Spanish Sentences using recientemente
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The Recently, sources close to the soccer player locate him in Paris.
He hablado de ello recientemente.
I spoke of that recently.
He estado allí recientemente.
I have been there recently myself.
Las actitudes han cambiado recientemente.
We note that there have been changes in attitudes in recent times.
Eso es algo que hemos aprendido recientemente.
That is the one thing that we have learned recently.
Recientemente, recibí 35 cartas de consumidores preocupados.
I recently received 35 letters from anxious consumers.
Recientemente hemos tenido el reglamento Danner.
We have recently had the Danner ruling.
El programa Pericles se ha evaluado recientemente.
The Pericles programme has recently been evaluated.
Recientemente, a Alemania se le asignaron 96 escaños.
Recently, Germany was allocated 96 seats.
Nuestro Comisario, Louis Michel, viajó recientemente a Cuba.
Our Commissioner, Louis Michel, was in Cuba recently.
Recientemente, un periodista ha sido asesinado.
Recently, a journalist was killed.
También me felicito del compromiso francés anunciado recientemente.
I also welcome the French commitment now recently announced.
El Primer Ministro checo estuvo allí recientemente.
The Czech Prime Minister was there just recently.
Valoramos el progreso que han conseguido recientemente.
We appreciate the progress that has been achieved recently.
Estuve recientemente en Banja Luka y Sarajevo.
I was recently in Banja Luka and Sarajevo.
Serbia ha logrado progresos particularmente significativos recientemente.
Serbia has made particularly significant progress recently.
Estuve recientemente en Polonia y puedo atestiguarlo.
I was in Poland recently and can confirm this.
Sus resultados se han presentado recientemente.
The committee's findings were presented recently.
En Albania se han celebrado elecciones recientemente.
Recently there has been an election in Albania.
¿Lo ha revisado recientemente? Me gustaría recibir respuesta.
Have you looked at this in the recent past; and would you please reply to this?
Recientemente se lo mencioné otra vez al Comisario Monti.
I mentioned this again to Commissioner Monti recently.
Recientemente, he pasado una semana tanto en Etiopía como en Eritrea.
I recently spent a week in both Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Recientemente hemos tratado el tema de los dispositivos de insonorización.
We talked about hushkits not so long ago.
He oído incluso recientemente invocaciones a una menor burocracia bruselense, a menores complicaciones.
Recently, I even heard calls for less of the Brussels bureaucracy, for fewer complications.
Recientemente hablé largo y tendido sobre ello en Estocolmo.
I spoke at length on this in Stockholm recently.
El pueblo irlandés se ha expresado recientemente sobre este Tratado.
The people of the Irish Republic have recently expressed their opinion of the Treaty.
Recientemente, un funcionario de la Comisión me dijo que no podríamos hacerlo.
Recently a Commission official said to me that we could not do this.
Ahora bien, recientemente, dichos medios se han reducido.
In recent times, however, those means have been reduced.
No obstante, me preocupan algunas enmiendas recientemente presentadas por sus Señorías.
I nonetheless express concern about a number of the amendments which were recently tabled by some honourable Members.
Noticias llegadas recientemente informan de nuevas detenciones de periodistas.
Recent reports suggest that more journalists have been arrested.
Recientemente, la Comisión ha presentado un documento al respecto.
The Commission issued a document on this subject recently.
Este objetivo lo recordó bien recientemente la Cumbre de Barcelona.
This objective was highlighted once again at the Barcelona Summit.
Las señales políticas que hemos recibido recientemente son muy claras.
The political signals we have received recently are quite clear.
Recientemente el Grupo Scottish Media ha puesto en venta The Herald.
The Herald has recently been put up for sale by the Scottish Media Group.
Más recientemente, reaccionamos al trágico naufragio del petrolero Prestige.
Most recently, we reacted to the tragic loss of the oil tanker Prestige.
Eso ocurrió en presencia de nuestros diputados muy recientemente.
That was in front of our Members very recently.
Recientemente lo hemos visto con el desastre del Prestige.
We recently experienced the Prestige disaster.
En Francia, siete sindicatos han pedido esto recientemente.
In France, seven trade unions have been asking for this recently.
El Parlamento Europeo participó recientemente en un psicodrama ridículo.
. (FR) The European Parliament recently played a part in a ridiculous psychodrama.
Recientemente hemos observado algunos avances importantes en Turquía.
We have recently monitored certain important internal developments in Turkey.
Recientemente el Comisario ordenó realizar estudios sobre el tema.
The Commissioner recently ordered studies on the subject.
Sabemos que la economía europea ha sufrido recientemente una desaceleración.
We know that the European economy has been sluggish recently.
Recientemente se ha negado la entrada a Rusia a una periodista danesa.
Recently, a Danish journalist was denied entry to Russia.
Recientemente se han enviado dos generales más a este tribunal.
Two more generals have just been sent to The Hague.
De hecho, incluso ha sido rechazado recientemente por el Consejo.
In fact, it was even rejected recently by the Council.
En este sentido, celebramos el acuerdo alcanzado recientemente en Nayaf.
In that connection, we welcome the agreement that was recently concluded in Najaf.
Francia ha dado recientemente un lamentable ejemplo de ello.
France recently gave us a lamentable example of this.
Los riesgos alimentarios que han saltado a la luz recientemente...
The food risks which have come to light recently ...
He luchado en este frente durante muchos años, no tan solo recientemente.
I have been fighting on this front for many years, not just recently.
Recientemente hemos hablado de directivas relativas al blanqueo de dinero.
We have been dealing with money laundering directives recently.
He visitado el norte y el este de Sri Lanka recientemente.
I was in the north and east of Sri Lanka recently.
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