Spanish Sentences using jamás
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The They would have never bought the dress at the clothing store.
We'll never learn to speak Spanish if we don't practice it.
No one had ever seen a dress that had so many pearls and gems!
Have you gone on vacation to Chile? No, I've never been there.
Will he believe the truth when he sees it? No, he will not believe it because he never believes anything.
Jamás verificas si la información que te han pasado es verídica.
No longer will you verify if the information that they have given you is true.
Mi abuela era la mejor cocinera que jamás he conocido.
My grandmother was the best cook I have ever known.
No conseguirás ganarme al chinchón jamás.
You'll never beat me in rummy ever.
Afirman que el aterrizaje del Apolo jamás ocurrió.
They affirm that the Apollo landing never happened.
Nunca jamás
never again
Esta actriz jamás ha caracterizado a una villana.
This actress has never played the role of a villain.
No, jamás descansa ella por el día.
No, she never rests during the day.
Es la verdad, alguna gente descansan con frecuencia y otras descansan jamás.
That’s true, some people rest often and others never rest.
Nunca se sabe
you never know
Jamás recibimos el informe.
We never received that report.
Jamás lo desearía.
I would never want this.
¡Jamás podrán justificarlo!
Never could you justify such a thing!
¡Esto no había sucedido jamás!
That has never happened before.
Por supuesto que no. ¡Jamás!
Of course we should not - never!
¡Esto no debemos olvidarlo jamás!
We must never forget that!
Jamás he dicho lo contrario.
At no stage did I say otherwise.
Eso no debe volver a suceder jamás.
No such thing must ever happen again.
En política nunca empleamos el término "jamás".
In politics, we never use the word "never" .
Los vertidos jamás deben ser una ganancia.
There must be no benefit from throwing things away.
Esas decisiones son obligatorias, pero jamás absolutas.
These decisions are binding but can never be absolute.
El «nunca jamás» no nos lleva a ninguna parte.
Simply saying 'never again' will not get us anywhere.
Señor Milinkevich, jamás permitiremos que desaparezca.
Mr Milinkevich, we will never allow you to disappear.
«El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.»
‘El pueblo unido jamás será vencido’.
Jamás lograríamos alcanzar un acuerdo así.
We would never be able to obtain such an agreement.
"Jamás pagaremos a nadie el tributo danés,
'We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
Esta Presidencia jamás le negará la palabra.
When in the Chair I shall never deny your right to speak.
Esta Presidencia jamás quisiera condicionar ninguna votación.
The Chair would never want to influence a vote.
Pero, ¿por qué no escuchamos jamás a los otros?
But why do we never hear what the others have to say?
Esto no debe repetirse jamás en el futuro.
I think that in future this must never happen again.
Incluso jamás han sido tan positivos.
They have in fact never been so positive.
Este dictamen no se ha visto revocado jamás.
This opinion has never been revoked.
Sólo que luego no lo podrá demostrar jamás.
But he can never prove it later!
Esta no puede ser jamás nuestra realidad.
This must never become a reality for us.
Los fondos de pensión, la Bolsa, jamás podrán garantizarlo.
Pension funds and the stock exchange will never be able to guarantee that.
Esos atropellos jamás pueden explicarse aludiendo a que son asuntos internos.
Domestic affairs can never be pleaded as an excuse for atrocities of this kind.
Presidente Mugabe, una sociedad jamás puede construirse con odios.
Hatred, President Mugabe, is not something upon which a society can be built.
El odio jamás podrá crear confianza ni cohesión social.
Threats can never create confidence and social harmony.
Sin embargo esta sociedad libre de drogas jamás existirá.
But there never will be a drug-free society.
"Yo jamás me haría un implante de silicona, porque no lo necesito.
"I would never use silicone breast implants because I have absolutely no need of them.
La amenaza contra personas inocentes jamás tiene justificación.
There is never any justification for threatening an innocent person.
Sin embargo, las promesas jamás se han cumplido.
However, this promise has not been kept.
El ser humano no debe ser jamás medio para un fin.
Human beings must never be a means to an end.
Pero esa riqueza jamás estuvo tan mal repartida.
This wealth, however, has never been so poorly distributed.
Las mujeres no se mezclan en la interpretación del Corán jamás.
Women are never involved in interpreting the Koran.
. (SV) Los derechos y libertades fundamentales jamás pueden ser cuestionados.
Fundamental freedoms and rights must never be called into question.
El asesinato de personas inocentes jamás podrá justificarse.
Killing innocent people can never be justified.
De ahí mi ruego, que jamás me cansaré de repetir.
This is the reason for my request, and I cannot repeat it often enough.
Hay quien pensará que esta resolución parlamentaria no ha existido jamás.
Anyone would think that this parliamentary resolution had never existed.
Polonia jamás ha defraudado a Europa y nunca lo hará.
Poland has never let Europe down, and it never will.
Esto es algo que no podemos permitir y no lo haremos jamás.
This is something we cannot consent to and never will.
Nadie ha resultado herido a causa de un diálogo, jamás.
No one ever got hurt from di-a-logue!
Ninguna de ellas desearía jamás abandonar su monopolio.
None of them would ever be willing to give their monopoly up.
Esta Constitución jamás va entrar en vigor en ninguna parte.
This Constitution will never come into force anywhere.
– Señor Presidente, jamás se ha resuelto un conflicto a gritos.
Mr President, no conflict has ever been resolved with raised voices.
Nosotros somos vuestro refugio seguro y nosotros jamás os apresaremos.
We are your safe haven and we will never catch you.
Créanme, jamás hemos pretendido que hubiera lagunas jurídicas.
Trust me, we never intended to allow any loopholes.
Fue un símbolo muy bello y jamás lo he olvidado.
That was a very beautiful symbol, and I have never forgotten it.
No creo que ningún ciudadano europeo diga eso jamás.
I do not believe that any European citizen would ever say that.
Estas cosas jamás debe permitirse que vuelvan a ocurrir.
These things should never be allowed to happen again.
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