Spanish Sentences using quiso
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The He tried to open the door but he couldn't. So, he decided to wait for me. But I couldn't either.
I wanted to go to the store but Consuelo wanted to go to the movies.
They wanted to have some fun. What did you want? I did not want to have it. He wanted it.
Upon his return to England he became obsessed with the Bible and he wanted to become a theologian.
No me quiso dar la enhorabuena.
He didn't want to congratulate me.
¿No te quiso dar chocolates Juan?
Did Juan not want to give you chocolates?
No me quiso dar chocolates.
He did not want to give me chocolates.
Quiso hacer avanzar a Europa.
It wanted to take Europe forwards.
Y quiso seguir participando plenamente.
And it wants to go on doing so.
No quiso hacerlo, y hoy estamos donde estamos.
She did not wish to do so, and that has brought us to where we are today.
Él quiso ignorarnos, pero no lo consiguió.
He wanted to ignore us, but did not succeed.
No quiso tener en cuenta los fenómenos climáticos.
It does not want to take into account climatic factors.
Nadie lo vio. Nadie quiso verlo.
Nobody saw it, nobody wanted to see it.
Esto se quiso impedir prohibiendo las máquinas de escribir.
Banning the typewriter was intended to prevent this.
Nadie, ni de derechas ni de izquierdas, quiso apoyarme.
Nobody, neither on the left nor on the right, would support me.
Ahora bien, el Consejo no quiso ni hablar de tal movilización.
The Council, however, would not hear of this mobilisation.
Todos estos países fueron muy cooperativos, pero Alemania, no quiso cooperar.
These countries cooperated well. Germany, though, refused all cooperation.
Nadie en esta Cámara quiso restringir la libertad en Internet.
No one in this House ever wanted to restrict freedom on the Internet.
No quiso tener en cuenta la caída de las existencias.
It does not want to know about the collapse of stocks.
La mala suerte quiso que fuera en Bélgica.
It was just bad luck that it happened in Belgium.
Gracias a Dios, no me pasó nada porque Dios quiso que yo estuviese aquí con mis explicaciones de voto.
Thankfully, God wanted me to be here so I could give my explanations of votes and I was not hurt.
¡Al lobo!" gritó un pastorcillo que quiso divertirse un poco a costa de sus amigos.
Wolf!" cried a shepherd boy who wanted to play a trick on his friends.
Su predecesor, el Sr. De Silguy, no quiso saber nada del tema.
Your predecessor, Mr De Silguy, simply refused to listen.
Quiso la suerte que hubiera un debate en la Mesa el lunes sobre reforzar la seguridad.
As luck would have it there was a discussion at the Bureau meeting on Monday on tightening security.
No fue la Comisión la que quiso limitar el número de las delegaciones a 120.
It was not the Commission that wanted to limit the number of our delegations to 120.
Ante los déficit alemán y francés, la Comisión quiso imponer el cumplimiento de las normas.
Faced with the German and French deficits, the Commission wanted to ensure that the rules were respected.
Al distribuir las carteras quiso usted complacer a los elementos más conservadores de Europa.
When allocating the portfolios you wanted to please Europe’s most conservative elements.
En Johanesburgo no se quiso consagrar el agua como un derecho, sino tan solo como una necesidad.
In Johannesburg, it was not felt that water should be written down as a right, but merely as a need.
Cuando el Primer Ministro finlandés ofreció ayuda a Rusia, esta no quiso ni aceptarla.
It so happened that when Finland’s Prime Minister offered Russia help, the latter did not even agree to accept it.
Después, la Comisión Europea quiso el IVA al tipo aplicado en el país de origen.
Then the European Commission wanted VAT at the rate applied by the country of origin.
La Comisión quiso poner fin a esta confusión creando una autoridad claramente definida y responsable.
The Commission wanted to end this confusion by establishing a clearly defined and accountable authority.
El Consejo quiso evitar eso, pero el Parlamento ha decidido de otra manera.
The Council wanted to prevent this but Parliament has ruled otherwise.
Después, no se aplicó porque el Consejo no quiso hacerlo; seamos claros a ese respecto.
Thereafter, it was not applied because the Council did not wish to apply it; let us be clear on that.
Todo el mundo tiene claro que China, en particular, no quiso comprometerse con los objetivos verdaderamente importantes.
It is clear to everyone that China, in particular, did not want to commit itself to seriously meaningful objectives.
Más adelante tuvimos la oportunidad de detener este asunto, pero la mayoría no quiso.
Then we had the option of bringing everything to a stop, but the majority did not want to do so.
Pedimos repetidamente un texto legislativo sólido, pero la señora Reding no quiso escucharnos.
We asked repeatedly for a strong legislative text, but Reding did not want to hear about it.
La Presidencia húngara comenzó una revisión y quiso que usted se hiciera cargo, pero no lo hizo.
The Hungarian Presidency started a review and wanted you to take it over, but you stopped it.
La representación de los Estados miembros presentes no pudo ni quiso tomar ninguna posición vinculante a nivel político.
Those Member State representatives who were present were not sufficiently senior to be either willing or able to defend a politically binding position.
La Comisión no quiso apoyar mi enmienda, pero prometió orientar el grueso de los recursos a este segmento.
The Commission did not want to support my amendment but did promise to steer the bulk of the resources to that sector.
El Consejo, debido a la oposición de algunos Estados miembros, no pudo o no quiso aprobarla en ningún momento.
The Council could never approve it because some Member States were opposed.
Nadie quiso escuchar estas advertencias marcadas con el sello del sentido común y del realismo.
No-one ever listened to these warnings which were full of common sense and realism.
Luego se cambió, se quiso hacer un debate, pero nadie ha dado la verdadera razón.
We changed and decided to hold a debate, but nobody said really why we did.
La conciliación no se produjo por las siguientes causas: primero, el Parlamento no quiso sentar precedente.
The conciliation failed for the following reasons. Firstly, Parliament did not want to create a precedent.
Se sabía que allí estaba teniendo lugar un genocidio, pero no se le quiso llamar así. Trágico.
It was known that genocide was going on, but no one wanted to call it by its name, with tragic consequences.
Todo ello, señor Presidente, quiso adornarlo el Comisario competente hablando durante más de media hora.
By speaking for more than half an hour, the Commissioner tried to make all this sound better than it is.
Es el día que quiso Clara Zetkin en 1912 para promover la condición femenina.
It is the day that Clara Zetkin called for in 1912 to advance the condition of women.
Indonesia no quiso cumplir el compromiso oficial asumido en Nueva York de garantizar la seguridad.
Indonesia did not want to fulfil the formal commitment it gave in New York to guarantee security.
El Consejo Europeo en este punto no quiso seguir el parecer del Parlamento.
The European Council did not want to follow Parliament' s advice on this matter.
El martes quiso hacernos creer, faltando a la verdad, que el Reglamento 2390/1999 impedía proporcionar estas cifras.
On Tuesday, she tried to make this House believe, wrongly, that Regulation 2390/1999 prevented her from presenting the figures.
En ningún momento quiso la Comisión tener en cuenta las graves consecuencias económicas y sociales de esta marcha forzada.
At no time was the Commission willing to take into account the grave economic and social consequences of this headlong rush.
Cuando la Comisión Prodi instauró el ciclo de planificación estratégica y de programación, quiso asociar a las demás instituciones.
When the Prodi Commission established the cycle of strategic planning and programming, he wanted to involve the other institutions.
Se quiso durante mucho tiempo que el debate sobre los aspectos técnicos de la financiación sustituyera al dinero.
The debate on the technical aspects of funding was largely intended as a substitute for money.
Dice que vayan cuanto antes, porque él es ya incapaz de garantizar -si alguna vez quiso- un mínimo de seguridad.
It says that they should go as soon as possible, because it is no longer capable - as if it ever wanted to - of guaranteeing the least security.
Desde el principio, el Parlamento quiso que estos derechos se aplicaran a todos los servicios ferroviarios, incluidos los servicios nacionales.
From the outset, Parliament was keen to see these rights introduced for all railway services, including national services.
autor. - Señor Presidente, en 1960 la Somalilandia británica e italiana quiso hacer realidad su sueño de independencia.
author. - Mr President, in 1960, British and Italian Somaliland looked forward to their dream of independence.
Con toda seriedad, quiso introducir excepciones a una solución a largo plazo que permitiría a la gente trabajar hasta 78 horas semanales.
In all seriousness, he wanted to introduce exceptions to a long-term solution which would allow people to work up to 78 hours per week.
Además, el electorado italiano quiso eliminar a los comunistas de la arena parlamentaria y desde entonces dejaron de ocupar sus escaños.
Moreover, the Italian electorate wanted to remove communists from the parliamentary arena, and they no longer sit on these benches.
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