Spanish Sentences using mil
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The He called a billion times but he couldn't talk to her. He’s not going to continue to call her.
I was born in nineteen eighty three, the year of the pig.
The stupid one shows him three one-thousand-peseta notes.
Mr. García says that the bonds are worth $500,000.
Berlin has 3,391,935 inhabitants.
I was born on September 10th of 1950 (nineteen fifty).
Nineteen fifty. Then you are fifty one years old.
You are only allowed one defect for every ten thousand products.
This motorcycle costs more than five thousand dollars.
I need to buy a car. I give you $1000 for yours.
The average price in this neighborhood is two hundred thousand dollars.
Two thousand one hundred fifty pesetas per night, breakfast included.
Cuesta mil libras.
It costs thousand of pounds.
Yo estoy contribuyendo con cien mil pesetas.
I am contributing with one hundred thousand pesetas.
No tengo mas que un billete de mil pesetas.
I only have a 1,000 peseta bill.
El anillo costaba cinco mil pesos. Por eso no lo compré.
The price of the ring was five thousand pesos. That's why I didn't buy it.
Los refugios acomodaron a más de mil evacuados.
The shelters accommodated more than 1,000 evacuees.
La casa costó ciento veinte y nueve mil dólares.
The house cost one hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars.
Yo pagué cien mil dólares.
I paid one hundred thousand dollars.
Esa fábrica produjo cinco mil camiones el mes pasado.
That factory produced five thousand trucks last month.
Quisiera hacer mil cosas que tengo pendientes.
I would like to do a thousand outstanding matters.
Le costó seis mil pesos.
It cost him six thousand pesos.
Se lanzarán más de cien mil kilos de tomates.
They threw more than a hundred thousand kilos of tomatoes.
¿Pudiste cambiarle el billete de a mil a Francisco?
Were you able to change that thousand peso bill for Francisco?
Hemos ganado dos mil dólares.
We have won two thousand dollars.
Once mil palestinos están encarcelados.
Eleven thousand Palestinian prisoners are in jail.
¡Mil quinientos textos!
One thousand five hundred texts!
Pero ¿podemos multiplicar mil Schengen?
But can we have a thousand Schengens?
Harían falta cinco mil, diez mil, cien mil, lo sé perfectamente.
There really ought to be five thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand.
Lamentablemente, mil de ellas son mortales.
Unfortunately, 1 000 are fatal.
Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Prácticamente, doce mil millones de euros.
We are talking, more or less, about EUR 12 billion.
Setecientos mil de esos internados siguen vivos.
Seventy thousand of these internees are still alive.
Lo han intentado durante mil años.
They tried that for a thousand years.
Va a crear otros mil puestos de trabajo.
It is going to create another thousand jobs.
¿Cuando haya mil millones de muertos?
When there have been a billion deaths?
Por tanto, tiene usted mil veces razón.
You are therefore absolutely right.
Tres mil textos legislativos no son suficientes.
Three thousand regulations are not enough.
Esto lo dijo hace tres mil años.
He said that 3000 years ago.
Mil millones de euros cada año.
EUR 1 000 million every year.
Dos mil candidatos han sido rechazados.
Two thousand of them will have been rejected.
Treinta mil niños padecen una desnutrición grave.
Thirty thousand children are suffering from acute malnutrition.
Más de mil personas fueron asesinadas».
Over a thousand people were murdered.'
Cuatro mil de ellos corresponderán a mi país.
Four thousand of these will happen in my own country.
Tres mil personas han perdido la vida.
Three thousand people have lost their lives.
Yo prefiero citar a George Bush padre: la sociedad es "mil puntos de luz", no "mil flores abiertas".
I would rather quote George Bush Senior: society is "a thousand points of light", not "a thousand flowers blooming".
Hablamos de diez mil millones de euros más otros mil doscientos presupuestados.
We are talking about EUR 10 billion plus another estimated EUR 1.2 billion.
Han sido asesinadas entre cinco y diez mil personas y veinticinco mil han sufrido daños graves.
Between 5 000 and 10 000 people have been killed, and 25 000 seriously injured.
Hemos pasado en estos últimos años de veinticuatro mil mineros a cerca de ocho mil.
In recent years our number of miners has dropped from twenty-four thousand to around eight thousand.
Es el equivalente a sesenta mil en Italia u ochenta mil en Alemania.
This is the equivalent of sixty thousand in Italy, or eighty thousand in Germany.
(PT) Mil es el número del día, mil muertes para enseñar una lección amarga.
(PT) One thousand is the number of the day, one thousand deaths to teach a black lesson.
Trescientos mil millones de dólares se podrían haber usado para construir doscientas mil escuelas.
USD three hundred billion could have been used to build two hundred thousand schools.
Once mil empleos suprimidos en Hoechst y Rhône-Poulenc, veintidós mil en Unilever, diez mil en ABB/Alstom Power, sin mencionar el resto.
Eleven thousand job losses at Hoechst and Rhone-Poulenc, twenty two thousand at Unilever, ten thousand at ABB/Alsthom Power, not to mention all the others.
Nos quedamos en el ámbito del por mil.
We are still talking about mere thousandths of the overall requirement.
En ese año hubo cuatro millones setecientos mil accidentes.
In that year, four million seven hundred thousand accidents took place.
Pero estas mil escuelas representan la experiencia sobre el terreno.
I am well aware of this. These thousand schools, however, represent experience on the ground.
Destinamos más de 40 mil millones de euros a este sector.
We are putting a little over EUR 40 billion into this area.
Por eso proponemos que llegue a los dos mil millones.
That is why we propose that it be raised to two billion.
Cada año caen quinientas mil personas desde una altura.
Five hundred thousand people each year fall from heights.
Setenta mil personas derrocharán en septiembre su tiempo en Johannesburgo.
Sixty thousand people will be wasting their time in Johannesburg in September.
Los cuarenta mil animales utilizados anualmente en experimentos sobran.
Forty thousand animals annually are forty thousand animals too many.
Se han arrasado totalmente más de cuatro mil aldeas kurdas.
More than four thousand Kurdish villages have been completely destroyed.
La crisis de la fiebre aftosa costó casi mil millones.
The foot and mouth crisis cost almost a billion.
El sistema actual es mil veces más apropiado.
The current system is a thousand times better.
Tres mil personas fueron asesinadas a principios de año.
Three thousand were killed at the start of the year.
Mil muertos diarios, fallecidos en la soledad, en el abandono.
A thousand people died per day, alone, abandoned.
¿En Somalia, en la Rwanda de las mil colinas?
In Somalia, in the Rwanda of 1000 hills?
Se llevan a la montaña unas mil ovejas con 1.200 corderos.
A thousand ewes with 1 200 lambs are taken to the hillside.
Es así cómo ha volado en mil pedazos la construcción.
That is how the construction was blown apart.
Todavía se echa en falta cuatro mil personas.
Four thousand people are still missing.
Trescientas mil personas han sido asesinadas en Darfur.
Three hundred thousand people have been killed in Darfur.
Esta petición ha reunido ya cerca de diez mil firmas.
This appeal has collected almost 10 000 signatures.
Espero que esta no sea una muerte causada por mil recortes.
I hope that this is not going to be death by a thousand cuts.
La Unión Europea está perdiendo actualmente mil al día.
The European Union is currently losing a thousand a day.
Para controlarlo todo hay un aduanero por cada mil camiones.
To monitor all this, there is one customs official per thousand lorries.
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