Spanish Sentences using menudo
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Do you attend football games often? No, I do not attend them often but I would like to.
The flea market is close to his house; that is why he usually goes often.
When I lived in Paris I used to ran into him sometimes.
Yo iba allí muy a menudo.
I just to go there frequently.
Yo voy a la playa a menudo.
I go to the beach often.
Yo creo que los muchachos vienen a la clase temprano a menudo.
I think that the boys come to the class early often.
¿Sueles estar enfermo muy a menudo?
Are you sick very often?
Yo iba al cine a menudo.
I used to go to the movies often (a menudo).
A menudo era acompañado al piano por su hermana.
He was often accompanied by his sister on the piano.
En el invierno vamos a menudo a las montañas.
We often go up to the mountains in the winter.
El doctor visita muy a menudo a sus pacientes.
The doctor visits his patients frequently.
¿Viene a menudo al parque?
Do you come to the park often?
El nos visita a menudo.
He often visits us.
¿Juegas tenis en el parque a menudo?
Do you play tennis in the park often?
Yo le hablo a menudo.
I speak to him often.
Ella conduce a menudo su coche.
She drives her car frequently.
Ana quisiera visitarla a menudo.
Ann would like to visit her often.
A menudo resulta lamentable.
This is often a disgrace in my view.
A menudo provoca accidentes mortales.
It often results in fatal accidents.
(FR) Señorías, ¡menudo revoltijo!
(FR) Ladies and gentlemen, what a mish-mash!
Eso no sucede muy a menudo.
That does not happen very often.
Muy a menudo no queremos verlo.
Very often, we do not want to see it.
Encaramos a menudo tareas difíciles.
We are often faced with difficult tasks.
No obstante, a menudo se soslayan.
However, often they are disregarded.
A menudo no tienen seguridad colateral.
They often do not have the collateral.
A menudo no ha sido así.
In the past that was not often the case.
Me parece que es algo que hacemos a menudo, demasiado a menudo.
It seems to me that we do this often, too often.
Nos ha pasado muy a menudo.
They have given it to us so often.
Hay problemas y, a menudo, dolorosos.
Alcohol does create problems, and sometimes they can be harrowing.
A menudo es incluso muy desagradable.
Often it is even very unpleasant.
Muy a menudo no lo hemos conseguido.
Very often, we have not managed to do that.
A menudo, se oye mencionar el .
We often hear mention of the .
Demasiado a menudo no hay nada concreto.
All too often there is nothing precise.
A menudo también asesinan a transeúntes inocentes.
Often innocent bystanders are murdered as well.
Estas causas a menudo se olvidan.
These causes are generally forgotten.
A menudo los ciudadanos no nos entienden.
Our citizens often do not understand us.
A menudo se descuida este problema.
This problem is often neglected.
No decimos esto lo suficientemente a menudo.
We do not say this often enough.
Nos veíamos a menudo y hablábamos.
We often met and chatted.
A menudo, son los Estados miembros.
It is often the Member States.
A menudo van por buen camino.
Often applicant countries are well on the right tracks.
A menudo utilizamos la palabra «subsidiariedad».
We often talk about subsidiarity.
A menudo estas deslocalizaciones destruyen empleo.
Such relocations often destroy jobs.
Su obra fue a menudo prohibida.
His works were often banned.
Voy a menudo a Rumanía y a Bulgaria.
I often go to Romania and Bulgaria myself.
Así pasa a menudo con las cambios históricos.
That is often the case with historical new departures.
Las escuelas a menudo acaban devolviendo grandes sumas.
The schools often end up having to pay back large sums.
Hoy se ha citado a menudo Kosovo.
Kosovo has been mentioned several times today.
Sin embargo, eso constituye a menudo un problema.
However, that is often a problem.
Se habla a menudo del "riesgo cero" .
We often talk of 'zero risk' .
A menudo, los actos violentos no son penalizados.
Violent criminals often go unpunished.
A menudo no se oye la voz de Europa.
Europe's voice often cannot be heard.
El Iraq está resistiendo, a menudo heroicamente.
Iraq is offering strong, often heroic resistance.
¡No sucede a menudo que trabajemos con tanto compañerismo!
Let me say this: it is not often that we work together in such a collegial fashion!
A menudo se trata de armas adquiridas ilegalmente.
Invariably, the weapons have been obtained illegally.
A menudo se les impide volver al colegio.
They are often held back from returning to school.
Sin embargo, a menudo todo sigue como antes.
More often than not, everything continues, however, in the same old way.
¡Menudo cambio le he pegado yo a estas instituciones!
What a change I have brought to these institutions!
A menudo el problema es mucho más amplio.
The problem is very often much broader.
¡Menudo arranque tan impresionante el suyo!
What an impressive start you are making.
Esto sucede a menudo en determinados ámbitos institucionales.
That is very often the case in certain institutional areas.
Las mujeres a menudo comercian, y compran, pescado.
Women often trade in, and buy, fish.
A menudo estos procedimientos son fuente de corrupción.
Those procedures are often a source of corruption.
He estado a menudo en esa parte del mundo.
I have often driven in that part of the world.
En comunicación, menos a menudo es más.
In communication, less is often more.
Evidentemente, a menudo tienen menos oportunidades para hacerlo.
Obviously, they usually have fewer opportunities to do this.
A menudo la religión sirve de excusa.
Religion is frequently used as an excuse.
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