Spanish Sentences using roto
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The The clock was still new but it was broken already. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Please send the broken product to our repair department.
He has had an accident and now his car is broken.
Yo creo que Juan ha roto la ventana.
I believe that John has broken the window.
Juan, ¿Has roto la ventana?
John, have you broken the window?
Yo creo que los muchachos han roto la ventana.
I think that the boys have broken the window.
Yo no sé si los muchachos la han roto.
I don't know if the boys have broken it.
¿Sabes si los muchachos han roto la ventana?
Do you know if the boys have broken the window?
Dudaban que vosotros hubierais roto las ventanas.
They doubted that you had broken the windows.
¿Has roto la ventana?
Have you broken the window?
Juan ha roto la ventana.
John has broken the window.
Nosotros hemos roto la ventana.
We have broken the window.
Los muchachos han roto la ventana.
The boys have broken the window.
¿ Sabes si Juan ha roto la ventana?
Do you know if John has broken the window?
Nosotros no sabemos si Juan ha roto la ventana.
We don't know if John has broken the window.
Nosotros no sabemos si los muchachos han roto la ventana.
We don't know if the boys have broken the window.
Yo no sé si Juan ha roto la ventana.
I don't know if John has broken the window.
La sirvienta ya ha roto seis vasos esta semana.
The maid has already broken six glasses this week.
Yo no sé si los muchachos han roto la ventana.
I don't know if the boys have broken the window.
El contestador automático está roto; lo rompió el estudiante que nos ayudaba.
The answering machine is broken; the student that was helping us broke it.
Este desequilibrio se ha roto.
This imbalance has been upset.
Me habría roto el corazón interrumpirle.
It would have broken my heart to interrupt you.
Ha roto una lógica europea.
He has put a spanner in the European works.
El vínculo se había roto.
The link with the past was broken.
Como recordarán, la propuesta cayó en saco roto.
It concerns the early warning the Commission proposed to the Council a few months ago.
Esto convertiría la Directiva en un saco roto.
That would make the directive an empty shell.
Pero hasta ahora esta reclamación ha caído en saco roto.
So far this request has been turned down.
Puedo asegurarles que sus aportaciones no caerán en saco roto.
I can assure them that their contributions will be taken on board.
El informe de este año no ha roto con esta tendencia,
This year’s report did not break with this trend.
Pues bien, esto está roto y hay que arreglarlo.
Well, it is broken and it needs fixing.
Pero el ciclo de la impunidad no se ha roto todavía.
Yet, the cycle of impunity has not yet been broken.
Entretanto, la UE ha roto el hielo en Kosovo.
In the meantime, the EU broke the ice in Kosovo.
El sistema está roto y requiere una profunda reforma.
The system is broken and must be deeply reformed.
Este equilibrio, como se ha dicho, se ha roto.
This equilibrium, as has been said, has been destroyed.
Algo se ha roto en la lógica interna del sistema.
Part of the internal logic of the system has been broken.
Espero que mis palabras no caigan en saco roto.
The point I have made is for future reference, so to speak.
Cada vez que se señala un fallo en un producto se presenta la pregunta: ¿ya estaba roto o lo ha roto el usuario?
Each time a product is found to be faulty, the question will arise: was it already faulty or did the user break it?
Creo que, en cualquier otra situación, el equilibrio entre las instituciones ya se habría roto.
I think that if anyone else were involved, the balance between the institutions would already have been upset.
Cabría afirmar según el admirable dicho que: "si no está roto, no lo arregles" .
There would seem to be scope for the admirable dictum: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
En Irlanda tenemos un dicho muy utilizado: "si no está roto, para qué pegarlo" .
In Ireland we have a commonly used phrase - "if it is not broken, why fix it".
Los soldados iraquíes habían roto todos los huesos de su cuerpo.
The Iraqi soldiers had broken every single bone in that man' s body.
Señor Comisario, en el Reino Unido tenemos un dicho: si no está roto, no lo repares.
We have a saying, Commissioner, in the UK, if it is not broke, don't mend it.
Hay un vínculo de confianza entre la clase política y su pueblo que ha quedado roto.
A link of confidence between the political class and its people has been broken.
Pero su alegato en favor de las regiones constitucionales, naturalmente, no va a caer en saco roto.
But your plea for constitutional regions is, of course, not falling on deaf ears, if I can put it that way.
Señora Presidenta del Consejo, le podría dejar mi teléfono, pero lamentablemente está roto.
Madam President-in-Office of the Council, I would lend you my mobile, but unfortunately, it is broken.
Al dar este paso, también se ha roto la barrera representada por el bloque financiero.
In taking this step, you also broke down the barrier represented by the financial block.
Hay un refrán que dice: «Si todavía no se ha roto, no lo pegues».
There is a saying in English: 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it.'
Las propuestas del informe del Sr. Caveri convierten el sistema de ecopuntos en saco roto.
The proposals in Mr Caveri's report reduce the ecopoint system to an empty shell.
El vínculo que se esperaba que se estableciera se ha roto.
The link it had been hoped to establish has been severed.
¿Se podría decir en este caso que se ha roto una promesa?
Could it perhaps be said that a promise has been broken in this case?
Muchos otros países han roto sus compromisos relativos a la erradicación de la pobreza.
Many other countries have broken their promises in relation to eradicating poverty.
Resumiendo, el dinero invertido en zonas rurales no caerá en saco roto.
To sum up, money invested in rural areas will not go to waste.
El tejido social de Iraq se ha roto completamente después de la guerra.
Following the war, Iraq is a country in which the entire social fabric has broken down.
No estoy de acuerdo con su Señoría cuando afirma que nuestras quejas caen en saco roto.
I do not agree with the honourable Member that our pleas fall on deaf ears.
Al leerlo, temí que en vez de ello la RSE en Europa cayera en saco roto.
When I read it I feared that CSR in Europe was instead falling down a black hole.
El Presidente Barroso ha dicho antes: "Si no está roto, no hay que arreglarlo."
President Barroso said earlier, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
Señor Almunia -por favor- el Pacto de Estabilidad se ha roto.
Mr Almunia - please - the Stability Pact is broken.
Esta promesa se ha roto por completo, porque continuamente se están abriendo nuevos capítulos.
This promise has well and truly been broken now, because new chapters are being opened constantly.
Señor Zapatero, usted ha roto la buena tradición del PSOE en Europa.
Mr Zapatero, you have broken the fine tradition of the PSOE in Europe.
En mi país tenemos un dicho: "Si no está roto, ¿para qué arreglarlo?"
There is a saying in my country, 'If it is not broken, why fix it?'
La neutralidad presupuestaria no es más que otra promesa de la UE que cae en saco roto.
Budget neutrality is now but another EU promise whistling in the wind.
De hecho, el Consejo ha roto su palabra al rechazarlo ahora en este presupuesto.
In fact, the Council has broken its word by refusing this now in this budget.
En este caso, deberíamos guiarnos por el principio de "Si no está roto, no tratemos arreglarlo".
In this case, we should be guided by the principle of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
He votado "a favor" con la esperanza de que se haya roto el hielo.
I voted 'for' in the hope that the ice has broken up.
Es una China sofisticada, pero una China con algo realmente roto por dentro.
It is a sophisticated China, yet one with something seriously broken inside.
Significa que la cadena de legitimación de la UE se ha roto hace ya mucho tiempo.
It means quite simply that the EU's chain of legitimacy has long since been broken.
Allí pudimos constatar repetidamente que UNITA ha roto la paz y ha vuelto a tomar las armas.
We observed time and again that UNITA had violated the peace agreement and had taken up arms again.
Éste se ha roto por la invasión de ideologías laxistas en materia de educación.
This was broken down by the incursion of lax ideas on education.
Por todo ello, espero que estos alegatos que dirigimos a usted no caigan en saco roto.
And so it is my hope that the overtures we have made to you do not fall on deaf ears.
Esa lógica ha roto también la del Protocolo sobre las instituciones.
This new thinking has now broken with the thinking of the Protocol on the institutions.
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