Spanish Sentences using o
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Does it hurt you more when you drink hot or cold drinks?
Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?
Do you feel short of breath when you walk or go upstairs?
I talked to María or Irene --I'm not sure which one.
Do you prefer a car with two doors or four doors?
What do you prefer, to think about something or to celebrate something?
Tidy up, organize or eliminate the newspapers and magazines.
Do you prefer to travel in tourist class or first class?
Do you have any identification, or something that indicates your address?
How would you speak about sex to small children or pre-teens?
Does your chest hurt when you cough or take a deep breath?
Do you want to send it inside the United States or to another country?
Do you get nausea or vomiting when you have the pain?
You can access your account by the telephone or Internet.
Cheese is also served as an appetizer or entrée.
Does anyone at work or in your family have a cough?
Una cuchara es un utensilio usado para servir o comer alimentos.
A spoon is a utensil used to serve or eat a food.
¿Normal o súper?
Normal or premium?
¿Café o té, señor?
Coffee or tea, Sir?
¿Es una broma o lo dices en serio?
Are you joking, or are you serious?
¿Irás en coche/automóvil o en tren?
Will you go by car or by train?
Una fábrica es un lugar físico donde se produce algún objeto o material.
A factory is a physical location where an object or material is produced.
¡Tómelo o déjelo!
Take it or leave it.
No sabíamos si iban a lograrlo o no.
We dind't know if they were going to make it or not.
¿O no, Señorías?
Do you not think so, ladies and gentlemen?
¿O sí?
Or is that really the case?
¿O me equivoco?
Or have I got this wrong?
O salimos juntos o no salimos.
Either we recover together, or we will not recover.
Me parece o muy naïf o bastante increíble.
This would be absolutely incredible or, at least, very naive.
O son cinco o es uno.
It is either five or one.
«O» significa «o» en todas las lenguas.
‘Or’ means ‘or’ in any language.
O tenemos una o no la tenemos.
Either we have one or we do not.
O es Lisboa o es Niza.
It is either Lisbon or Nice.
Bien, no es sorprendente, ¿o sí o es?
Well, it is not surprising is it?
O lo hacemos juntos, o no lo haremos.
Either we do this together, or we will not be able to do it.
O los hay o no los hay.
There either are or there are not.
El espacio aéreo o es o no seguro.
Either the airspace is safe or it is not.
O son Derecho o no son nada.
Either they are the law or they are nothing.
O una cosa o la otra.
You can't have this both ways.
Aquí, o se toma o se deja.
In this case we cannot have it both ways.
Una de dos, o todos o nadie.
It is an either/or situation.
¿Sí o no? Creo que no.
I do not think that it was!
Es ahora o nunca.
It is now or never.
Tarde o temprano, llegaremos.
We will get there in the end.
Prevemos o no prevemos recesión.
Are we forecasting a slump, yes or no?
¿Lo apoya o no?
Does he support it or not?
Quizá lo consigamos, o no.
We may, or may not, succeed.
Así pues: ¿existen o no?
So then: do they or do they not exist?
¿Constituyen una base o no?
Are they or are they not a basis?
¿Es eso cierto o no?
Is this true or not?
O vayamos más allá.
Or let us take it a step further.
¿La Comisión o nosotros?
Does the Commission do it, or do we ourselves?
¿O no vamos a fijarnos objetivos?
Or are we not, then, to set ourselves targets?
¿Confiaría en ella o no?
Could you trust her or not?
¿Son grandes o pequeños?
Are they large or small?
¿Debemos decir «no» o «todavía no»?
Should we say ‘no’ or ‘not yet’?
¿Coincidencia o hábil falsificación?
Is this a coincidence or a clever piece of counterfeiting?
¿Están fuera o dentro?
Are they in or out?
¿Nos van a responder o no?
Are we getting a reply or not?
Iría a Alemania o a Inglaterra.
You would go to Germany or England.
¿Deberíamos registrarlas o no?
Should we register them or not?
¿O no son suficientemente lucrativos?
Or is that not lucrative enough?
Sería Egipto o Libia.
It would be Egypt or Libya.
¿Lo sabía o no?
Did he know this or not?
¿Estaban preparados o no?
Were they ready prepared or not?
¿Es eso cierto o no?
Is that true or not?
Es ahora o nunca.
It is now or never.
Es ahora o nunca.
It can either make it or break it.
Existe o no existe.
It either exists or not.
¿Lo conseguirá Grecia o no?
Will Greece make it or not?
No hubo fraude o violencia.
There was no fraud or violence.
¿Será superior o inferior?
Will it be less or will it be more?
Podemos decir "sí" o "no".
We can either say 'yes' or 'no'.
Son inadecuados o inexistentes.
They are inappropriate or non-existent.
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