Spanish Sentences using luz
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The The average person spends two weeks waiting for a traffic light to change.
Stay still while I shine this light in your eye.
This plant should not receive direct sunlight.
La luz ámbar es una señal preventiva.
The yellow light is a sign for caution.
¿Ha llegado ya el recibo de la luz?
Has the light bill arrived yet?
¿Es usted muy sensible a la luz intensa?
Are you very sensitive to intense light?
Si la luz es muy débil para vos, el muchacho podrá leerlo.
If the light is too weak for you, the boy will be able to read it.
Encender la luz
to switch the light on
No puedo encender la luz porque no hay electricidad.
I can't turn on the light because there is no electricity.
No me fijé si la luz estaba apagada o encendida.
I didn't notice whether the light was on or off.
Yo apagué la luz de la cocina.
I turned off the kitchen light.
Las embarazadas no tenemos información suficiente para decidir cómo preferimos dar a luz.
We, the pregnant women, don't have enough information to decide how we prefer to deliver.
No sabía que ya hubiera dado a luz.
I didn't know she had given birth.
La perra de mi vecino dio luz a unos cachorros.
My neighbor's dog gave birth to some puppies.
Las cortinas habían bloqueado la luz y la planta murió.
The curtains had blocked the light, and the plant died.
La perra de mi vecino dio luz a unos cachorros.
My neighbor's dog gave birth to some puppies.
¡Ella ya está dando a luz a sus gemelos!
She is already giving birth to her twins!
¿Cómo se prende la luz?
How do you turn on the light?
Necesita dar a luz aquí, ahora mismo.
You need to have the baby here, now.
Encender la luz
to switch the light on
¿Dió a luz durante la noche de ayer?
Did she give birth last night?
«¡Más luz, más luz!» puede interpretarse de dos maneras.
The words 'Mehr Licht, mehr Licht ' (more light, more light!) can be interpreted in two ways.
Damos luz verde a esta propuesta.
We give this proposal a fair wind.
Ya han visto la luz.
They have already been born.
Luz y justicia, nada más.
Light and justice, nothing else.
Un único rayo de luz.
There is just one glimmer of light.
Tres mujeres dieron a luz en esas condiciones.
Three women gave birth to children in these conditions.
Necesitamos luz verde para el Libro Blanco.
We need a green light for the White Paper.
Logré, aunque con dificultad, sacarlo a la luz.
I succeeded, with some difficulty, in unearthing it.
Permítannos sacar los nombres a la luz.
Let us have the names out in the open.
¡Hay luz al final del túnel!
There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Demos luz verde al vehículo bosnio.
Let us show the green light to the Bosnian vehicle.
Afortunadamente, ese acuerdo no vio la luz.
Fortunately, that agreement did not see the light of day.
Quizá por fin vea la luz.
Finally it might just see the light.
A la luz de este informe, resulta insensato.
This is very foolish in the light of this particular report.
Un 17% da a luz en completa soledad.
Seventeen per cent give birth completely alone.
«Y Dios dijo “hágase la luz”, y se hizo la luz.»
‘And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.’
Las instituciones europeas que han dado a luz al sueño no pueden dar a luz al miedo.
The European institutions that gave birth to the dream cannot now give birth to fear.
Me preguntó quién le iba a devolver a sus ojos la luz de la esperanza, la luz de la vida, y a su pueblo la luz de la libertad y la paz.
He asked me who would give back to his eyes the light of hope, the light of life and to his people the light of freedom and peace.
A la luz de estos hechos, cada vez más demandan...
It is against just such a background that more and more people are calling for ...
A la luz de esos acontecimientos, ¿no se debería renegociar Blair House?
In the light of these events, do you not consider that the Blair House agreements need to be renegotiated?
Eso saca a la luz lo peor de las personas.
This brings out the worst in people.
Lo fundamental es que la verdad salga a la luz.
What is crucial is to bring out the truth.
Sin embargo, se ve una luz en el túnel.
However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
A la luz de lo antedicho, recomiendo este informe al Parlamento.
In the light of all these considerations, I can recommend this report to the House.
Ahora ya vemos algo de luz al final del túnel.
We are now seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.
Es extraordinariamente provechoso que se saquen a la luz.
It is truly excellent that these matters are being brought out into the open.
Aunque he votado en contra, se ha encendido la luz verde.
Although I voted against, it showed the green light.
Todavía continúa sin ver la luz del día.
It has yet to see the light of day.
. Investigaré este asunto a la luz de sus comentarios.
I shall follow that matter up in the light of your comments.
Los errores cometidos deben sacarse a la luz y corregirse.
Where mistakes have been made, they must be brought to light and corrected.
Por supuesto, también el gasto actual podría salir a la luz.
Current expenditure, too, could also, of course, be held up to the light.
¿Puede el Comisario Monti arrojar luz sobre esta cuestión?
Can Commissioner Monti shed light on this?
De lo contrario, este Acuerdo nunca hubiera visto la luz.
Otherwise, this agreement would never have come about.
Los riesgos alimentarios que han saltado a la luz recientemente...
The food risks which have come to light recently ...
Estuvimos, como están ellos, sin agua, sin luz.
Like them, we lived without water or electricity.
Sin embargo, ahora todo ha salido a la luz.
However, it is now out in the open.
Esta debe ser la luz que nos guíe.
That must be our guiding light.
La gente viaja ahora a la velocidad de la luz.
People now travel at lightning speed.
Insisto, uno abriendo la luz y otro soportando las tinieblas.
I would insist, one of them was opening up the light and the other was enduring the shadows.
Los hechos que han salido a la luz son desconcertantes.
The facts that have come to light are shocking.
No debería haberse incluido nunca la luz solar en la directiva.
Sunlight should never have been included in the directive.
Se justifican a la luz de evaluaciones de impacto.
They are justified by impact assessments.
En esta cuestión, la luz parece venir del este.
On this issue, the light appears to come from the east.
Y se lo digo a la luz de alguna experiencia previa.
I say this to you in the light of some previous experience.
Deberíamos tener luces verdes y ámbar, pero ninguna luz roja.
We should have green and amber lights but no red light.
¿Es necesario a la luz del principio de subsidiariedad?
Is it necessary in the light of the subsidiarity principle?
Pese a estar a favor, presioné la luz roja por error.
I was in favour, but I pressed the red light by mistake.
Tenemos que sacar a la luz nuevas ideas como esta.
We need to try to bring new ideas such as this one to the fore.
A la luz de lo anterior, creo legítimo plantear dos cuestiones.
Starting from this statement, I believe two questions are legitimate.
Esto adquiere importancia a la luz del creciente cambio climático.
This becomes even more significant in the light of advancing climate change.
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