Spanish Sentences using vivido
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The He's Spanish by birth, but he's always lived in England.
I'm from a small town, but I've always lived in the city.
Ellos no habían vivido allí.
They had not lived there.
Juan había vivido en Puerto Rico antes de mudarse a Nueva York.
John had lived in Puerto Rico before he moved to New York.
He vivido en Francia durante dos años.
I have lived in France for two years.
Nosotros lo hemos vivido.
We have lived through it.
Hemos vivido cinco años juntos.
We have spent five years together.
He vivido en Bruselas durante siete años.
I have lived in Brussels for seven years.
Ya he vivido esto en las comisiones.
I have already experienced this in the committees.
Ya lo hemos vivido en Italia.
Of course there are private broadcasters who are political animals.
Usted, de momento, solamente ha vivido la situación Norte y nosotros hemos vivido la situación Sur.
So far you have only experienced the situation in the North and we have experienced the situation in the South.
Estamos en puertas de la mayor ampliación que hemos vivido.
We are at the gates of the greatest enlargement we have seen.
Ahora, lo hemos vivido tres veces en dos años.
We have now seen it three times in two years.
Tiene razón: ha vivido mucho tiempo; ha asistido a muchos cambios.
He is right: she has lived a long time; she has seen a lot of change happen.
Por fortuna, no todos nosotros hemos vivido la desagradable experiencia.
Fortunately, not all of us have had to experience such disasters.
Más bien, es algo con lo que siempre hemos vivido.
Rather, it is something we have always lived with.
Crecí en libertad y siempre he vivido en libertad.
I grew up in freedom and have always lived in it.
He vivido muchas cosas en mi larga carrera como político.
I have experienced a great deal in my long career as a politician.
Lo que hemos vivido es algo que volveremos a vivir.
What we have experienced is something we will experience again.
Hemos vivido durante muchos años con esa opacidad.
We have lived for many years with this lack of transparency.
He vivido esto en Bélgica durante nueve años, señor Lange.
I experienced this in Belgium for nine years, Mr Lange.
Mi generación lo ha vivido aquí en Europa.
My generation has experienced that here in Europe.
Esto lo estamos viendo y lo hemos vivido recientemente.
This is what we have been witnessing recently.
Yo ya he vivido mucho, pero algo así jamás.
I have experienced a lot in my time, but nothing quite like this!
¿En qué mundo han vivido hasta ahora los Ministros?
What world have the ministers been living in?
En todo caso, yo nunca había vivido nada parecido.
Anyway, I have never experienced anything like this.
Los últimos dos años he vivido y he trabajado en Sudáfrica.
I have lived and worked in South Africa for the past two years.
Ya lo hemos vivido una vez con Eslovaquia.
We have had prior experience of this with Slovakia.
He vivido algo similar en la Comisión de Control Presupuestario.
I have experienced something similar in the Committee on Budgetary Control.
Hemos vivido recientemente una enorme catástrofe humanitaria propiciada por una intervención supuestamente humanitaria.
We recently witnessed a huge humanitarian disaster brought about by a supposedly humanitarian intervention.
A Croacia, que ha vivido cambios políticos positivos recientemente, debería llegarle pronto el turno.
Croatia, where positive political changes have recently occurred, should be involved in the near future.
No obstante, este derecho ha vivido siempre bajo la amenaza de ser modificado, restringido o eliminado.
But this right was always in danger of being changed, restricted or abolished.
Es por otra parte la curiosa situación que hasta ahora hemos vivido.
That has, in fact, been the strange situation up to the present time.
Hemos vivido el final de la época de Milosevic y esto ha sido un hecho positivo.
We have witnessed the end of the Milosevic era and that is a good thing.
Pero respecto al contenido, quiero decir algunas cosas sobre lo que hemos vivido hoy como Parlamento.
In terms of its content, however, I should also like to comment on what we have witnessed around Parliament today.
Es que hemos vivido, señor Presidente, sin ley y en un mar de buenas intenciones.
The fact is, Mr President, that we have been lawlessly adrift in a sea of good intentions.
Lo acontecido parece el mayor escándalo que he vivido en mis 23 años en esta Asamblea.
The events are the biggest scandal I have experienced in my 23 years in this House.
Ha vivido siempre con gran dignidad y le han sido prohibidos hasta los libros.
He has displayed great dignity throughout his life and he was not even allowed books in prison.
Hace poco lo hemos vivido cuando se declaró la enfermedad en Gran Bretaña.
We saw that happen recently, when foot and mouth disease broke out in Great Britain.
También pueden considerarse alternativas: por ejemplo, durante cuánto tiempo han vivido juntas las personas.
You can also look at alternatives; how long people have been living together, for example.
Es la historia que hemos vivido y la conocemos bien, aunque a veces necesitemos avanzar más rápido.
It is the history we have lived through and we know it well, even if there are times when we need to move forward more quickly.
¿Qué pueden estar pensando hoy, después de 50 años, aunque no todos hayan vivido 50 años?
What can they be thinking of today, after 50 years – although they have not all lived 50 years?
Por su contenido y por su forma, ha sido probablemente uno de los mejores que he vivido.
In terms of its content and its form, it has probably been one of the best Councils I have experienced.
El señor Barroso acaba de tranquilizarnos diciendo que ya hemos vivido otras dificultades.
We have already experienced other difficulties, Mr Barroso has just reassured us.
Permítanme realizar a continuación una declaración que hace referencia a los acontecimientos que hemos vivido este verano.
Please allow me next to make a statement relating to the events we have witnessed this summer.
. – Señor Presidente, durante nueve años Nepal ha vivido una sangrienta guerra civil.
. Mr President, for nine years Nepal has been in the middle of a bloody civil war.
En los últimos cuatro meses hemos vivido una situación sin precedentes.
Over the past four months, we have been going through an unprecedented situation.
Hemos vivido juntos muchas reuniones a lo largo de todo un semestre.
We went through many meetings together over a six-month period.
Desde entonces hemos vivido muchos altibajos en la vida política europea.
Since then we have lived through highs and lows in European politics.
Generaciones de israelíes y palestinos han vivido la inestabilidad, la violencia y la guerra.
Generations of Israelis and Palestinians have lived with instability, violence and war.
Estas personas probablemente no habrían fallecido si hubieran vivido en cualquier otro lugar de la Unión Europea.
These people would probably not have died if they had lived elsewhere in the European Union.
Hemos vivido antes estas situaciones, y nos hemos fortalecido siempre a su salida.
We have experienced these difficult situations before and we have always come out stronger on the other side.
Después de todo, el ser humano ha vivido siempre en épocas de continuo cambio climático.
After all, humankind has always been living in a time of continuous climatic change.
Cuarto hecho: ya hemos vivido esta situación anteriormente y encontramos una solución.
Fourth fact: we have already been in this situation and we found a solution.
También es preciso prestar atención al significado simbólico de las sanciones, algo que he vivido en Uzbekistán.
Consideration must also be given to the symbolic significance of sanctions, something which I experienced in Uzbekistan.
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