Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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¿Qué horario tiene este bar?
10 de la mañana 10am-medianoche 10am - madrugada
¿Por quién está regentado?
por tres hermanos por el chef por tapas y cañas
¿Qué tipo de menús tienen?
tapas, hamburguesas pulpo y bistro carnes
¿Qué idiomas se intercambian en este bar?
inglés, chino español, chino inglés, español
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¿Qué número de celebración representa este desfile?
57 17 27
¿Qué fecha conmemoran?
nacimiento de Martin Luther King la marcha de Martin Luther King fecha del asesinato de Martin Luther King
¿Quién era Martin Luther King?
manifestante con luchas por el antirascismo rascista que apoyaba la segregación pastor y luchador pacífico por derechos civiles
¿Cuál fue el tema central de la celebración?
marcha pacífica con 30 grupos a pie Yo Tengo un Sueño El Sueño Sigue Vivo y Creciendo
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Answer Answer Answer
Answer Answer Answer
Geriatrics is defined as the department of medicine dealing especially with the problems of aging and diseases of the elderly.
Stress testing is a simulation technique that hypothetically test different scenarios including asset and liability portfolios to determine result of how certain stressors will affect a company/industry. It includes the whole spectrum of civil, cultural, economic, political and social process, for the improvement of people’s well-being and realization of their full potential. The importance of an appropriate performance measurement system has not been directly mentioned in this context. The committee while designing the remuneration package shall consider the level and composition of remuneration to be reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain and motivate the person to ensure the quality required to run the company successfully. It is an effective tool in achieving justice for consumers, as it is readily accessible and resource efficient. The assessment of human capital policies should be done by keeping in mind their contribution in the pursuit of this shared vision.
Organizational support has been found to be influenced by perceived supervisor support (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoads, 2002). Next, this study might help them to be alert at all time for the impact of the unexpected events such as financial crises, economic downturn and also other related issues on exchange rate. The author’s main point in her poetry is the students need to utilize the advantages of their life while there is still time. Veis serifi, Predrag – Dasi, Ratomir- Jemenica , Dragana Labovi 2009 : develpoped context diagram, information model and decomposition diagram for developing process Information model of production-investment building. Entrepreneurial organization has a culture that facilitates entrepreneurial activity and puts together teams of people with the right combination of entrepreneurial characteristics. After 24 h of incubation, a 5 mm or more diameters (mm) of the growth inhibition zone was considered positive inhibition. In the first few months of the opening of the New Art Gallery in Walsall, the local Boots store reported that their daily sales increased by £4,000149. Productivity gains can only be fully realised when ICT investments are supported by investments in intangibles, such as organisational change. The feed contains 230 ppm of thiophene at the start of the reaction and the volumetric ratio of hydrogen to hydrocarbon ratio is 70 Nm3/m3. Due to the globalization and rapid development of economy, multinational corporations are becoming more and more popular. Durham seeks to illustrate the abdominal nature of Cherokee Removal in his article "Noh-Noh-He-Tsu-Nageh and the Cherokee Removal” through Noh-Noh-He-Tsu’s personal accounts and through the flaws of the various treaties signed with the Native Americans. Its contagious effect spread rapidly which caused banks to face liquidity problems, both domestically and internationally. This causes Derek to have a further insight and awakens him to see the extremely hazardous consequences of his wrong actions.
Ejercicio 2