Spanish Sentences using secretaria
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The I hope that the secretary can take the documents to them tomorrow.
I hope that the secretary can take them to them tomorrow.
The secretary wants me to fill out an application form.
The secretary wanted me to fill out an application form.
The young woman who carries the folder is the secretary.
Nosotros estamos reparando la computadora a la secretaria. Nosotros le estamos reparando la computadora.

We are fixing the computer for the secretary. We are fixing the computer for her.
The secretary wants me to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
I told the secretary that I would speak with the lawyer yesterday.
I told the secretary that I had to speak with the lawyer yesterday.
The secretary says that she wants John to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
The secretary wants us to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
The secretary wanted us to speak with the lawyer today.
The secretary said that she wanted us to speak with the lawyer today.
The secretary says that the lawyer is in the office today.
Gentlemen, the secretary says that she wants you all to speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
La secretaria organiza los archivos.
The secretary orginizes the files.
Enseguida la secretaria hace la cita con el doctor Lozano.
Right away, the secretary makes the appointment with doctor Lozano.
Estamos encantados con la nueva secretaria.
We are delighted with the new secretary.
La secretaria me va a dar los documentos.
The secretary is going to give me the documents.
La secretaria me los va a dar.
The secretary is going to give them to me.
Yo espero que la secretaria le mande el cheque mañana.
I hope that the secretary sends him the check tomorrow.
Yo espero que la secretaria se lo mande mañana.
I hope that the secretary sends it to him tomorrow.
La secretaria me ha entregado la carta.
The secretary has delivered the check to me.
La secretaria me la ha entregado.
The secretary has delivered it to me.
La secretaria había acordado escribir los informes.
The secretary had agreed to write the reports.
La secretaria quería que yo hablara con el abogado ayer.
The secretary wanted me to speak with the lawyer yesterday.
La secretaria dijo que ella esperaba que yo hubiera hablado con el abogado ayer.
The secretary said that she was hoping that I had spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
La secretaria dijo que ella creía que tú habías hablado con el abogado ayer.
The secretary said that she thought that you had spoken with the lawyer yesterday.
He visto al jefe hablando con la secretaria.
I saw the boss talking to his secretary.
La secretaria esperaba que nosotros hablaramos con el abogado ayer.
The secretary was hoping that we would speak with the lawyer yesterday.
El salvavidas se broncea más que la secretaria.
The lifeguard tans more than the secretary.
La carta está impresa; la secretaria la ha imprimido.
The letter is printed; the secretary has printed it.
Ellos buscaban una secretaria que hablara español.
They were looking for a secretary who spoke Spanish.
Nos precedió la Secretaria de Estado norteamericana, Madeleine Allbright.
We were preceded by the American Secretary of State, Madeleine Allbright.
Doy la bienvenida a la Secretaria de Estado, Rama Yade.
I greet State Secretary, Mrs Rama Yade.
Saludamos los esfuerzos del Presidente Clinton y de la Secretaria de Estado, Sra. Albright.
We welcome the efforts of President Clinton and Secretary of State Albright.
Ayer escuché a la Sra. Ekström, Secretaria de Estado responsable de la Cumbre de Estocolmo.
Yesterday, I listened to State Secretary Ekström, who is responsible for the European Council in Stockholm.
La Secretaria me ha garantizado que estas medidas serán revisadas con carácter de urgencia.
I was reassured by the Secretary that these measures will be reviewed urgently.
La declaración de la Secretaria de Estado Rice más bien formulaba preguntas que dar respuestas.
Secretary of State Rice’s statement begged more questions than it answered.
La semana pasada hablé por teléfono al respecto con la Secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton.
I spoke on the phone to Secretary Clinton to that end only last week.
Hace poco me reuní con la Secretaria de Seguridad Interior Napolitano y abordamos esta cuestión.
I recently met US Home Secretary Napolitano and we addressed this issue.
La secretaria de Estado dice que se basa en la justicia y que todos son ganadores.
The Secretary of State says that it is based on justice and everyone is a winner.
Señor Presidente, señora Presidenta, señora Secretaria de Estado, han mencionado ustedes una larga lista de temas.
Mr President, Madam President-in-Office, you have given us a long list of subjects.
Los diputados deberían quedar vinculados a ese código de conducta al aceptar los gastos de Secretaria.
Members must agree to abide by this code when they receive their secretarial allowance.
Eso se ha logrado en los Países Bajos gracias a los esfuerzos de la Secretaria de Estado Verstand.
This actually happened in the Netherlands, not least thanks to the efforts of Secretary of State Verstand.
A principios de este mes, la troika se reunió con su Secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, con este propósito.
At the beginning of this month, the troika met the US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, for that purpose.
Tratamos sin duda esta cuestión con los representantes estadounidenses, incluidos y empezando por el Presidente y la Secretaria de Estado.
We certainly do bring this question up with US representatives, including and starting with the President, and with the Secretary of State.
Su Secretaria de Estado compara los sufrimientos del pueblo libanés con los dolores del parto del nuevo Oriente Próximo.
Its Secretary of State compares the suffering of the people of Lebanon to the pain of giving birth to the new Middle East.
En el Parlamento Europeo también tenemos grandes expectativas con respecto a nuestro trabajo con la Secretaria General del Consejo.
We in the European Parliament also have great expectations for our work with the Council General Secretariat.
La Secretaria General de la Liga Nacional para la Democracia ha pasado los 13 últimos años bajo arresto domiciliario.
The General Secretary of the National League for Democracy has spent the last 13 years under house arrest.
Ayer, la Secretaria de Estado estadounidense, Hillary Clinton, instó abiertamente al capitán Camara y a su régimen que renuncien.
Yesterday, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, openly urged Moussa Dadis Camara and his regime to step down.
He reforzado este mensaje en la declaración conjunta con la Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton.
I have reinforced this message in a joint statement with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Su compañera, la Secretaria de Estado, nos demostró ayer aquí que no podía ser equitativa ni siquiera al dirigirse a esta Asamblea.
Your comrade, the Secretary-of- State, showed us here yesterday that she could not even be balanced when she came to this House in her contributions.
Hay que subrayar plenamente muchas de las cosas que la Secretaria de Estado, la señora Ferrero-Waldner, ha dicho.
Much of what Mrs Ferrero-Waldner has said can be fully endorsed.
Tal como ha indicado hoy nuestra Secretaria de Estado, quizás deberíamos proceder de un modo más decidido.
Perhaps, to take up a point that was touched upon today by our State Secretary, we should also adopt a more resolute approach on the international stage.
Estoy seguro de que todos queremos rendir homenaje a la diplomación hábil y persistente del Presidente Clinton y de la Secretaria de Estado, Madeline Albright.
I am sure we would all want to pay tribute to the skilful and persistent diplomacy of President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeline Albright.
Esta misma tarde he entablado contacto con la Secretaria de Agricultura estadounidense en relación con las medidas impuestas por los Estados Unidos.
I have already been in contact with the US Secretary of Agriculture this afternoon regarding the measures imposed by the United States.
La semana pasada me reuní en Washington con la nueva Secretaria de Agricultura estadounidense, Ann Veneman, que se ha comprometido a revisar regularmente la situación.
I met the new US Secretary for Agriculture, Ann Veneman, last week in Washington, and she has undertaken to regularly review the situation.
Y quiero decir que no me ha satisfecho en absoluto la forma como la Secretaria de Estado ha respondido a las legítimas preguntas formuladas por la Sra. Caroline Jackson.
I wish to state that I was far from satisfied with the way in which the Secretary of State answered the legitimate questions asked by Caroline Jackson.
El documento elaborado por el foro de las ONG era tan malo que la Secretaria General, Mary Robinson, no pudo recomendarlo a los gobiernos.
The document produced by the NGO forum was so bad that the Secretary-General, Mary Robinson, was unable to recommend it to the governments.
El programa era una simple iniciativa de la Secretaria, no se había preparado a petición de los miembros ni se había discutido anteriormente con ellos.
This was purely a secretariat initiative, not undertaken at the request of the members and not previously discussed with them.
O sea que no podemos decir que tengamos pocas iniciativas resplandecientes que involucran miles de millones de dólares de nuevos fondos adicionales provenientes de la Secretaria de la FAO.
So we are definitely not running short of magnificent initiatives involving billions and billions of new additional money coming from the secretariat of the FAO.
Quiero agradecerles su comprensión cuando tuve que sustituir a la Sra. Ries tras ser esta nombrada Secretaria de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores belga.
I should like to express my thanks for your understanding when I took over from Mrs Ries, who became Belgian State Secretary for European Affairs.
La Secretaria General del Parlamento Europeo tendrá que elaborar en consecuencia un informe sobre el retraso y formular propuestas para remediar la situación.
The European Parliament’s Secretary-General will therefore have to issue a report on the reasons for the delay and make proposals for remedying the situation.
El 5 de diciembre, antes de su visita a Europa, la Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos hizo una declaración pública detallada al respecto.
On 5 December the United States Secretary of State made a detailed public statement on the matter in advance of her visit to Europe.
Algunos colegas de la Unión Europea pudieron hablar la semana pasada en Bruselas de este asunto con la Secretaria de Estado Rice.
Some European Union colleagues were able to discuss this matter with Secretary of State Rice last week in Brussels.
Sé que otros colegas de la Unión Europea también han manifestado públicamente comentarios sobre la declaración de la Secretaria de Estado Rice.
I understand some other European Union colleagues have also made public comments upon the statement by Secretary of State Rice.
La Secretaria de Estado Rice dijo significativamente la semana pasada que los Estados Unidos han respetado la soberanía de otros países.
Secretary of State Rice pointedly said last week that the US has respected the sovereignty of other countries.
El Presidente en ejercicio ha dicho que las declaraciones de la Secretaria de Estado Rice de la semana pasada deberían tomarse al pie de la letra.
The President-in-Office said that Secretary of State Rice’s statements last week should be taken at face value.
Con respecto a los Gobiernos soberanos, recuerdo a sus Señorías las palabras que el 5 de diciembre pronunció la Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos.
On respect for sovereign governments, I remind honourable Members of the words of the United States Secretary of State on 5 December 2005.
Algunos Ministros de la UE también señalaron que ya habían expresado su preocupación en reuniones celebradas con la Secretaria de Estado estadounidense.
Some EU ministers also pointed out that they had already voiced their concern at meetings with the US Secretary of State in Brussels.
Damos la bienvenida al Primer Ministro de Finlandia y a su Secretaria de Estado para Asuntos Europeos, así como al Presidente de la Comisión.
We welcome the Prime Minister of Finland and his Secretary of State for European Affairs, as well as the President of the Commission.
Los Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores de la Unión Europea y la Secretaria de Estado Rice examinaron nuevamente la cuestión durante la visita de esta a Bruselas.
The European Union Foreign Affairs Ministers and Secretary of State Rice discussed the matter again later on during the latter’s visit to Brussels.
Precisamente ayer se discutió en Washington el asunto de Darfur en una reunión entre el Comisario Michel y la Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Condoleezza Rice.
Just yesterday, the Darfur issue was discussed in Washington in a meeting between Commissioner Michel and the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice.
Asimismo doy las gracias a mi secretaria y al personal de los grupos: hace falta el esfuerzo de mucha gente para hacer un buen trabajo.
My thanks also go to my personal assistant and to the staff of the groups: it takes many heads and many hands to do a good job.
En este sentido, acojo con agrado los compromisos adquiridos por la Secretaria de Estado designada, Hillary Clinton, en su audiencia de ayer en el Senado.
In this regard I welcome Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton's commitments at her Senate hearing yesterday.
Hay que suponer que las conversaciones eufóricas sobre una OTAN flexible con el Presidente Obama y la Secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton se convertirán en un fenómeno común.
It is to be supposed that the ecstatic speeches about a soft NATO under Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will become a more common phenomenon.
Tomo nota de que Hilary Ben, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del Reino Unido, ha hecho un llamamiento para un etiquetado más definido.
I note that Hilary Benn, the UK Environment Secretary, and the Shadow Secretary, have called for clearer labelling.
Estoy muy contento de que Estados Unidos y el Presidente Obama, junto con el Vicepresidente Biden y la Secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton, defiendan ahora una política diferente.
I am very pleased that the United States and President Obama, together with Vice-President Biden and the Secretary of State Mrs Clinton, are now pursuing a different policy.
Como muchos otros, ya me he reunido con la Secretaria de Estado, señora Clinton, en varias ocasiones y también hablé con el Vicepresidente Biden durante su reciente visita a Bruselas.
Like many others, I have already met Secretary of State Clinton on various occasions and I also spoke to Vice-President Biden when he was in Brussels very recently.
Nos alentó la presencia de la Secretaria Clinton en la Conferencia de Sharm el-Sheik, así como su implicación activa con su presencia en el primer Cuarteto.
We were encouraged by Secretary Clinton's presence at the Sharm el-Sheik Conference and also her active involvement through the first Quartet by her presence.
La Secretaria Napolitano nos informó de que otro Estado miembro está a punto de ser admitido en el Programa de exención de visado.
Secretary Napolitano informed us that one additional Member State is getting very close to entering the visa-waiver programme.
Yo acudiré a una reunión sobre política exterior con la Secretaria Clinton y con el señor Bildt, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, para debatir estas cuestiones de forma más detallada.
I will have a separate foreign policy meeting with Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Bildt to discuss these matters in greater detail.
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