Spanish Sentences using sistema
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The It's quite common that the centralized door closing system fails
Each company has a different distribution system.
The system works; otherwise, it would already be returning to the previous version.
Multitasking is a feature of the operating system.
An assembly line is a system to manufacture a product more efficiently.
I found a new online system to learn Spanish through the Internet.
We make this with a computer integrated system.
Respetemos el sistema ecológico y no contaminemos el agua.
Lets respect the ecological system and lets not contaminate the water.
¿Sabes cómo desactivar el sistema de seguridad?
Do you know how to de activate the security system?
Los pulmones son un órgano del sistema respiratorio.
The lungs are an organ of the respiratory system.
El sistema solar tiene más de 4 billones de años.
The solar system is more than 4 trillion years old.
Esta enfermedad ataca el sistema nervioso.
This disease attacks the nervous system.
El sistema le permite establecer el idioma del navegador.
The system allows you to set the browser language.
El sistema es eficiente.
The system is highly effective.
Queremos mantener este sistema.
We want to retain this system.
¿Existe un sistema ECHELON?
Is there such a thing as an ECHELON system?
No existe ningún sistema armonizado.
There is no harmonised system.
Este sistema no me convence.
I do not like this system.
El sistema actual no funciona.
The present system does not work.
Necesitamos un sistema nuevo.
We need a new system.
El sistema actual no funciona.
The current system does not work.
¿Sería un sistema manejable?
Would that be a manageable system?
El sistema debería mejorar.
The system should be better.
Es un sistema perverso.
That is a perverse system.
Simplemente, el sistema funciona.
The system quite simply works.
Este sistema no es satisfactorio.
This is not a satisfactory development.
El sistema actual no funciona.
The current system therefore does not work.
¿Debemos mantener el sistema?
Are you going to retain that system?
No necesitamos ningún otro sistema.
There is no need to have any other system.
Así era el sistema.
That was how it worked.
Así era el sistema.
That is how the system was.
Necesitamos el sistema Eurodac.
We need the Eurodac system.
Eso precisamente convierte al sistema en un sistema muy bueno.
That is exactly what makes the system first-rate.
Europa debe tener un sistema europeo, no un sistema estadounidense.
Europe must have a European system, not an American one.
El sistema Bismarck parte sobre todo del sistema laboral.
Bismarck's system is primarily based on the occupational system.
Piensen que el sistema escolar es distinto del sistema universitario.
Remember, the school system is different from the university system.
Propongo que anulemos este sistema.
I propose that we change this system.
Ese sistema está absolutamente obsoleto.
That system is completely obsolete.
Ése sistema se ha modificado.
This previous system has now been changed.
Yo estoy a favor del sistema.
I am an advocate of the system.
Hay lagunas en el sistema.
There are loopholes in this system.
Ese sistema no merece nuestro apoyo.
This system should not be supported.
¿A qué sistema jurídico se acogen?
What legal system do they come under?
Eso trastorna el sistema jurídico.
That disrupts the legal system.
Habría que cambiar el sistema.
The system should be changed.
Basta con un buen sistema.
A good system is sufficient.
¿En nuestro caótico sistema sanitario?
On our chaotic health system?
Ningún sistema tiene solo ventajas.
No single system has only advantages.
¿Es ese un sistema justo?
Is that a fair system?
Habría que abolir el sistema.
The system should be abolished.
No sería un sistema más equitativo.
That would not be a more equitable system.
Tenemos un sistema sanitario eficaz.
We have an efficient health system.
Debería ser un sistema similar.
It should be a similar system.
Debería situarse dentro del sistema.
It should be inside the system.
Yo recomiendo un sistema parecido.
I would recommend a system along those lines.
Éste es el sistema ideal.
This is the ideal system.
El sistema es extraordinariamente eficaz.
The system is extremely effective.
Evaluación del sistema de Dublín (
Evaluation of the Dublin system (
Ése es el sistema norteamericano.
That is the American way of doing it.
Me parece un sistema excesivamente complejo.
It is like the house that Jack built.
El sistema judicial no tiene independencia.
The judicial system has no independence.
Consolidará su sistema de valores.
It will consolidate its value system.
Fíjense en el sistema financiero.
Look at the financial system.
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