Spanish Sentences using ya
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The You already know that I don't like bullfighting.
I thought you would have already repaired the bike. I didn't think you would have repaired it yet.
Diana, didn't you say that you no longer work in the workshop?
Her aunt and uncle when to pick her up but she was no longer there.
My brother got home really late, it was early morning already.
Just a minute. Good, I’m done. Who speaks Spanish?
Ya hemos llegado.
We've already arrived.
Ya las he extraviado muchas veces.
I have already lost them many times.
Ya me inscribí en enero.
I already enrolled in January.
Paco ya no quería seguir estudiando porque quería trabajar.
Paco didn't want to continue studying because he wanted to work.
Ya no nos están persiguiendo.
They're no longer following us.
Ya se colorean las manzanas.
The apples are getting their ripened color.
Mejor ya cállate.
Just shut up.
Ya se me antojó un perrito caliente.
I am craving a hot dog.
Ya tengo hambre.
I'm hungry already.
Ya no recuerda el incidente.
He no longer remembers the incident.
¿Ya se les pagó el tiempo extra a las secretarias?
Have the secretaries been paid for overtime?
Ya verás mi técnica.
You will see my skills.
Sí, ya tenía todo lo que necesitaba.
Yes, he already had everything he needed.
El señor ya le dio a usted las instrucciones.
The man has already given you instructions.
Ya no siga usted preocupándose. Todo se arreglará.
Don't worry about it anymore. Everything will be allright.
Ya me atienden, gracias.
I'm being attended to, thank you.
Nosotros ya reciclamos.
We recycle now.
¿Ya vivían Uds. en este departamento el año pasado?
Were you living in this apartment a year ago?
El día ya casi termina.
The day is almost over.
¿Ha terminado ya de planchar?
Have you finished the ironing yet?
Ya no aguanto más.
I can't take any more.
¡Ya voy! / ¡No tardaré en venir! / ¡Vengo enseguida!
I'm just coming!
¿Ya están aceptadas todas las solicitudes?
Are all the applications accepted?
¡Ya voy!
I'm just coming!
(Concluyo ya.)
(I am about to finish.)
Hagámoslo ya.
Let us do it now.
Ya estoy...
I am already looking ...
Hoy ya no.
This is no longer the case.
Ya termino.
I will leave it there.
No debemos ya, no podemos ya decepcionarles.
We must not, we cannot, disappoint them any more.
Eso ya no es tolerable.
This is no longer tolerable.
Eso ya no es tolerable.
This is no longer tolerable.
Eso ya no es tolerable.
This is no longer tolerable.
Ya la tenemos.
This has now been done.
¡Cambien ya de actitud!
Do not continue in this vein!
Ya existe una infraestructura.
We already have an infrastructure.
Demos empezar a trabajar ya.
Action must get under way immediately.
Ya recogía esta cuestión.
This question was raised in that document too.
Ya no toleran ser engañados.
They should no longer be deceived.
Ya se mencionó anoche.
This was already mentioned last night.
Eso ya sería algo.
This would be some achievement.
Señor Presidente, ya termino.
I will end, Mr President.
Señora Read, ya he entendido.
I understand what you are saying, Mrs Read, and the presidency takes note of your comment.
Ya lo he dicho.
As I, in fact, said.
Las escuelas ya no funcionan.
Schools can no longer remain open.
Están ya bien definidas.
These are already well defined.
Así, pues, ¡ya estamos!
So there you have it!
Esa estrategia ya existe.
That strategy has already been put in place.
Eso ya no es aceptable.
This is no longer acceptable.
Ya lo he dicho públicamente.
I have said it in public.
Ya no cumplen su cometido.
They no longer fulfil their purpose.
Hoy ya no es así.
That is no longer the case.
Ya iba siendo hora.
This is not a day too soon.
Ya hemos esperado demasiado.
We have already waited too long.
Kaliningrado ya no es Königsberg.
Kaliningrad is not Konigsberg any more.
Ya no es una política...
This is no longer a policy ...
Eso ya está creado.
This has now been created.
¿Existe ya una idea?
Do you already have a ballpark figure?
Eso ya no es posible.
That is no longer possible.
Esto ya no resulta aceptable.
This is no longer acceptable.
- Ya no le queda tiempo.
You do not have any time left.
Ya las hemos cumplido.
We have now met both.
Ya las hemos hecho.
We have already done that.
Ya no hay exclusión.
There is no exclusion any more.
Ya las conocen.
You know what they are.
Ya he mencionado esto explícitamente.
I have already mentioned that specifically.
¿No estaré matando ya?
Am I not already killing?
Ahora ya no lo temo.
But I no longer have any such fears.
¡Ya es muy tarde!.
It is already long overdue.
Tengámoslo ya presente.
Let us keep this in mind.
Ya lo ha sido.
That has already become apparent.
Hoy, eso ya no vale.
That is no longer the case today.
Ya hemos conseguido mucho.
We have achieved a great deal already.
Dichas alternativas ya existen.
Such alternatives do exist now.
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