Spanish Sentences using justo
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The I understand your concern, what do you think would be fair?
La sien se ubica al lado del ojo, justo encima del pómulo.
The temple is located to the side of your eye just above your cheek bone.
Me parece justo que quieras divertirte.
I think it's fair enough that you should want to enjoy yourself.
Shirley frenó el caballo justo a tiempo.
Shirley restrained the horse just in time.
Colocaré el nuevo sofá justo aquí.
I will place the sofa right here.
La corva es el lugar justo detrás de la rodilla.
The hollow of the knee is the area right behind the knee.
No sería justo.
There is no equity in that.
No me parece justo.
I actually think this is unfair.
No es justo.
It is simply not fair.
¡Lo que es justo es justo!
The law is the law!
Opino que es justo.
I believe that to be appropriate.
Es justo al revés.
It is precisely the reverse.
No es justo, señor Comisario.
That is not fair, Commissioner.
¿Sería justo decir eso?
Would it be fair to say that?
Es decir, es justo.
That is to say, it is only right.
Esto no es justo.
This is not fair treatment.
Pienso que es justo.
I think it is fair.
No es un procedimiento justo.
That is not a fair procedure.
¿Cree que es justo?
Does he think that is fair?
Y no me parece justo.
It does not seem right to me to vote on nothing.
Eso no me parece justo.
That seems wrong to me.
Por lo tanto, no sería justo.
It would not, therefore, be fair.
Creo que esto no es justo.
I do not feel this is fair.
¿Es esto justo, sensato, equilibrado?
Is this right? Is it sensible or fair?
Tienen derecho a un juicio justo.
They have the right to a fair trial.
El comercio mundial no es justo.
World trade is not fair.
Tienen derecho a un juicio justo.
They have the right to a fair trial.
¿Es ese un sistema justo?
Is that a fair system?
Creo que no, esto no es justo.
I think not – that is not fair.
Haremos lo que es justo.
We will do what is fair.
Llegó en el momento justo.
It came at the right time.
No creo que esto sea justo.
I do not believe this is fair.
Creemos que esto es justo.
We believe this to be fair.
Estamos justo detrás de ustedes.
We are right behind you.
Justo por esa razón hay tantas notificaciones.
Many dossiers are currently being filed with precisely this concern.
¡En realidad no es un trato justo!
Certainly not a fair one!
Por favor, rechacemos este "Euro San Justo" .
For pity' s sake, let us reject this 'Euro Saint-Just' .
Eso no sería justo ni sería realista.
That would not be fair and it would not be realistic.
Esto es bueno, justo y apropiado.
That is good, right and proper.
El ahorro es algo bueno y justo.
Saving is a very good thing.
Era justo e injusto al mismo tiempo.
This was both fair and unfair.
Debe haber un proceso de apelación justo.
There should be a fair appeal process.
Hemos de lograr el equilibrio justo.
We must get the balance right.
Debe ser, repito, neutral, justo e imparcial.
It must, I repeat, be neutral, fair and impartial.
El libre comercio no es comercio justo.
Free trade is not fair trade.
Realmente no creemos que eso sea justo.
We certainly do not think it is fair to do so.
Esto no es justo ni tampoco inteligente.
It is not right and nor is it smart.
¿Por qué están haciendo justo lo contrario?
Why are they doing almost the opposite?
Eso no es justo y en absoluto democrático.
That is not fair, and it is not at all democratic.
Este intercambio no es para nada justo.
This exchange is anything but fair.
En nuestra opinión esto no es justo.
That is quite wrong, in our view.
Es una oportunidad para hacer justo eso.
This is an opportunity to do just that.
Sabemos que el mundo no es justo.
We know that the world is not fair.
Creo que es usted justo esa persona.
I believe that you are just that person.
Es justo hacer notar esto a la gente.
It is right to draw this to the attention of people.
Luchemos juntos por un mundo más justo.
Let us fight together for a fairer world.
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