Spanish Sentences using político
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The The rescue would be becoming a political spectacle.
Julius Caesar was a military and political leader of the Roman Republic.
Did you believe the politician when he made his promises? No, I did not believe him.
I'm going to support the least corrupt political party.
No es un box político.
It is not a political one.
No veo ningún realismo político.
I see no political realism.
Existe un diálogo político.
There is a political dialogue.
Necesitamos más control político.
We need more political control.
Costó liderazgo político conseguirlo.
It took political leadership to achieve that.
Fue un asesinato político.
It was a political assassination.
El debate político continuará.
The political debate will continue.
Es nuestro capital político.
That is our true political capital.
Esa decisión requería valor político y constituía un riesgo político.
This move required political courage and was a political risk.
Es un mensaje político, un acto político que debemos apoyar.
That is a political sign, a political act that we must support.
El debate es profundamente político.
The debate is a deeply political one.
No voy a referirme al contenido político.
It is not the political aspect which bothers me.
En lo político, no ha sobresalido.
From a political point of view, it has had a low profile.
No es cuestión de desacuerdo político.
This is not a question of political disagreement.
Apoyo firmemente este objetivo político.
I strongly support this political objective.
El horror también es político.
The horror is also political.
El problema es eminentemente político.
This problem is first and foremost a political problem.
Debemos reforzar el diálogo político.
We need a reinforced political dialogue.
No debemos tolerar este abuso político.
This political abuse cannot be tolerated.
Permítanme añadir un comentario político.
Let me add something political.
Hemos apoyado el proceso político.
We have supported the political process.
No se trata de romanticismo político.
This is not political romanticism.
Debe primar el aspecto político.
The primary competence must be political.
Constitución de un grupo político
Formation of a political group
Esto constituye un éxito político.
This represents a political success.
El debate político debe continuar.
The political debate needs to continue.
¡Gran cualidad para un político!
That is a good thing in politicians!
Ahora llego al resultado político.
I now come to the political result.
Ese es mi comentario político.
That is my political comment.
El aspecto político está bloqueado.
The political aspect is blocked.
Es un importante asunto político.
It is an important political issue.
El marco político ha cambiado.
The political framework has changed.
Ningún político sobrevive sin asesores.
No politician survives without advisers.
Existe un creciente consenso político.
There is a growing political consensus.
Mi grupo político va a apoyarlas.
My group will support them.
Éste es el punto político.
That is the political point.
Tenemos instrumentos de diálogo político.
We have political dialogue instruments.
Mi grupo político le apoya.
My group supports you in that view.
Contiene un programa político básico.
It has a political agenda.
Pasaré ahora al aspecto político.
Now to the political situation.
Emprendamos un auténtico programa político.
We are embarking on a real political programme.
Eso es un hecho político.
That is a political fact.
El compromiso político ya existe.
The political commitment is there.
Hoy cumplimos este deber político.
Today, we are fulfilling that political responsibility.
Es un puro voluntarismo político.
This is political pro-activism pure and simple.
Tiene un gran significado político.
It bears a highly political significance.
Es un puro debate político.
This is a purely political debate.
Éste es el primer punto político.
This is my first point regarding the policy.
¿Se trata de un simple gesto político?
Is this simply a political gesture?
Por ello, tiene un carácter político.
It is therefore political by nature.
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