Spanish Sentences using tres
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The If we listen to all three records, we can decide which one to buy.
The flight attendant had counted the passengers three times!
I have seen three bullfights while you were in the Canaries.
Mom told me to do the homework when I got home at three o'clock.
The stupid one shows him three one-thousand-peseta notes.
We told them that we would go to the beach around three o'clock.
John, tell Mary that we will not be able to go before three o'clock.
You can be late three times before you are in trouble.
Your appointment to renegotiate mortgage terms is on Tuesday at three o'clock.
She had been teaching math for three hours when the bell rang.
You will have to go through the border again in three months.
Will you have already read those three books by next week?
Well, she must have taken three at the most. She doesn't like to take aspirins.
The house is located three blocks from downtown on a quiet side street.
If the pain does not go away after taking three pills, you should return to the hospital.
Please, bring me a piece of three milks cake.
¿Cuál de ellos prefirieron?
Which one did they prefer?
Reservar tres asientos
to book 3 seats
Me gustaría una mesa para tres, por favor.
I’d like a table for three, please.
Le regaló tres rosas rojas.
He gave her three red roses.
La bandera consta de tres franjas horizontales.
The flag is made up of three horizontal stripes.
Sirve tres porciones.
Serve three portions.
La casa tiene tres pisos
the house is three storeys high
Son tres los retos a vencer en su candidatura.
There are three challenges to overcome in her presidency.
Permanezca en la cama durante tres días.
Stay in bed for 3 days.
¡Vuelva dentro de tres días!
Come back in three days!
La conferencia ha durado tres horas.
The lecture has lasted three hours.
Cuatro mas tres son siete
Four plus three equals seven
El abogado quiere que nosotros vayamos a su oficina a las tres.
The lawyer wants us to go to his office at three o'clock.
La casa tiene tres pisos
the house is three storeys high
Tengo tres clases y un laboratorio.
I have three classes and a laboratory.
Necesito tres libros nuevos.
I need three new books.
La casa está ubicada a tres cuadras del centro, en un callejón tranquilo.
The house is located three blocks from downtown on a quiet side street.
El comandante ha hablado por tres horas.
The commander has spoken for three hours.
Mencionaré tres.
I will single out three.
Son tres.
There are, in fact, three.
Tres cosas.
We have done three things.
Tres palabras sobre las tres ideas.
I would like to make three comments on these three ideas.
¿Un día, tres días, tres semanas?
One day, three days, three weeks?
Me gustaría transmitirles tres observaciones, o tres mensajes.
I would like to share with you three comments, or three messages.
Le pido simplemente tres hojas, tres listas.
All I am asking for is three lists of names.
Tres observaciones ya que tengo tres minutos.
I have just three observations, since I have three minutes.
Voy a citarles tres ejemplos.
Let me give you three examples.
Tenemos tres problemas destacados.
We have three outstanding problems.
Reflexionemos tres segundos.
Let us just consider for a moment.
Me gustaría decir tres cosas.
I want to make three small points.
Queremos reivindicar tres cosas.
We would like to make three points.
Sólo quiero destacar tres.
I should like to single out just three of these basic problems.
Fundamentalmente, por tres motivos.
There are essentially three reasons.
Me permitiré formular tres preguntas.
I should like, therefore, to ask three questions.
No a estas tres iniciativas.
And yet here we are, going through the motions of a debate all over again.
Permítanme tres reflexiones.
Allow me to make three observations.
Permítame tres observaciones.
Allow me to make three observations.
Me gustaría decir tres cosas.
I should like to say three things.
Insistiré en tres puntos.
I shall now come back to three points.
Daré tres ejemplos.
I will give you three examples.
Quiero hacer tres observaciones.
I have three points that I want to make.
Desearía recordar tres cosas.
Let me draw attention to three points.
Quisiera mencionar tres.
I should like to list three.
Me han presentado tres solicitudes.
As I said, I have received three requests.
Permítanme destacar tres cuestiones.
Let me single out three issues.
Quisiera formular tres observaciones.
I should like to make three observations.
Lleva allí tres semanas.
He has been there for three weeks.
No obstante, haré tres observaciones.
Nonetheless, I have three comments to make.
Me gustaría decir tres cosas.
I should like to make three points.
Han participado tres mujeres.
Three women have been involved.
Tres observaciones puntuales.
I wish to make three distinct observations.
Aquí hay tres alternativas.
We are concerned here with three different alternatives.
Tengo tres preguntas:
I have three questions to put to you.
Quisiera formular tres preguntas:
I wish to put three questions:
Quisiera subrayar tres puntos.
I should like to make three points.
Sólo menciono tres puntos.
I have listed only three points.
Desearía formular tres observaciones.
I should like to make three observations.
Quisiera destacar tres cuestiones.
I should like to underline three points.
Quisiera hacer tres comentarios.
I have three points to make.
Quisiera plantear tres cuestiones.
I would like to raise three issues.
Quiero preguntar tres cosas.
I want to ask three things.
He presentado tres enmiendas.
I have tabled three amendments.
Voy a citar tres ejemplos.
I shall cite three examples.
Tengo tres preguntas adicionales.
I have three supplementary questions.
Voy a plantear tres cuestiones.
I would like to discuss three things.
Se propusieron tres enmiendas.
We had three proposed amendments.
Señor Presidente, tres observaciones.
Mr President, I have three observations to make.
Les pondré tres ejemplos.
I will give you three examples.
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