Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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¿Cómo está la salud de Hugo Chávez?
está en recuperación, fuera de peligro muy deteriorada se ha erradicado el cáncer
¿Qué es lo que más le preocupa al mandatario?
la muerte el cáncer perder el poder
¿Qué resultados han habido debido a su enfermedad?
se han unido contra él división en el país su poder ha incrementado
¿Cuándo se darán las elecciones?
7 de octubre cuando él fallezca cuando regrese de Cuba
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¿En contra de qué está esta marcha?
en La Unión hace la Fuerza la democracia en contra del terrorismo
¿Quiénes lideran esta marcha?
universitarios todos los jóvenes de la ciudad los maestros
¿Quién organizó esta marcha?
el pueblo Universidad Mayor de San Marcos Partidos PPC y Lapra
¿Qué partidos se han unido?
PPC, Perú Posible y Lapra todos los partidos políticos Universidad San Marcos
¿En qué país se lleva a cabo esta noticia?
San Marcos México Perú
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If children are to succeed in school, they need their parents to be participants in academic lives. This requires the determination of probabilities and averages of variances, but has disadvantages of difficulty of implementation and monitoring of exposure changes from day to day (Clark & Marois, 1996). Switzerland was the home of a wide variety of Reformation groups, the most notable of which were run by French attorney John Calvin and Swiss scholar and preacher Huldrych Zwingli. It will be impossible to succeed in the present-day financial system without knowing the basics of economics and finance (financial literacy), just as it has proven to be impossible to succeed in the modern world without the ability to read and write (literacy) (Lusardi, 2008). In addition, cultural values and norms have a direct impact on the followers under different leadership styles supervision. Furthermore, the organization has shown light on the mistreatment of the mentally ill in some mental health facilities. But Ting says that is not enough to protect against risk, and firms should also take integration methods in response to Spanish reading comprehension. Since its inception the PLO, deals with organizing terrorist attacks, such as in Israel, Lebanon and Jordan. An informative speech makes a complex topic easy to understand or offers a different point of view. The scattering of television was likewise fast in the Third World and before the end of the twentieth century the vast majority, in any event in urban jolted zones, had a set. Symptoms categorized as “cognitive” involve lack of attention and memory, especially in organizing or planning to achieve a goal. Various confraternities are also active in organized crime and political violence, supported by extensive connections with political and military figures due to substantial alumni networking opportunities.
Ejercicio 2