Spanish Sentences using modos
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The Whether he doesn't have any money, or he doesn't like it, he is not buying it anyway.
We froze in Alaska, but it was fun anyway.
The song doesn't matter, either way they would have spoken well of him.
Gracias de todos modos. .
Thank you all the same. .
Sin duda, existen dos modos.
There are, of course, two ways.
De todos modos, no es suficiente.
Yet it is not enough.
Hay muchos modos de hacerlo.
There are many ways in which this could be done.
De todos modos, observaré la situación objetivamente.
Having said this, I will look at the situation objectively.
De todos modos, ésa no es mi pregunta.
That, however, is not my question.
De todos modos, no voy a abusar de ellos.
I shall not abuse the Rule.
De todos modos, es un punto importante.
It is an important point, however.
De todos modos, esto se está simplificando.
This is now being simplified.
Está destruyendo vidas y modos de vida.
It is destroying lives and livelihoods.
De todos modos, no debemos engañarnos con esto.
We should not allow ourselves to be deceived by all this, however.
De todos modos, quisiera añadir un elemento.
I should like, even so, to add something.
De todos modos, esperamos seguir avanzando.
Hopefully, though, we are making headway.
Bueno, de todos modos, intentaré aprovecharlo.
All right, then, I shall try to make something of it, even so.
Todos los modos de transporte son necesarios.
All modes of transport are needed.
De todos modos, me gustaría hacer unos comentarios.
I should nevertheless like to make a few comments.
Lo harán de todos modos, queramos o no.
They will go anyway, whether we want it or not.
Sin embargo, son aliados de todos modos.
However, they are nevertheless allies.
Será un museo de todos modos.
It will be a museum anyway.
De todos modos, ambas resultan totalmente reprobables.
Whichever is worse, both are intolerable.
Querría de todos modos subrayar lo siguiente.
However, I should like to note the following.
De todos modos no hemos permanecido ociosos.
However, we have not stood still on the issue.
Hay modos y maneras de oponer objeciones, hay modos y maneras de expresar una objeción.
There are ways and means of objecting, there are ways and means of expressing your objection.
De todos modos, estas cuestiones se tratan en secreto.
Nevertheless these matters are done in secret.
Debemos encontrar modos más eficaces de trabajar juntos.
We need to find more effective ways of working together.
De todos modos, le agradezco su esfuerzo consultivo.
I would in any event like to thank him for the consultations on this matter.
Pero no importa, sean, de todos modos, bien recibidos.
But that does not matter now and they are welcome to join us again.
De todos modos, el cambio es totalmente indispensable.
However, change is absolutely essential.
De todos modos, no empezamos la votación por la resolución común.
In any case, we are not going to start voting on the joint resolution.
La Comisión ha intentado de diversos modos torpedear este Tratado.
The Commission has tried various ways of sinking this agreement.
De todos modos, hoy hemos dado algunos pasos adelante.
Anyway, today we have made some progress.
No pueden admitirse estos modos de proceder eludiendo el Tratado.
Such modes of action involving circumvention of the Treaty should no longer be tolerated.
De todos modos, toda esta esfera de la jurisprudencia ...
Nevertheless, this whole area of jurisprudence ...
Conforme al Tratado actual, solamente existen dos modos.
Under the current Treaty, there are only two ways.
De todos modos, quisiera centrarme en Oriente Próximo.
But I wanted to focus on the Middle East.
De todos modos, ¿de qué otra cosa trata esta Directiva?
Anyway, what else is this directive about?
He de aceptar que esto se evaluará de modos distintos.
One has to accept that this will be evaluated in different ways.
Se trataba de imaginar modos de dar sentido a la sostenibilidad.
It was about trying to figure out ways to make sustainability make sense.
De todos modos, quisiera centrarme en particular en Oriente Próximo.
However, I particularly want to focus on the Middle East.
De todos modos, nos gustaría saber algo más.
All the same, we would like to know a little more.
No quieren marcharse de Haití; ni, de todos modos, pueden hacerlo.
They do not want to leave Haiti; nor, in any case, can they.
De todos modos, cuanto más llamen, menos votos tendrá usted.
In any event, the more they telephone, the fewer votes you will get.
De todos modos, quiero ver el vaso medio lleno.
Even so, I want to see the cup as being half full.
No obstante, también tenemos que pensar en nuevos modos de proceder.
We also have to consider new ways ahead, though.
Puede que haya otros modos de lograr ese objetivo.
There might be other ways to achieve that goal.
¿Qué haríamos entonces con otros modos de transporte?
What would we then do with other modes of transport?
Tenemos que encontrar modos de resolver esta situación.
We need to find ways of resolving this situation.
Hay que privilegiar modos alternativos de solución de litigios.
We must therefore give precedence to alternative methods of dispute settlement.
De todos modos, no estamos hablando de millones de toneladas.
Anyway, we are not talking about millions of tonnes.
De todos modos, le concedo la palabra como último orador.
But I will give you the floor as the last speaker.
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