de los audiovisuales europeos.
He is a true advocate for European film.
Ha tenido que luchar con él en tanto que abogado.
He has struggled with it as a lawyer.
Su abogado tampoco ha podido entrar en contacto con él.
His lawyer has not been able to visit him, either.
Como abogado, busqué y leí el artículo pertinente.
Being a lawyer, I went and looked up the relevant article.
Tienen derecho a un abogado y a ser representados ante un tribunal.
They have the right to legal counsel and to representation in a court of law.
Mis fuentes sostienen que no ha tenido ningún abogado defensor.
My sources said that he had no defence counsel whatsoever.
El informe Wijkman ha abogado mucho a favor de ello.
The Wijkman report has a lot going for it.
Durante tres años he abogado por una normativa REACH estricta.
I have been campaigning for over three years in support of a strong REACH.
Es por eso que he abogado por una Convención jurídicamente vinculante.
That is why I called for a legally binding Convention.
He trabajado como abogado en Darfur, Sudán, durante muchos años.
I have worked as a lawyer in Darfur in Sudan for many years.
De sobra lo sé, puesto que soy abogado.
I know only too well, as I am a lawyer.
Eso es lo que yo puedo decir, como abogado.
That is what I can say for my part, as a lawyer.
Quiero subrayar que yo voy a hablar como abogado.
I want to underline that I am going to speak as a lawyer.
El Parlamento Europeo no tiene que ejercer de abogado de Orlov.
The European Parliament does not have to act as Orlov's lawyer.
Para acabar quisiera decir que tengo profesión de abogado.
Can I say in conclusion that I am a lawyer by occupation.
Como sabe cualquier abogado, eso significa que no es vinculante.
To any lawyer that means that it is not binding.
No creo haber abogado en favor del mantenimiento del status quo .
I do not think that I recommended maintaining the status quo.
Afortunadamente se ha abogado por un programa nacional de bosques.
Let us be thankful, then, that calls are being made for national forestry programmes.
Nosotros, los diputados, tenemos que ser el abogado.
We, the Members, must be the advocate.
Además, se les niega sistemáticamente la asistencia de un abogado.
In addition, they have been systematically refused the services of a lawyer.
Señor Presidente, yo soy un parlamentario y no un abogado.
Mr President, I am a parliamentarian and not a lawyer.
Como abogado, sé que mi profesión no es revolucionaria precisamente.
As a lawyer I know that my profession is not particularly known for being revolutionary.
La profesión de abogado es muy antigua y el peligro de esta profesión es que el abogado maneja cantidades.
The law profession is very old and the danger of that is that lawyers deal with quantities.
Aunque no soy un gran abogado como la señora Wallis, soy un abogado, y sé que solamente deben utilizar la intercepción en casos excepcionales.
While not a great lawyer like Mrs Wallis, I am a lawyer, and I know that you must only use interception exceptionally.
El Sr. Birdal es un abogado que quiere solucionar sin violencia el problema de las minorías.
Mr Birdal advocates solving the problem of minorities without violence.
Tres de los trece han podido elegir un abogado, a los otros se les ha impuesto uno.
Three of the thirteen have been allowed to choose a lawyer and the others have had lawyers forced upon them.
En ella se usan indistintamente los términos abogado, licenciado en derecho independiente y licenciado en derecho.
In the proposal, the words advocate, independent lawyer and lawyer are used without it being clear what the distinction between these terms is intended to be.
Como abogado, también debo preguntar por qué la ley debería aplicarse a unos sí y a otros no.
I, as a lawyer, also have to question why the law should apply to some and not to others.
El abogado es un auxiliar de justicia, no un auxiliar de policía.
Lawyers are officers of the courts, not police officers.
Por cierto, en estas demandas el actual Ministro de Justicia ha intervenido como abogado.
The current Minister for Justice has in the past appeared in court in connection with some of these cases in his capacity as a lawyer.
Una segunda pregunta: usted ha abogado, con razón, por un planteamiento global.
Secondly, you were right in calling for a global approach.
Primero, saco una conclusión distinta de lo que dice el Abogado General, Sr. Jacobs.
Firstly, I draw a different conclusion to that of the Solicitor-General, Mr Jacobs.
A partir de ahí, señor Comisario, permítame que haga de abogado del diablo.
Therefore, Commissioner, allow me to play devil's advocate.
Se trata de un objetivo que yo mismo me plantearía, no sólo como abogado, sino también como Comisario.
It is an objective that I would seek to pursue myself, not just as a lawyer but as one of my responsibilities as a Commissioner.
Sin embargo, la opinión del abogado general ha sido favorable al Consejo.
The Advocate-General's opinion, however, supported the Council.
Al mismo tiempo, ha abogado en todo momento por intensificar la integración europea.
At the same time, it has championed the cause of deepening and European integration.
Por ejemplo, ¿se consultó al abogado de los profesores a su debido tiempo?
Was the teachers’ lawyer consulted in due time, for example?
En 1933, mi padre era abogado, defendía al Socorro Rojo y tendría que haber sido detenido.
In 1933, my father was a lawyer; he defended the Red Assistance and he should have been arrested.
El principio de confidencialidad entre abogado y cliente es fundamental para una defensa jurídica eficaz.
The principle of confidentiality between lawyer and client is fundamental to an effective legal defence.
Por eso he abogado en favor de una nueva revisión del Reglamento.
That is why I have called for a further review of the regulation.
Hace algunos días recibí una visita del abogado que defiende al magnate industrial, señor Jodorkovski.
A few days ago, I had a visit from the lawyer acting for the industrialist Mr Khodorkovsky.
Algunos incluso testificaron indirectamente y, otras veces, quien habló fue un abogado.
Sometimes they would even testify indirectly, and sometimes it would be a lawyer speaking.
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